Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by GunbunnyFuFu View Post
    Thanks for the feedback! I'm working on learning how to code so that I can add the Iconic Frameworks button and auto-population of Iconic Framework abilities to the character sheet. I'll get the Races setup so that they appear on the sidebar. I'll also let Mortani know about the issues with the theme.

    I definitely feel that automatically populating abilities is a must have for modern rulesets. It's to bad that there hasn't been more of a response in your other thread where you asked about it. I haven't had to much time to look in-depth into the extension/module but hopefully will this weekend.

    Also someone asked if it required the sci-fi companion, and it doesn't, but is there anything you can think of that would interfere with it, or the horror companion, fantasy, etc.?

  2. #22
    I agree fully. There is a lot that I'd love for this to do, but unfortunately free time is limited. It comes down to I work on converting other Savage Rifts products with the time alloted that I work on conversions, or do I try to learn how to write the code necessary to autopopulate abilities. I do have some code that Ikael provided, however, I've not had time to try to figure out how to implement it. I've bumped it a few times, but hearing nothing but crickets on it.

    As far as I know, none of the companions will interfere. The Savage Rifts extension takes care of Strain as well as cyberware, etc.

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  3. #23
    YggBjorn's Avatar
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    I am slowly learning how to code and am looking in to implementing an extension into a module I am converting. No guarantees on if I can shine any light on it, but I would gladly take a look at the code and try to make sense of it.

  4. #24
    OK! I might take you up on that...haven't had much time this week to really sit down and study!

    Ultimate Edition license holder - No License Needed to Play My Games (Need Demo Version of FG Downloaded)

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    Game in Progress: AD&D 2e - Against the Zhentarim

  5. #25
    It looks good and is minimally functional, so a good start I second Esmdev that auto-loading data is almost a must. I know you're working on it, just wanted to provide a second point of view.
    On the topic of data, are you planning on including the gear list from TLPG? Adding it manually is possible, but has two downsides that I see - the first is simply that people are lazy (myself included) and don't want to do it :P That aside, it would be nice to have the rules references (such as Ion, Heavy Pulse, etc) included in the Notes and visible without having to click into the item.

  6. #26
    Gear list from TLPG is there? If you go to Items on the sidebar, you can pull up the items there, or find the link to it in the reference manual, unless you mean something else? In addition, in the Reference manual (which is the rules reference), you can find Common Gear Notes that contain Heavy Pulse, Heavy Beam, and 3 RB. I can probably add what appears in the notes about ion weapon types and how they work, laser weapons, etc. etc. if there is enough call for it.

    Ultimate Edition license holder - No License Needed to Play My Games (Need Demo Version of FG Downloaded)

    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EDT) United States; GMT -4 hours

    Game in Progress: AD&D 2e - Against the Zhentarim

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by GunbunnyFuFu View Post
    Gear list from TLPG is there? If you go to Items on the sidebar, you can pull up the items there, or find the link to it in the reference manual, unless you mean something else? In addition, in the Reference manual (which is the rules reference), you can find Common Gear Notes that contain Heavy Pulse, Heavy Beam, and 3 RB. I can probably add what appears in the notes about ion weapon types and how they work, laser weapons, etc. etc. if there is enough call for it.

    Maybe something didn't load right on my end, then. When I go to the Ranged Weapons list, for example, I do not see any of the Ion, Plasma, Particle Beam, or Laser weapons. Same for armors - I just see the base SWADE set of items.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by McSquizzy View Post
    Maybe something didn't load right on my end, then. When I go to the Ranged Weapons list, for example, I do not see any of the Ion, Plasma, Particle Beam, or Laser weapons. Same for armors - I just see the base SWADE set of items.
    Nevermind, I'm an idiot - the TLPG wasn't loaded

    Having manged to pull my foot out of my mouth, I can now see the items are indeed there, and have the notes I was expecting :P Apologies, I'm somewhat new.

  9. #29
    No worries!!! Had me concerned there for a moment!

    Ultimate Edition license holder - No License Needed to Play My Games (Need Demo Version of FG Downloaded)

    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EDT) United States; GMT -4 hours

    Game in Progress: AD&D 2e - Against the Zhentarim

  10. #30
    This may be another instance of me being a noob, but there doesn't seem to be any way to change the base Pace values. I can add modifiers to the base Pace (so +2 gets me to 8), but I can't change the running die.

    Although, loading the base SW sheet, it looks like this is an issue borrowed from that. Makes it harder to set up a Cyber-knight, though. Am I missing something?

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