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  1. #91
    Yeah. TBH, spells need a general overhaul so that all products can benefit from the links to the master file that contains the automation. It's on our list, but Trenloe is working very hard on the upcoming big release and the DB that contains that connecting data is probably going to have to wait.

    I might be able to get something to work in the meantime so that our "misfit" can get his bane going in the meantime.

    Thanks for the input and extra legwork!
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  2. #92
    Hi. I noted the Marilith Automation got the "}" where it should be "|". Is it a bug on my end?

    Im new to PF2e, and didnt check every single monster.

    Also i dont know what the "*A" Button that reads "Apply all effects..." should do. I just click on it and nothing happens.

  3. #93
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rewe View Post
    Also i dont know what the "*A" Button that reads "Apply all effects..." should do. I just click on it and nothing happens.
    It applies effects based off stored Save action results, and if there are effects that have a save result tagged to them. It also clears any stored save results and removes any PCROLL effects.

    There needs to be something to apply for it to work. The button appears if there's *any* automation for the ability, as it's difficult to exactly determine the need for the button, so sometimes pressing the button won't do anything, as there's nothing to do. Check the automation for the ability in question to see what it does - if there's a save and there's some effects with the result included in the effect, e.g. [SUCCESS] or a [PCROLL] effect, then ApplyAllEffects will have something to do.
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  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rewe View Post
    Hi. I noted the Marilith Automation got the "}" where it should be "|". Is it a bug on my end?

    Im new to PF2e, and didnt check every single monster.
    Thanks for reporting the issue, I'll pass that along to the converter of the PF2 Bestiary.
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  5. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by Rewe View Post
    Hi. I noted the Marilith Automation got the "}" where it should be "|". Is it a bug on my end?

    Im new to PF2e, and didnt check every single monster.
    I may have been trying to emulate the Marilith by typing with six arms when I put in that automation. Setting aside my demonic efforts, this has now been fixed and should be corrected on the next update. Thanks for reporting!
    Ultimate License Owner since 2011 and FG GM since 2008
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  6. #96
    Testing the Beginner box.
    Trenloe helped me change the Ghoul Paralysis automation from
    "flat-footed condition for 1 round and lose its next turn"|Effect: Ghoul Paralysis (flat-footed and lose next turn); Flat-footed[D:1] to
    "flat-footed condition for 1 round and lose its next turn"|Effect: Ghoul Paralysis (flat-footed and lose next turn); Flat-footed[D:1][FAILURE][CRITFAILURE]
    Then the ghoul paralysis worked.
    Then I tried Hell Hound breath.
    "DC 19 basic Reflex save"|Save: Reflex[DC: 19][BASIC][CD]
    "4d6 fire damage"|Damage: 4d6 fire
    "can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds"|Cooldown: 1d4; Also Special Recharge
    There was no damage applied to the target and no cooldown applied to the source, though the PCROLL effect was properly cleared.

    Next I tried Basilisk petrifying Gaze. The automation looks like this.
    "DC 22 Fortitude save"|Save: Fortitude[DC:22]
    "slowed 1 condition"|Effect: Basilisk Petrification; Slowed: 1
    "turned to stone"|Effect: Basilisk Petrification; Petrified
    After a failed save apply all effects did nothing.
    Then I tried Trenloe's fix on each effect line in the automation
    "DC 22 Fortitude save"|Save: Fortitude[DC:22]
    "slowed 1 condition"|Effect: Basilisk Petrification; Slowed: 1[FAILURE][CRITFAILURE]
    "turned to stone"|Effect: Basilisk Petrification; Petrified[FAILURE][CRITFAILURE]
    Now after a failed save the automation is applied properly.

    It looks like if I only use the Beginner Box module I will have to make this edit to all NPC effects clauses.

    Trenloe told me the following about that:
    The specific issue you reported, the Ghoul not having the success level assigned to the effect, is an issue with the original automation not being fully coded by the converter.
    The issues was reported in the bestiary, but wasn't reported for the Beginner Box, and the converter didn't check.

