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  1. #501
    Quote Originally Posted by Lo Zeno View Post
    Sorry if it's been explained before, but I can't find it in the instructions or in the forum thread. How do I make my druid player use Shapechanger instead of Wild Shape? I tried adding a Shapechanger trait in the Abilities tab, but the player can still only select Wild Shape in the dropdown; I've tried adding an effect in the Combat Tracker (Shapechage; (C)) and still doesn't seem to work.
    Long story short. Make sure Shapechanger is in the feature section of the PC area, not the trait section of the PC area.

    Also as I've said before, sometimes you have to click on the action tab, then click another tab, then back to the action tab to get it to update at the top.

  2. #502
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    As I tell people all the time - read the .txt file on page 1 - read the forum threads here - do research.

    Not a fan of looking up threads myself after having put them in here multiple times but I'll do it one last time... (of many)


    Shapechanger - This is an NPC trait/ PC feature...

    As in on the relevant SHEET entry as described above (NPC trait is not a PC feature nor is a PC trait a PC feature nor is it an NPC action or spell - it expects an NPC trait or a PC feature - nothing else will work - as that is where FGU drops those things for other stuff and I keep it consistent) as in the many videos (all my videos are out of date - no idea if this particular one has info relating to shapechanger as I'm not going to rewatch it - in my youtube - also listed in many places in here.
    Well pardon me if "this is an NPC trait/ PC feature" is not exactly unambiguous for someone who doesn't speak English as the first language.

  3. #503
    Quote Originally Posted by Lo Zeno View Post
    Well pardon me if "this is an NPC trait/ PC feature" is not exactly unambiguous for someone who doesn't speak English as the first language.
    Yes I'm responsible for that and should provide multi lingual support in my text threads. Just like FGU does in its gam... Oh wait.

    No they don't. And neither do I.
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  4. #504
    Quote Originally Posted by Lo Zeno View Post
    Well pardon me if "this is an NPC trait/ PC feature" is not exactly unambiguous for someone who doesn't speak English as the first language.
    Don't pay any attention to Silentruin. He has assholeperger's syndrome.

  5. #505
    Quote Originally Posted by BushViper View Post
    Don't pay any attention to Silentruin. He has assholeperger's syndrome.
    Yes its called user needyness. Not only am I expected to repeat explanations and videos - I get to maintain these extensions about 10+ hours work every update in TEST because users just need me to do everything for them. Are they identifying issues in TEST - OF COURSE NOT GOD FORBID! Nothing but mapping this round of TEST not changing my stuff but still - only me to find and notify. Now I'm responsible for English language translations?

    Go away. I'm uninterested in yet another "users want" me to do something. I've done enough. I've been close to tossing everything for a while now and only my own personal need to keep things going for my games keeps from tossing it all to Grim Press to manage and keep updated. My patience... is gone.

    Yet I'm likely stuck maintaining it for another two years. Oh yes, other devs and vaporize as they don't actually run the games with their stuff - but me? The unlucky one. And my users? Lucky also they get to ride on what I need for myself.

    But I grow tired of being pressed for MORE and MORE and MORE... basically - go eat a cookie - in the most polite of interpretations
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  6. #506
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    Yes I'm responsible for that and should provide multi lingual support in my text threads. Just like FGU does in its gam... Oh wait.

    No they don't. And neither do I.
    I never said nor implied that.
    I'm just pointing out that this antagonizing attitude, just because I happen to not understand immediately a phrasing in a language that is not my main one, is undeserved.
    It's not like I didn't make any effort to find the answer by myself before asking the question:

    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    As I tell people all the time - read the .txt file on page 1 - read the forum threads here - do research.
    I did all that, and unfortunately, despite the fact that normally I get by ok with English, this time it did not work for me. And feel free to not believe me, but you have all my sympathy for the work you do and the constant unexpected changes from FGU that break the functionalities of your extensions - still, the attitude was undeserved.

