Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #191
    good lord = thank you ssotact1

  2. #192
    So I stripped it down to just player options and it's still showing the debug. if I disable show debug messages in chat it goes away. i do not have anything but the 2e options extension active.

  3. #193
    Hi Atru1n,

    I did a search for "Extension Debug (GM)" in both the 2e ruleset folders and the 2e Options folders, and nothing came up. The error has to be coming from some other source. Unfortunately I've never seen that error before.

  4. #194
    I created a new campaign, loaded only the 2e options extension, and loaded only the phb dmg and monster manual. and enabled the show debug messages "chat"
    and I'm still getting it. Could it be corruption in FGU itself? Should i back up my campaign and other important files, uninstall and deleted all data, and reinstall?

  5. #195
    Did some more looking at that message is coming from my extension. I was thrown off by the (GM) bit, but that's because your username is "GM".

    There are plenty of debug messages that get logged (if you turn on the logging) that don't necessarily mean there's an error. I'm unclear if you're seeing a problem with how things are working, or are just annoyed by the debug messages. If it's just the latter, then disable the messages.

  6. #196
    Quote Originally Posted by Sterno View Post
    Did some more looking at that message is coming from my extension. I was thrown off by the (GM) bit, but that's because your username is "GM".

    There are plenty of debug messages that get logged (if you turn on the logging) that don't necessarily mean there's an error. I'm unclear if you're seeing a problem with how things are working, or are just annoyed by the debug messages. If it's just the latter, then disable the messages.
    So originally this debug message was in relations to an issue with AC. when "adjust npc ac for items and abilities" is on the ac of the PC is calculated at the proper amount. when its off its calculated at 10 regardless of what pc it is or what their actual AC is.


    First attack is with "adjust npc ac for items and abilities" On
    Second two are with it off against two different PCs

  7. #197
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Is there any chance the attack output could be changed to comply with what would automatically call the appropriate Sound Set for hits and misses in combat?
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    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  8. #198
    When I enable this extension, it seems that enemies always hit PC on a 10 (AC). I disabled all other extensions and still have this problem. Is it only me? What can I do to fix it please?
    Last edited by amanwing; July 27th, 2023 at 15:29.

  9. #199
    I've recently tried out the Hearth Theme which is darker and applied the Light Font from Chat Aesthetics and, whilst it mostly seems to be fine, the speeds of characters are marked in black text regardless.

    Is there any way I can edit this to adjust it?

  10. #200
    Just wanted to let everyone know SpencerG has taken over maintenance of this extension, and ownership in Forge has been transferred to him.

    Thanks, SpencerG!

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