Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #1

    Problems with Skills

    Hi not sure if i am being obtuse again but anyway: I find that when setting a character skills that CREDIT, despite being set to default zero, always gets either 50 or 9 starting points which are deducted from either personal or occupation, leaving a negative number, there does not seem to be a way to zero these numbers, as in you can backspace them away but when you move fields they come back, CRED is a central part of Gaslight adventures and therefore it is very important that it is possible to set and track it accurately. Is this planned behaviour?

    Also could a much more modifiable sheet be made available?


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  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Credit Rating is usually set by Occupation. If you look at the occupations they list a min and max Credit Rating and so we assign the min rating as your starting point and make the spend.

    As to making the sheet more modifiable - that tends to break automation which affects far more people. It is difficult to accommodate everyones particular ways of playing. Set the appropriate Credit Rating in the Occupation - you may even have to create a new occupation if needs different values.

  3. #3
    do you mean this tab? occ tabs.jpg if so then it is Charm that is given a minimum and maximum value and Charm is not the same as Credit or fast talk, would making the actual occupations copyable break the animation too?

    As far as I am concerned Charm is an unnecessary addition to the skills list, is it possible to remove it?

    Oddly changing Charm in that tag to 0 0 does reduce Credit to 0 while leaving Charm with 15?

    as in this shotcharmedCredit.png you see I have reduced the Charm yet on the Skill sheet it remains at 15 while Credit is now Zero

    Thanks for your help Damned
    Last edited by ruedas; August 18th, 2020 at 17:48.

  4. #4
    Not sure about the rest but if you delete a skill from the era you are playing in the skill won't show up on the character sheet.

    Be sure to delete item while in edit mode as the other delete option takes out the whole era which is annoying.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    Not sure about the rest but if you delete a skill from the era you are playing in the skill won't show up on the character sheet.

    Be sure to delete item while in edit mode as the other delete option takes out the whole era which is annoying.
    Brilliant, yes of course I did delete the whole Era but nothing was lost I just started another campaign and now I can get rid of Charm, thanks esmdev that has made things a bit easier

  6. #6
    damned's Avatar
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    Sorry something else is wrong here.
    That field in Occupations that is (incorrectly) showing Charm for you (correctly) reads Credit Rating for me.

    Are you on FGU or FGC?
    Are you on Live or Test?
    Can you post the chat window showing CoreRPG and Call of CThulhu versions?

  7. #7
    Hi Damned, FGC, live as I don't know how to test, here is the log log.png and more things are wrong now,

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by ruedas View Post
    Hi Damned, FGC, live as I don't know how to test, here is the log log.png and more things are wrong now,
    Try turning off the translation extension, it isn't really needed unless you are using it to specifically change things programmatically.

  9. #9

  10. #10

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    If you have modified the Era, it is possible that you accidentally selected the Charm skill to be that Era's equivalent of Credit Rating. This ability to change the skill was added for Dark Ages or Invictus where Status is used instead.

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