  7. #507
    Quote Originally Posted by Lo Zeno View Post
    I never said nor implied that.
    I'm just pointing out that this antagonizing attitude, just because I happen to not understand immediately a phrasing in a language that is not my main one, is undeserved.
    It's not like I didn't make any effort to find the answer by myself before asking the question:

    I did all that, and unfortunately, despite the fact that normally I get by ok with English, this time it did not work for me. And feel free to not believe me, but you have all my sympathy for the work you do and the constant unexpected changes from FGU that break the functionalities of your extensions - still, the attitude was undeserved.
    If you want me to apologize for any frustrated tone about having to dig up stuff for someone again - where I went out of my way to point out the thread - the sentences - the actual wording and a video…. Which likely pushed you over the language barrier to get you to understand?

    Sure I apologize for letting my frustration leak into my initial very detailed response.

    If you want me to apologize for the reply to your language comment being somehow my problem - or my forum stalkers usual crack…

    Well sure why not - lord knows I’d never get an apology from anyone else.
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  8. #508
    Not sure if this has been addressed before or it's a conflict with another extension. The polymorphism extension works as intended, but when not in wildshape, the weapons group is covered by Polymorphism, preventing the player from using their weapons while not in wildshape.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  9. #509
    Quote Originally Posted by SmackDaddy View Post
    Not sure if this has been addressed before or it's a conflict with another extension. The polymorphism extension works as intended, but when not in wildshape, the weapons group is covered by Polymorphism, preventing the player from using their weapons while not in wildshape.
    Looks like a conflict.


    I'm placing my sub window off the overview invisibly and disabled.

    	<windowclass name="charsheet" merge="join">
    			<minimum width="470" height="695" />
    			<dynamic />
    			<subwindow name="sub_polymorphism">
    				<anchored to="overview" position="belowleft" offset="0,5" width="420" height="138" />
    				<activate />
    				<fastinit />
    				<invisible />
    				<disabled />
    When it gets activated in the code it shifts things down overview in a "relative" manner so everything even stuff added plays nice. However - if someone adds something outside of the governing window (overview) then it can cause issues.

    		if bNPC then
    			--Debug.console(" ** NPC **");
    			-- NPC sheet has two tabs we need to push down to make room for sub_polymorphism (we won't try and display on tabs that aren't known to us)
    			-- this window is required - let it blow up if not present
    			-- NPC sheet now has 29 space between start of header and the tab data. 
    			window["main"].setAnchor("top", "header", "bottom", "relative", 29+108);
    			if window["notes"] then
    				window["notes"].setAnchor("top", "header", "bottom", "relative", 29+108);
    			if window["inventory"] then
    				window["inventory"].setAnchor("top", "header", "bottom", "relative", 29+108);
    			--Debug.console(" ** PC **");
    			-- PC sheet has seven tabs we need to push down to make room for sub_polymorphism (we won't try and display on tabs that aren't known to us)
    			-- this window is required - let it blow up if not present
    			window["main"].setAnchor("top", "overview", "bottom", "relative", 128);
    			if window["skills"] then
    				window["skills"].setAnchor("top", "overview", "bottom", "relative", 128);
    			if window["abilities"] then
    				window["abilities"].setAnchor("top", "overview", "bottom", "relative", 128);
    			if window["inventory"] then
    				window["inventory"].setAnchor("top", "overview", "bottom", "relative", 128);
    			if window["notes"] then
    				window["notes"].setAnchor("top", "overview", "bottom", "relative", 128);
    			if window["logs"] then
    				window["logs"].setAnchor("top", "overview", "bottom", "relative", 128);
    			-- this window is required - let it blow up if not present
    			window["actions"].setAnchor("top", "overview", "bottom", "relative", 128);
    Nothing I can do about that as I try to play within FGU defined window structures. Going outside of those your on your own.
    Last edited by SilentRuin; November 13th, 2024 at 19:35.
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  10. #510
    Quote Originally Posted by SmackDaddy View Post
    Not sure if this has been addressed before or it's a conflict with another extension. The polymorphism extension works as intended, but when not in wildshape, the weapons group is covered by Polymorphism, preventing the player from using their weapons while not in wildshape.
    Looks for sure to be a conflict of exts because I'm not getting it.

    Do you have a list of exts you use? You can hit me up in discord if that's easier.

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