Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11
    On the combat tracker, after you roll the NPC's attack, the little buttons should show up on the targeted PC in the combat tracker.
    Combat Tracker.PNG

    Also, double check the PC sheet. The health boxes on the Main tab need to be filled in for everything to work correctly.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by gbhenderson View Post
    On the combat tracker, after you roll the NPC's attack, the little buttons should show up on the targeted PC in the combat tracker.
    Combat Tracker.PNG

    Also, double check the PC sheet. The health boxes on the Main tab need to be filled in for everything to work correctly.
    Hi, thanks again.

    I'v checked CT as you said again... and I get the same issue. One stress box is filled auto and no health boxes are filled.

  3. #13
    Sorry, I should have explained my health image better. It sounds like your problem stems from the health boxes. That character in the example image has a maximum of 4 health, so undamaged and at full health she has 4 red boxes.

    On the main tab of the PC sheet, make sure there is a red box filled in for every point of health for the character. Combat automation will remove the red boxes when a PC takes damage. Hopefully that will fix ya.

    Think of it as an old school video game. Each red box is a heart. You jump on a spike, you lose a heart.

    I'm pretty sure the CT tracks health from those red boxes, so if they're blank then the CT doesn't read any health. Seems like someone else had the same issue before.
    Last edited by gbhenderson; February 2nd, 2022 at 12:24.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by gbhenderson View Post
    Sorry, I should have explained my health image better. It sounds like your problem stems from the health boxes. That character in the example image has a maximum of 4 health, so undamaged and at full health she has 4 red boxes.

    On the main tab of the PC sheet, make sure there is a red box filled in for every point of health for the character. Combat automation will remove the red boxes when a PC takes damage. Hopefully that will fix ya.

    Think of it as an old school video game. Each red box is a heart. You jump on a spike, you lose a heart.

    I'm pretty sure the CT tracks health from those red boxes, so if they're blank then the CT doesn't read any health. Seems like someone else had the same issue before.

    You see... my mistake...

    That's my problem, redboxes are removed not added... SOLVED

    Thanks again, for all your replies and your infinite patience.


  5. #15
    You're welcome. Glad you were able to get it working.

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