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  1. #81
    How is it progressing? Most of the new coding done?

  2. #82
    Yes, we're 95% FGU ready. Had a meeting with Modiphius earlier today, so we'll be firming up release plans for STA, DUNE, and Fallout.

  3. #83

  4. #84

  5. #85
    Dune would be very nice....agreed.

  6. #86
    Both STA and DUNE are being played at SXG.

  7. #87

  8. #88
    Nevermind. I got it. Is there a schedule of STA games over there?

  9. #89
    Getting excited as it seems like we're actually on the verge of getting access to the new campaign rules set. How is it going? All finished with the coding? Can't wait!

  10. #90
    As some already know, STA was largely done before we were directed to work on Conan. I managed to run a few mini-campaigns with it in fact. So the push to release has been largely about refactoring existing code and optimizing for Fantasy Grounds Unity.

    As such we're down to the last layer of element work and visual refinements. Work will shift to the core rulebook module this weekend.

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