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  1. #61
    It is a known issue and the FG devs are working on it.

  2. #62
    All of the Pathfinder adjustments for the character sheet should already be pushed. If you're still seeing specific issues not related to community extensions, please post a picture in the House of Healing forum. If it is related to community extensions, please bring up with the community extension developer.


  3. #63
    Posting to share that I also have the same issue. I've disabled it for now.

  4. #64

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    USA Central (GMT -6)
    Is this the non alignment issue that is being referred to? Character Sheet Conflict.png

    Issue still present after the Oct 17 update.

    Only using Official PFRPG Theme and this, no other plugins, etc
    Last edited by orien45; October 17th, 2023 at 22:43.

  5. #65
    Is this extension still being maintained? Most of the themes don't show the extra actions bar. What themes is everyone using this extension with?

  6. #66

    yea, is this extension being maintained?

    anyone knows how / where to edit code to affect the shield graphic placement (i.e. it's aligning hard right and bottom of box)...?

    this extension ("extra actions") is showing up in my forge list, but i don't see it in my extension directory. i thought i might poke around in there but don't see extension.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    roll dice. it builds character.

  7. #67
    I have, with help from superteddy, updated this extension so that it works with the latest FG version.

    I have sent an email to Zygmunt to see if he wants to add the updated version to his forge page. But, he hasn't been active since 2023 so I'm not hopeful.

    If he doesn't get back to me does anyone know what my options are?
    Can I take over his forge page or would I be better creating a new forge entry?
    If I can take over his forge page how would I go about that? I assume it starts with talking to someone at FG, but who?

    For right now I have attached the extension here. To use this you will need to manually add it to the extensions folder under your Fantasy Grounds install folder.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  8. #68
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Send an email to [email protected] and let us know when you last attempted to contact the original developer.

    The original developer owns the copyright on their own code. We can delist an item on the Forge that is faulty, if the developer is unresponsive and we receive user complaints about it throwing errors. If it is simply not getting enhanced with new features,
    then this would be insufficient to delist it.

    If the original developer agrees, we can transfer ownership to a new developer. Otherwise, you can create your own version of it with original code you wrote that does the same thing. If they include a license that allows distribution of derivative versions, then you can branch off a new version.

    In the email, include your name, username, and link to the Forge item.

  9. #69
    I have created a new link and Forge site for the update version of this.
    Forum Link

    @Zygmunt - If you return and would like to take this over please let me know. I would be happy to return it to you with the changes I made.

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