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  1. #21
    My version shows: 2016-12-19.

    I'm going to grab your latest and greatest and will give it a spin when I get a chance. Can't wait to check it out. Thanks again for all your work on this, Vega!

  2. #22
    I have been able to find the "Portable Compendium" which I guess is a little different but provides the same service as the Offline Compendium. The database files for this one are in sql. Forgive my ignorance, I don't really know anything about programming, but I want to make sure. Data is sql form won't work with your scripts right? Also I'm guessing there probably isn't a way to turn these files into js ones either?

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by YellowAdder View Post
    My version shows: 2016-12-19.
    Thanks for the version number!

    Quote Originally Posted by qunitvineu View Post
    I have been able to find the "Portable Compendium" which I guess is a little different but provides the same service as the Offline Compendium. The database files for this one are in sql. Forgive my ignorance, I don't really know anything about programming, but I want to make sure. Data is sql form won't work with your scripts right? Also I'm guessing there probably isn't a way to turn these files into js ones either?
    Oh thanks for the heads up, I did not knew about this second "Portable Compendium" ! Which is ironically less portable than the "Offline" since it runs as an executable. Quite easier to find indeed.
    SQL database are quite different when compared with the JS ones from the Offline Compendium for sure. But they are also know to be much more structured (this is what the S means in SQL, structured).

    So it should be easier for me to create a whole bunch of new scripts that convert these "Portable Compendium" data files into Fantasy Grounds modules.
    Mind that these ramblings are just some guesses I have now early in the morning and that the task might prove itself more tricky to do, but I have hopes this can be done easilly.

    I guess it calls for more work then !
    Once done, I'll make an other thread "Portable compendium > Fantasy Grounds"

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by VegaFontana View Post
    Thanks for the version number!

    Oh thanks for the heads up, I did not knew about this second "Portable Compendium" ! Which is ironically less portable than the "Offline" since it runs as an executable. Quite easier to find indeed.
    SQL database are quite different when compared with the JS ones from the Offline Compendium for sure. But they are also know to be much more structured (this is what the S means in SQL, structured).

    So it should be easier for me to create a whole bunch of new scripts that convert these "Portable Compendium" data files into Fantasy Grounds modules.
    Mind that these ramblings are just some guesses I have now early in the morning and that the task might prove itself more tricky to do, but I have hopes this can be done easilly.

    I guess it calls for more work then !
    Once done, I'll make an other thread "Portable compendium > Fantasy Grounds"
    Vega, you are a saint

  5. #25
    Just trying my best, I'm glad if I can create things that helps people

    Quote Originally Posted by VegaFontana View Post
    It should be easier
    Eh! Just oppened the sql database files, turns out only a few things are properly structured in it (names, level, categories).
    But most of the core data is dumped as html code directly in a big text field (in a same manner but also different to the JS ones).
    So it might be trickier than expected, on the up side I might be able to re-use some existing code, we'll see!
    Last edited by VegaFontana; July 30th, 2020 at 12:10.

  6. #26
    I've used the new scripts and they produced all the modules as expected. That was a good to see happening.

    The results inside FG do lead to questions, some of which may be a result of the older data I'm going to guess.

    For example, leather armor has Class: Leather and an empty field for Subclass:. To work properly, it should have Class: Armor and Subclass: Leather Armor. Without those, the item never registers as armor and no armor bonus or skill check penalty is applied.

    Weapons have a similar scenario. A battleaxe from the parse lists "Class: Military one-handed melee weapon" and "-Axe" for the Subclass. I think it's supposed to have "Class: Weapon" and a Subclass of "Military one-handed melee weapon".

    An example I tested where this shows a difference is by making an attack with a sling against a prone target. With the default parsed weapon, it treats the attack like any other and applies the defense penalties as if it were a melee attack. Updating it to a version with the proper subclass gives the prone target the improved defense vs. ranged attacks.

    The parsed properties data may be an issue as well if it's supposed to be an abbreviated comma-separated list as with 5E. (e.g., versatile, silver, magic) I don't know how it's supposed to look for 4E
    without some testing though. There is a page for 5E item values (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/.../5E_Item_Sheet) but I can't find a similar one for 4E, unfortunately.

    Of course, this could be a result of the older compendium data being different from your later version? Are you seeing these same outputs from yours?

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by YellowAdder View Post
    Could be a result of the older compendium data being different from your later version? Are you seeing these same outputs from yours?
    Both could be questionned here, but I think the issue might come from the scripts here. Not sure if it was clear enough but the items scripts were an opportunity for me to introduce a friend to software programming.
    Therefore I have not coded these and neither did a thorough test of his production since the other players did not see any issues (Things like high crit working properly, etc.).

    But the armor and prone examples you bring up are interesting and I'll have him revise his scripts, test them properly and release a new version.
    In the mean time you might have to edit the entries you want to use.

    To make sure the update is also fully compatible with 3.5 as well as 3.6 Offline compendiums.
    I would be glad if you could email me your dataX.js files for items so he can work on both sources

    Nevertheless I'm glad you managed to get the modules working!
    Last edited by VegaFontana; July 30th, 2020 at 14:25.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by qunitvineu View Post
    I have been able to find the "Portable Compendium"
    It was no picnic, but then again, when things start to work out well it's a real relief and plenty of satisfaction.
    Consider yourself served my friend! On the following thread you will find an alternative to this generator, adapted to the "Portable Compendium".


    Tell me if you have any issues using it!

  9. #29
    Wow, this sounds amazing!

    I've decided to go back to 4e after years with 5e, and am faced with the arduous task of getting FG working with it again. How do I obtain the offline compendium in the first place now that DDI is dead? The install page talks of logging in with your DDI credentials so it can pull data.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurlock View Post
    How do I obtain the offline compendium in the first place now that DDI is dead? The install page talks of logging in with your DDI credentials so it can pull data.
    Sadly you can't get a new subscription since they shut down the DDI service. But you can sill find links to compendiums online (around some reddit / discord etc.).
    But I can't really give you any links or any further help in finding those things / copy their source data since it would be considered illegal (I guess?).

    Good lunk finding those, I believe you already have access to the "Portable Compendium" from your post on the other thread, so you are already in a good way

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