    As I think about that statement, I believe he means that the "converter" will properly add those [FAILURE][CRITFAILURE] tags at the end of all NPC effects without my having to do anything if I buy the Bestiary 1 module.
    However as long as I only use the Beginner Box the "converter" will not add those tags and NPC effect automation will not work.

    Is that true? Will the Bestiery 1 module give me working NPC effect automation whereas the Beginner Box which I have does not? I am asking so I don't spend the money and then find that Bestiary 1 does not give me NPC effect automation.

    Thanks for helping.

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by webdove View Post
    Trenloe told me the following about that:
    The specific issue you reported, the Ghoul not having the success level assigned to the effect, is an issue with the original automation not being fully coded by the converter.
    The issues was reported in the bestiary, but wasn't reported for the Beginner Box, and the converter didn't check.

    As I think about that statement, I believe he means that the "converter" will properly add those [FAILURE][CRITFAILURE] tags at the end of all NPC effects without my having to do anything if I buy the Bestiary 1 module.
    However as long as I only use the Beginner Box the "converter" will not add those tags and NPC effect automation will not work.

    Is that true? Will the Bestiery 1 module give me working NPC effect automation whereas the Beginner Box which I have does not? I am asking so I don't spend the money and then find that Bestiary 1 does not give me NPC effect automation.

    Thanks for helping.
    You're posting in multiple threads about this (this is the fourth thread), can you keep your posts in one place please? It'll make communicating and troubleshooting much more efficient for all involved. I appreciate you want answers, but posting in multiple threads makes it harder for us to get you those answers and can confuse other readers.

    I'll answer these specific questions here, but please keep your posts about the same base issue to a single thread. Thanks very much.

    1) The missing automation in the Beginner Box is an issue. It's not a case of the converter not going to add the automation, it's a case of it being overlooked or the most recent updates not being uploaded to Smiteworks. I've asked them to look into it.

    2) There's a massive amount of automation coded in the official Bestiary 1 module - the spreadsheet linked in post #1 of this thread gives an idea of the automation; this hasn't been updated for recent changes to the Bestiary 1 module, but is a very good example of how to use automation and the number of automation entries in the Bestiary 1 module (well over 600).

    3) The first issue you reported with the Beginner Box (the Ghoul paralysis) was fixed in an update yesterday, within 24 hours of us being made aware of the issue.

    I appreciate you raising the issues as I wasn't aware of them. Thanks for doing that, we'll investigate and get fixes soon.

    For any future Beginner Box issues, please keep them in this thread: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...ner-Box-issues

    Thank you!
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  8. #98
    Thank you Trenloe. I realized last night that I was multi-posting partly out of confusion about where beginner box issues should go and partly out of panic that I won't be ready by this Friday to run it.

    I apologize for the duplication and will use the beginner box issues thread in future.

    I very much appreciate the great work that all of you are doing!

  9. #99
    For the Goliath Spider in the Bestiary the venom automation reads
    "Saving Throw"|Save: Fortitude[DC:30]
    "Maximum Duration"|Effect: Goliath Spider Venom (Max Duration)[D:6]
    "Stage 1"|Effect: Goliath Spider Venom (Stage 1): 2d6 poison; Slowed: 1[D:1][DC:30]
    "2d6 poison"|Damage: 2d6 poison
    "Stage 2"|Effect: Goliath Spider Venom (Stage 2): 2d6 poison; Slowed: 2[D:1][DC:30]
    "Stage 3"|Effect: Goliath Spider Venom (Stage 3): Paralyzed (2d4 hours); Paralyzed[DC:30]

    Is it possible as a part of stage one to automatically trigger the target to save vs DC 30 poison or move to stage 2?
    As it is, there is a chat message that the effect is expiring, but that is all.
    Alternatively is it possible to create a delayed automation that triggers in one round and on a DC 30 failure applies the second stage?

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by webdove View Post
    Is it possible as a part of stage one to automatically trigger the target to save vs DC 30 poison or move to stage 2?
    As it is, there is a chat message that the effect is expiring, but that is all.
    Alternatively is it possible to create a delayed automation that triggers in one round and on a DC 30 failure applies the second stage?
    The effect system doesn't have triggers for automation like that. The save has to be manually initiated by the GM at each stage.
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