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  1. #51
    damned's Avatar
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    Hola BrotherKelly

    Error above is mostly because you have included a lot of files from CoreRPG (and probably some from MoreCore) that mean that when they change you have to change code in your files.

    The first errors posted were fixed by removing this from your extension
    <includefile sourec="campaign/campaign_masterindex.xml" />
    There is a typo firstly (sourec) but also I dont think it is needed - add it back if it is without the typo.

    The next error looks like it is due to changes in CoreRPG

    I havent tried to resolve further than that - Im not sure what code you have added/edited etc.

    if you can can avoid including whole files it does reduce the likelihood of this happening.

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Hola BrotherKelly

    Error above is mostly because you have included a lot of files from CoreRPG (and probably some from MoreCore) that mean that when they change you have to change code in your files.

    The first errors posted were fixed by removing this from your extension
    <includefile sourec="campaign/campaign_masterindex.xml" />
    There is a typo firstly (sourec) but also I dont think it is needed - add it back if it is without the typo.

    The next error looks like it is due to changes in CoreRPG

    I havent tried to resolve further than that - Im not sure what code you have added/edited etc.

    if you can can avoid including whole files it does reduce the likelihood of this happening.
    Thanks for the feedback Damned.

    I don't plan on making any changes to this extension as I am progressing with the new ruleset via the Ruleset Wizard tool. Should be able to push out the first version in the next month.

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Brotherkelly View Post
    Thanks for the feedback Damned.

    I don't plan on making any changes to this extension as I am progressing with the new ruleset via the Ruleset Wizard tool. Should be able to push out the first version in the next month.
    Can not wait to see it..
    "Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind."...MJK... Tool frontman

  4. #54
    Some delays in getting the new version ready. I am hoping to push something out by the end of March.

  5. #55
    Just to let everyone know, I have now released my initial version of the new ruleset for Battletech: A Time of War using the Ruleset Wizard by psicodelix.

    It can be found here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...of-War-Ruleset

    Any issues, questions or comments should be put on this new thread.

    Thanks and enjoy.

  6. #56

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