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  1. #451
    Thank you for everything you have done bmos. Fantasy grounds has been a much better program because of you and your work.
    Good luck, and thank you!

  2. #452
    Thank you bmos for all of your good works.

  3. #453
    I wanted to take a moment to say 'thank you' for all the work and great extensions you've built over the years. They've become essential for our campaigns and many others in the community. I can't imagine going back to use FG without them.

    @FantasyGrounds Team
    Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen a developer need to step away or, in some cases, go missing entirely, leaving the community to scramble for alternatives or updates. With a user base ranging between 600 to 2,600 per extension, his contributions have added significant functionality and value to the Fantasy Grounds platform. I appreciate that bmos is reaching out to the community for help in maintaining these extensions, but I believe this raises a larger question:

    Why wouldn’t Fantasy Grounds step in to take over these critical extensions, particularly when they play such an important role for so many users and bring some much-needed functionality? Ensuring these tools remain functional and updated would not only benefit the community but also reduce the reliance on individual developers who may no longer have the bandwidth to keep up with changes.

    It would be a great show of support to the community if Fantasy Grounds could adopt these types of widely used extensions when developers need to step back.

    Thank you for considering this, and thanks again to bmos for all his hard work and for reaching out.


  4. #454
    Quote Originally Posted by RobboNJ69 View Post
    Why wouldn’t Fantasy Grounds step in to take over these critical extensions...
    and then I stumbled across this thread (while looking for something completely unrelated):


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