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Thread: TopSecret SI

  1. #21
    It looks like theres a couple of formatting issues with Unity and Morecore. Is there a newer version of Morecore thats designed for Unity?

    Its not a huge deal but the boxes that hold stats are too narrow now to handle more then just 1 number. Obviously it looks like the font changed so maybe thats the cause.


  2. #22
    damned's Avatar
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    in your extension adjust the fields that are found (example) in record_char_more.xml

    <basicnumberred name="p3">
    	<anchored to="paramanchor" position="left" width="9">
    try width="13"

  3. #23
    I tried that and it didn't work but I just realized my mistake.

    I've re-defined p3 in multiple times in other tabs. Newb mistake. Looks better now.

  4. #24
    damned's Avatar
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    So you need to do p1, p2, p3 - above was an example.

  5. #25
    Is it possible to precreate a set of .clilist1 defaults that are used when the characters are first created? In my case, im trying to set it up so the attributes fields always list in the same order initially to make it easier to drag and drop the rolls in. I can create a pregen character as a template but I was hoping I could just list a set of default entries for the datasource.

  6. #26
    damned's Avatar
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    Exporting a character sheet with everything setup as a base character is the simplest way.
    To auto fill the skills have a look at the Trail of Cthulhu or Low Fantasy Gaming extensions.

  7. #27
    Status update- spending way to much time but learning alot

    I have all the base rolls written up. I put them in Library Module but I'm thinking of just leaving them integrated into the extention since the are part of the base system. Trying to make sure I don't break any copyright rules but the game systems over 20 years old, not even sure anyone has copyright any more.

    I started integrating some of the graphics from a TopSecret SI mod another player made some years ago, he never finished it. He had a good foundation though and alot of the graphics tweak easy enough once I get them in GIMP.

    Unity fonts threw me for a minute. Is there a reason to even bother with fgf vs ttf/otf? I get that Classic loads fgf as priority but doesnt it also load ttf? So why not just use ttf across the board. Half tempted to create my own font based on the TopSecret SI logo.

    Oh, is there any way to stop it from alphabet sorting the clilist? Just let it be by the order that they are added to the list.

    Might need to draw a line somewhere. I keep coming up with other things I want to change.

    Last edited by Pharo; January 18th, 2021 at 18:33.

  8. #28
    damned's Avatar
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    Looking great Pharo!
    Hopefully you will be able to share your great work.

    You can disable sort. Search the forums for disable sort and you should find some examples.

  9. #29
    Trying to rough one last thing out. Weapons. I'd like to do an actual "item" but thats probably a longer term plan.

    In the short term, is there a template I could use to drag and drop cli_rolls like list_text but only one roll? I figured I could just manually create some lines for the weapons and just let the players drag and drop a single roll onto the attack, dmg and ammo fields.

  10. #30
    damned's Avatar
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    Im sorry Im not following the second half.

    For the first part you would look at 5E and see the code that creates an Action on adding a Weapon to Equipment.
    Its not something on my list of things to do at this time.

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