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  1. #1

    Worth the switch to Unity yet?

    Hello all,

    I've been running FG Classic Ultimate for a little while now, completed DnD5e LMOP and currently working through Curse Of Strahd. I'm loving the system so far.

    I'm also a PC in a Roll20 Pathfinder 2e campaign and like the LOS system. I'm aware that this is available in the Unity version of FG and won't be coming to Classic. The current offer to upgrade is very tempting, roughly $80, £60. Is it worth the switch? What else does Unity bring to the table, and realistically, will the price get better than this?



  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Its hard to say the price will never get cheaper than this
    I dont know if the 40% upgrade offer will be indefinite - if it is then one day somewhere there is likely to be a better stack than the 40% + 10% but holding your breath waiting for that would be bad for your health
    FGU seems pretty stable - I havent hit any issues in the few games Ive run on it
    There are a bunch of bug reports, some new, some a bit older, but many are edge cases and they are getting knocked off
    I imagine that they will be looking at more FGU feature improvements pretty soon as the bug list gets shorter

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Its hard to say the price will never get cheaper than this
    I dont know if the 40% upgrade offer will be indefinite - if it is then one day somewhere there is likely to be a better stack than the 40% + 10% but holding your breath waiting for that would be bad for your health
    FGU seems pretty stable - I havent hit any issues in the few games Ive run on it
    There are a bunch of bug reports, some new, some a bit older, but many are edge cases and they are getting knocked off
    I imagine that they will be looking at more FGU feature improvements pretty soon as the bug list gets shorter
    Excellent, thanks.

  4. #4
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Don't think much! A switch to Fantasy Grounds is worth anytime and this discount is not bad. Considering Unity is the future of the platform and since it is out of the Early Access- quite stable it is no brainer. In time you will see the benefits of the platform and the licensed content, won't go back to the thing you mentioned.

    Smite Works introduced so many new features over the years that Roll20's team will only dream to achieve.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  5. #5
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    The big things that FGU brings over FGC are;
    - LOS
    - 64 bit architecture
    - Native cross platform support
    - Connection brokering (so almost no one needs to port forward)
    - New Mapping ability including build from tiles, brushes and animated effects

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  6. #6
    The only thing that's really a big benefit for DMs is the new mapping features, they are nice and can save some time. Especially considering the old limitation of maps that you often ran out of room if people moved around too much.

    The move to Unity and dynamic LOS is basically useless without being able to limit vision ranges and have real time lighting. In fact, it just adds a lot of overhead if you want to try to make it work, so you'll probably just end up ignoring it because here's the problem:

    Right now, you have to expose what you want your players to see. With Unity, you need to hide what they can't see. In Unity, their LOS is infinite. So, dark dungeon crawling is a pain and outdoors you still need to use the mask so they don't see your entire map the whole time.

    Given the above lighting/vision issues, I don't see any reason to upgrade at this point. I would wait until they actually give us real dynamic vision. Personally, I would just stick with classic until SW actually delivers on the full feature. I stopped DM'ing shortly after Unity because Unity just didn't live up to what I was expecting. If I was to DM again, I would DM with classic as the app runs faster and generally behaves better.

  7. #7
    Thanks for the info, much appreciated.

  8. #8
    I think the LoS system actually helps to determine LoS (in sense of rules stuff), and it adds some nice atmosphere (especially together with Fx etc.) Saying that LoS is completely useless at the moment is not fair in my opinion, because we have secret doors, terrain, invisible walls, pits etc. and for their intended purpose you do not need dynamic lighting But yes, for ranged visions you need to use FoW when the rooms of the map are quite big

    (though whether that convinces you to switch is of course personal preference )

  9. #9
    Something else to consider is that, as far as I can tell, Unity will *not* run on any Windows other than 10. Which is one of the main things keeping me from switching: My only available non-work-PC is still Windows 7, and some of my potential players may be in the same boat.

    I also still don't get the impression that FGU is quite "ready for prime time". Sure, it's now out of beta, but I still see people saying "really, it runs fine... if you have a good gaming-optimized PC... and if you don't mind the occasional 5, 10, or 15 minute wait in the middle of a game."
    If FGU really is smooth sailing now (assuming Windows 10 or 64-bit Macs), somebody let me know.

  10. #10
    There was a similar talk about that in the PF1 forum, you might want to take a look there because performance was also asked there (scroll down a bit there when others started to talk about their experience) Indeed, Win7 is not supported anymore, but that is also not supported by Microsoft anymore, too, so, it is in general a security risk. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?63886-Running-a-PFRPG-campaign-on-FGU

    Last edited by Kelrugem; December 3rd, 2020 at 03:15.

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