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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    I've relocated them. Thanks for the heads up.
    No worries. You were an inspiration and help in my first extension I ever wrote so you can do no wrong in my eyes
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  2. #12
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Moved to the new "Paid Creations" thread. Hopefully it's finally found a home!
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    Moved to the new "Paid Creations" thread. Hopefully it's finally found a home!
    That's probably a good idea to separate them out like that. Keeps people who want to support just community content not have to guess what is and isn't free.
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  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by eriktedesco View Post
    Ok, thanks a lot for the clear explanation. I'm quite curious about this extension, so I will probably buy it and test it out. Maybe not now, but soon.
    Let me know if you do - I've had absolutely 0 feedback from the couple who got it. I suppose that's good in one way - but I'd still like to know it is actually functioning satisfactorily - I mean besides my Monday night players opinions - which are jaded and not to be trusted as they are friends
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  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    Let me know if you do - I've had absolutely 0 feedback from the couple who got it. I suppose that's good in one way - but I'd still like to know it is actually functioning satisfactorily - I mean besides my Monday night players opinions - which are jaded and not to be trusted as they are friends
    I'm waiting for the update of some extensions that were broken with the last FGU update. Once my FGU setup will be stable again, I'll buy and try your extension and provide the first feedback and indications.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by eriktedesco View Post
    I'm waiting for the update of some extensions that were broken with the last FGU update. Once my FGU setup will be stable again, I'll buy and try your extension and provide the first feedback and indications.
    I had every one of my extensions but one broken by the last update due to the fact I compressed my zip files via powershell (windows 10). Turns out something in the update made the .ext (zip) files no longer readable and I got a raft of errors at startup. Fortunately, they are all my extensions so I was able to figure it out and fix them all. The thread I used to figure it out has been closed but if that is your issue also with those other extensions - you can unzip them - then rezip them yourself with 7zip or compress files in windows 10 or pretty much anything else but powershell. As only me and a person who used one of my extensions complained about it - I figured it was only me who used powershell to create .ext files. So unlikely its your extensions issues - but just in case it was - that's a workaround.
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  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by eriktedesco View Post
    I'm waiting for the update of some extensions that were broken with the last FGU update. Once my FGU setup will be stable again, I'll buy and try your extension and provide the first feedback and indications.
    When you do test make sure any comparisons are done with the other extension your comparing against off. I say this as some of the fixes (like when instant death does not generate an exceeded damage message with the damage over "death" to be transferred) I've made would actually be in place for the other extension and it would appear its was "working" if they did not have the fix in it for their own extension. Usually when that happens you can get more damage transferred than you have left if your already damaged in your normal form - so make sure it stops at 1 HP also.
    Last edited by SilentRuin; August 25th, 2020 at 21:43.
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  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by eriktedesco View Post
    I'm waiting for the update of some extensions that were broken with the last FGU update. Once my FGU setup will be stable again, I'll buy and try your extension and provide the first feedback and indications.
    Thanks for testing and personal feedback - appreciated it
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  9. #19
    Had my first personal use of all my extensions in my signature in one battle last week so I figured I'd share it as an example:


