1. #1

    Not so secret doors and traps

    Hi, me again with a map issue in the Keep of the Borderlands module.

    Is there a way to remove the lettering off of the wall layer of the dungeon map? The players can see the room numbers, trap outlines, and secret door markings when the LoS layer of the map is active.
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  2. #2
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Yes, you can hide the markers provided they aren't on a layer that will be visible to your players. Looking at your image I assume that those markers are on the Caves - Walls layer which needs to be visible to the players. So in order for that layer to be hidden the occluders should be on one of the other layers (probably the one marked DM?). I assume that you have added some maps into this since I doubt those are the maps that come with the module - judging by the screenshots in the store (I don't have this module so I can't be sure of that).

    It's difficult to be precise since it isn't clear from the image what all of the layers shown are doing and what's on each one (there's also lighting on the death indicator layer which is a bit odd).
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  3. #3
    I haven't added anything, that is vanilla as purchased from the store (other then some lights, see below). I did make a copy of the map that came with the module so I could try to figure if the lettering was an image that I could remove. I didn't find anything though.

    The lighting on the death indicator is from when I added some lights that would exist from fireplaces and cave entrances. Seemed to be the most unobtrusive place to put them.

    er layers, like the "Map

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    Connect a second (player) instance to your GM instance and share the map. Are the Secrets and Traps visible in that second instance?
    They look like they are on the GM layer which appears to be setup correctly and not showing to players.

  5. #5
    The left portion of the screenshot is a second instance connected as a player

  6. #6
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    I'm not exactly sure what is happening here; I have looked at the files and there's definitely something weird going on. For whatever reason there are 4 layers; Map Caves of Chaos; Caves PC, Caves GM and Caves - Walls. The Map - Caves of Chaos does not have the trap markers on it but does have text pointing to the traps which is fine since that text would be beyond the walls and so invisible to players. The Caves PC map looks like it's exactly the same - no trap markers but text outside the walls. The Caves GM layer does have the trap markers as well as the text. So at this point switching the DM layer to GM only and switching the PC layer to shared should give the correct result - and it does as far as the trap markers are concerned. If I have the PC layer shared and visible and the GM layer GM only and visible then I see the trap markers on the GM screen but not on the players screen. The problem is that there are no LoS occluders on either of those layers so the players can see the entire map if only those two layers are switched on. (The original Map - Caves of Chaos can be switched off entirely). So in order to see the walls we have to turn on the Caves-Walls layer and therein lies the issue. That layer doesn't just have the occluders it also has the DM layer as well it would seem since switching that layer on also shows the trap markers.

    So, in summery, I'm not sure exactly what the developer has done. It looks like higher quality maps were added into the module at some point and those maps were added as layers. However the occluders I suspect are in the wrong place; I'll alert James and see if he can direct the developer to this thread to see if they can get this fixed.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  7. #7
    Is there a way to select the trap and secret door markers individually and remove them from the layers as if they were an image that was dragged from assets into the base map image?

  8. #8
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Draykor View Post
    Is there a way to select the trap and secret door markers individually and remove them from the layers as if they were an image that was dragged from assets into the base map image?
    No, the traps etc are baked into the map. Depending on the source file it may be possible to isolate those items in Photoshop or similar if the files came with the traps etc on a separate layer or layers. But there isn't a way to do this in FG (unless, again, the trap markers were actually added to the map in FG itself).
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  9. #9
    For some reason the wall layer ALSO had the GM image attached to it (and I didnt notice). I cleaned that up and it should be fixed at this time.
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