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  1. #21
    This is great, the shadows you put in under the cliffs and the log really give the basin "steps" a feeling that they're "popping out" of the landscape. Very cool!

  2. #22
    Very nice Lord! I really like your use of terrain LOS to segment out the various main areas...and those blood red skels...something sinister must be afoot.

  3. #23
    Ok, so here's another I whipped up. Just playing with shadows mostly. This may be a good ambush spot?

    Note: I'm still seeing layer issues in the player version. For me the base shadows where not displayed. I'll post in the other thread.
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  4. #24
    Yeah I've been having the same issues. Josh said it's getting worked on, and I've been messing around with it trying to replicate the problem. So far I think it has something to do with folders. On maps where the first thing I do is make a folder and then put layers in, this problem of disappearing layers in player view happens. This issue didn't happen when I made a bunch of layers first and then added folders. Still feels like a bit of a mystery, but you might be able to workaround for now by taking all your layers out of their folders when they're ready to run for players.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by TheBluePsion View Post
    Yeah I've been having the same issues. Josh said it's getting worked on, and I've been messing around with it trying to replicate the problem. So far I think it has something to do with folders. On maps where the first thing I do is make a folder and then put layers in, this problem of disappearing layers in player view happens. This issue didn't happen when I made a bunch of layers first and then added folders. Still feels like a bit of a mystery, but you might be able to workaround for now by taking all your layers out of their folders when they're ready to run for players.
    Sounds like this has been found and should be fixed next update.

  6. #26
    Yeah, awesome, Joshua said as much as well. Will keep an eye out for updates and send along any results of playtesting. Thanks for looking out!

  7. #27
    Some more Map Modules for you all based on the currently released art packages.

    map: Dock
    (FG Art Pack 2019, FG Coastlines Map PAck)

    2 maps: Cavern_Large, Something_Completely_Different
    (FG Underground Map Pack)
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  8. #28
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBluePsion View Post
    Very nice Lord! I really like your use of terrain LOS to segment out the various main areas...and those blood red skels...something sinister must be afoot.
    Thanks. Sorry I missed your reply. I added a couple of screen shots so folks don't have to download the module just to see what the map is like. If others do this as well, also might encourage folks as to what map packs they might be most interested in

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    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  9. #29
    For your viewing enjoyment.
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  10. #30

    Playing with others ideas

    I saw this map on Reddit. Thought I would recreate something similar in FGU. Original was by https://www.patreon.com/dicegrimorium

    Here's my version
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