    The group I host (that spurred my creation and use of my extensions in signature) was finally entering OldBoneGrinder windmill in Curse of Strahd adventure having just reached level 4. Our "I'm going to charge it" dragonborn paladin entered the windmill first and began exploring - followed by our druid and cleric. They could hear cackles upstairs as the searched the ground floor. They rapidly deduced this was the home of the person who was selling dream pastries in Borovia where they had rescued a child by paying gold for him. Morgantha (a hag) eventually came down the stairs to entice them to come up and have some pastries. Her two daughters had also come down to the top of the stairs, one of whom was visible to the characters down below. Having already detected the presence of evil, the paladin with no preamble, negotiation, or anything immediately challenged them and started the initiative rolls. The rest of the party heaved a mighty sigh, not having had a chance to converse with a seemingly non hostile, and prepared to attack. One of Morgantha's daughters got the top init and began the round. As the three hags were within 30ft of each other they formed a coven which gave them access to a great number of spells they would not normally have access too. One of which, was polymorph. I had set up each of the NPC hags to have a rat and a giant ape for their targets as I was using the polymorphism extension, and was prepared to add more if needed. The first thing Morgantha's daughter did was turn her into a giant killer ape, which the extension accomplished immediately with one click. Her icon on the map immediately switched to the great ape and a sheet appeared for me to use for it. Morgantha's turn was next, and she took two swipes (multiattack) at the paladin in front of her. Both hit, with huge damage, and the paladins map icon switched to have blood on it (the death indicator extension) as he went to 0 HP and was down. I was pretty sure this was going to be a quick and deadly battle. An NPC the characters controlled (with additional help from polymorphism extensions allowing player controlling it to target and use end turn) had the next initiative and rushed into the building to stand at the base of the stairs blocking the way down - he was a bit of a tank. The other daughter went next and attempted to turn the NPC into a rat - the automatic saving throw for the target was successful so it failed. The cleric then fired a spell at the daughter who cast polymorph - and even though it did little damage - the hag failed her automatic concentration save and Morgantha automatically switched back into her original form. What luck I thought. Another NPC controlled by the characters rushed in and grappled (auto success - the generic actions extension) the downed paladin and moved half speed dragging him out of the building (very tight quarters in this windmill door was right next to him). The druid went next and cast a sphere of fire which he was able to move over Morgantha who took damage from it. The stairs also caught on fire along with part of the floor where the sphere started. The cleric then got a turn again and went out and healed the paladin. Morgantha disappeared out of the fire from the players perspective on her turn, she had used her heartstone to go ethereal and exited the building outside. The cleric got another turn and cast silence on the building so the hags could throw no more spells. The druid began moving the sphere (already cast now just concentration) of fire up the stairs and all along the inner first floor of the windmill igniting it all. The other two hags also disappeared and joined their mother on the way outside in the etherreal plane via their heartstones and moved away from the now burning windmill. The players had no idea where they went. The druid exited the building and told the NPC to get out of there also. At this point children's screams could be heard coming from upstairs. The player controlling the NPC at the base of the stairs had him run through the fire taking the damage and running two floors up to where the sounds were coming from - the smoke was getting bad. The other characters meanwhile came up with 3 different plans to rescue them from the upper floor. The cleric and the other NPC ran under a window with a blanket spread out between them to catch anyone dropping the 20ft from a window. The mage had his familiar hawk pull a rope (just barely due to weight as it unwound) to the second floor window. The druid turned into a giant vulture (polymorph extension with one click), the sheet appearing for him to use, and flew up to another window. When the NPC's turn came he pulled the children out of the boxes and opened all the windows to get some of the smoke thinned out (it was still bad). Next turn he passed a child to the vulture and took the rope from the familiar, which had flown in through the window on his turn, to use in getting out with the other child out on his next turn. At this point, about 80 ft away from the burning windmill, the mage still waiting outside noticed the hags reappearing and Morgantha changed back into a gorilla (yes I'm marking the NPC spell slots off at this point). The characters were, to say the least, not happy about this. The gorilla charged - but mysteriously stopped his charge about 30 ft from his daughters, looking anxious to continue but not going further. This was because the polymorph spell was only available to the coven and they could not break it without losing the spell ability causing the concentration loss to revert her back to her original form. The hags moved up during their turn and the characters outside advanced to do battle - while the NPC upstairs used the rope to swing out to one of the windmill blades and down to the ground with the child. The ape continued its charge into the characters but this time missed the paladin with both swings. The other characters all fired at the daughters- and while the one daughter made her concentration save from one attack - she failed on another and Morgantha switched back to her original form (all automatic - no action required by players or DM). The vulture rolled to grapple one of the daughters (generic actions extension) and succeeded. They used half their remaining movement to drag her off. She started clawing and damaging the vulture but could not use any spell requiring S (semantics) while grappled. This DM is merciless in things he considers not possible under certain conditions. 2 players and an NPC surrounded morgantha and began to battle her. The cleric grappled her and held her in place while she raked him with claws - his icon getting blood splatter as he went down to 0 HP. Another NPC went out to engage the other daughter. At this point the coven was broken as the giant vulture had dragged the other daughter more than 30 ft away from the others and they were down to minor spells, a lot of HP, and some pretty serious clawing damage. The mage was doing almost no damage during all this time due to hags magic resistance and was trying to just help the druid with the daughter he had. Eventually with flanking Morgantha started taking serious damage but so were the characters and NPCs. The giant vulture at this point took the hag he had 20 ft into the air (I guessed how much he could go with grapple limits and weight being dragged upward) and released the hag who took the required falling damage. The vulture had close to no HP at this point due to her clawing damage. She in turn fired magic missles up at him basically exceeding the HP of the giant vulture, which with polymorphism extension automatically turned him back into a druid transferring the excess damage to the druid and dropping him the 20ft taking the falling damage for himself now. It was looking close at this point. The druid had one more wild shape so turned into a dire wolf and started mangling the hag (these hags are tough with all their resistances) and the mage tried to help also. At this point some lucky critical hits (nat 20) killed Morgantha. The hag by the wolf plane shifted away and was gone from the encounter. The paladin ran over to the other daughter and grappled her. She could not plane shift out as that had a S (semantics) component and this DM is not going to let that happen while you're grappled. Voice only spell or material - sure. Semantics? Not happening. At this point she could not plane shift out. The others surrounded her and started doing serious flanking damage. She managed to break the grapple (generic extensions) and took off running (that's an action she could only do movement) in order to get distance and plane shift out next turn. The paladin followed and successfully grappled again preventing that. Long story short they all eventually killed her and were pretty much all beat down to almost no HP. Except the mage who had a cloak of protection (testing my last extension Equipped Effects).

    Anyway, the whole battle took about 3 hours (with breaks) as those hags really were tough. Hope that gives an example of how these things are used. We had a blast Oh and strahd made a brief appearance to give them a polite golf clap having seen the flaming windmill and wanting to see what happened - then (using polymorph extension) turned into mist and left them.
    Last edited by SilentRuin; September 21st, 2020 at 06:24.
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  10. #20
    Having a play with Polymorphism extension and noticed that if I use rob2e's coding for spells it won't enable the spell or power in effect.

    Polymorph (60) (C) = instead of Polymorph

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