Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #1081
    Quote Originally Posted by evilpope View Post
    nm i fixed the problem. I had to redo the import of the .xml.
    Glad you got it working... odd that you had to re-import the xml, it normally does that fine.

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    Forge Modules: B9's Steel Defender.
    Forge Extensions: B9's Spell Tokens, B9's Encumbrance Tweak, B9's Damage Per Round, B9's Surprise Round.
    DMsGuild Extensions: Advanced Weapon Damage, Advanced Spell Damage, Aspect Of The Bear, Spell Long Rest For NPC, Spell Domain.

  2. #1082
    Hi, tried to search the thread for this, but couldn't find the an answer.

    We are playing with LOS.
    When the players drop a spell, they are able to put it anywhere on a region of the map which isn't visible to them and then they can click the spell token and get to see from that token LOS - which then reveals the hidden portion of the map.
    Is there anything to do to prevent this (or is there a way to make the spell token visibility automatically Mask Sensitive)?

    Edit: I should add that this happens when there is light in the region where the spell token is dropped.

    Last edited by DevInstinct; Today at 02:27.

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