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Thread: List of Modules

  1. #11
    The links to those modules can be found in the second post of this thread. You can add the modules to your installation by placing the files in your FG2 Data Folder (via Start Menu link) under the modules sub-folder.


  2. #12
    Two new mods:

    1) Advanced Player Guide & Adventurer's Armory: All feats, classes, basic equipment and gear. Only materials not in this mod from the sourcebooks are magic items (with the new equipment book due out from Paizo soon, no real point).
    Forum link:

    2) Paizo Fumble / Critical Decks: 416 fumble and critical effect to add flavor to your game!
    Forum link:

  3. #13
    Blackfoot's Avatar
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    Basic Familiars.

    I built this module using Trenloe's monster parser and the Pathfinder PRD.
    It is basically a bunch of NPCs that are available from the client side. It seems pretty handy but it would be a little cooler if you could drag them into the character sheet somehow and they could be brought into the tracker from there. Without an extension or new feature there doesn't seem to much more to be done with them.. but even so they allow for players to have reference to their familiar's stats and make untargeted rolls without having a separate character loaded.
    I've built the same sort of thing for Summoned Monsters but I haven't quite gotten them working the way I'd like yet. Right now I have separate modules for each level of the spell... once I have them combined into one module I'll post that up too.

    EDIT: Oops. Forgot to add a common file. Should be happier now on the client side.
    EDIT: The File has been uploaded to a later post with all of my Summons and Familiar Modules.

  4. #14
    Very nice, Blackfoot.

    I started making a similar "summonables" hero lab portfolio, although I was basing mine on the template to be applied (Celestial, Fiendish, Resolute, or Entropic). Note that, except for the Viper, these are also the same animals that can be summoned with the Summon Minor Ally and Summon Minor Monster spells.. so it has an additional use there.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackfoot
    I've built the same sort of thing for Summoned Monsters but I haven't quite gotten them working the way I'd like yet. Right now I have separate modules for each level of the spell... once I have them combined into one module I'll post that up too.
    Thanks very much, Blackfoot. And the Summoned Monsters sounds amazing.
    Play is the highest form of research -- Einstein

  6. #16
    Blackfoot's Avatar
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    Summons I & II

    This zipped file contains modules for Summon Nature's Ally and Summon Monster I & II.
    I still have it setup as multiple modules... but they do work. I hope they are useful for someone.

    EDIT: Consolidated Version now available!

  7. #17
    Oh, they'll be extremely useful. I'll check them out this weekend. Thanks!
    Play is the highest form of research -- Einstein

  8. #18
    Has there been any thought to creating the higher levels of the Summon Monster lists? I've got a player using enhanced Summon Monster IV, so it would be great to have that (or to learn how to create it myself!)


  9. #19
    I second that. My players are completely and utterly in love with modules I & II. And I like 'em even more. It is so great, when running a long combat, to not have to worry about the PCs summoned monsters. For them to run their creatures themselves is such a huge time saver.

    My players love those modules so much they only summon level I & II monsters, even though they're 14/15th level characters.
    Play is the highest form of research -- Einstein

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Astinus
    For them to run their creatures themselves is such a huge time saver.
    How do they do that? I had a player running a Conjuror last night summon an enhanced Air Elemental. What I did was get it from the Bestiary and drag it into the CT. I edited the stats there in the CT, gave it a token and added the token to the map. He told me what he wanted the Air Elemental to do and I did it. Is it possible to give the client playing the Conjuror access to run that Air Elemental? I don't mean just moving tokens around, but can the client have control of more than one creature (themselves) in the CT?

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