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  1. #1

    Pulp Cthuhlu/ Coc 7e. cannot add skills

    Hi, were moving from Roll 20 to fantasy grounds. my player characters have some custom skills used from characters we are playing. however we cant seem to add any skills. the players cant seem to add skills as adding a custom skill is left as a "locked" or "read only" and cannot be added. when I, the keeper try to add a skill it just adds a blank line to the skill set with no values. clicking on this blank skill brings it back to a locked skill menu that cant be edited. we've also been experiencing script errors.

    How can we fix this?

  2. #2
    I should also say we get script errors that say this when adding a skill like firearms or language by pressing "FR" or LN" buttons

    Last edited by magma76; June 28th, 2020 at 22:23.

  3. #3
    damned's Avatar
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    As per discussion in discord:

    So - Option #1.
    Open Skills Campaign Tool.
    Create a Skill (and input valid values - eg % is a number between 0 and 99)
    Open Eras Campaign Tool and Edit the current Era.
    Drag the new Skill into the Era Skill List.
    It will populate on all Character Sheets

    Option #2.
    On Character Sheet
    Click Edit Button at top of skills Tab.
    If its a Language, Arts/Craft, Fighting, Science, Firearm skill - eg a specialisation - then use those buttons to start setting it up
    The new item will be added to your sheet and will require you to add teh specialisation - eg, French, Glass Making, Swords, Geology, Concealed Guns

    Otherwise use the + button
    Unlock the Era, Add button, Name the skill, click the link button to set the % and description, close the skill and the era.

    The skill list is refreshed on teh character sheet teh first time it is opened in a session.
    So you may have to add all your skills to the Era first, or if you add some along the way you may have to reload the table

  4. #4
    My skills have disappeared as well from all of my character sheets. I had characters loaded and the update on 6/23 wiped out all of the skills. None are showing up in the skills tab for the character sheet and none are listed when a profession is selected. I have both the CoC and Pulp rule sets and have been running a campaign for a few months. I have deleted the rule sets from the vault directory, since this is the only place I found them, and then reloaded them. All of the other rulesets (D&D 5E, Star Wrs EotE, etc.) are working fine.

  5. #5
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrimeGlaive View Post
    My skills have disappeared as well from all of my character sheets. I had characters loaded and the update on 6/23 wiped out all of the skills. None are showing up in the skills tab for the character sheet and none are listed when a profession is selected. I have both the CoC and Pulp rule sets and have been running a campaign for a few months. I have deleted the rule sets from the vault directory, since this is the only place I found them, and then reloaded them. All of the other rulesets (D&D 5E, Star Wrs EotE, etc.) are working fine.
    FGU or FGC?
    Please upload your db.xml
    Can you tell me if you were doing anything different when/before his happened?

  6. #6
    The issue is that when an occupation is chosen and placed in the personal tab of the character sheet, skills are no longer able to be assigned to the occupation. Then on the skills tab of the character sheet, only the base skills show as occupation skills. This causes issue with assigning skill points (occupation, personal, and extra in the case of Pulp Cthulhu). It was working fine until the update on 6/23. I just spent the last several months inputting "The Two Headed Serpent" and was about to create the module. The last step in the process is/was to add the pregen characters. I can send you an older db.xml with the characters in it after the 6/23 update. I would rather not post it to this forum.

  7. #7
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi PrimeGlaive

    An occupation that is added to a character sheet should already be complete.
    The process for creating a character in the Call of Cthulhu ruleset is:

    * Roll your Attributes according to the Call of Cthulhu Reference Guide and add the values on the Main tab of your Character sheet.
    * Click on the Occupations campaign tool and choose an Occupation.
    * Read thru the various Occupations to find the one that best suits the character you wish to play and the Attributes you have rolled.
    * Some skills require a specialisation. These can be found in the Reference Manual in Chapter 5 - Skills. Lock the Occupation when completed.
    Drag the selected occupation to you Character sheet on the Personal tab and an unlocked copy of the occupation will open and you can complete the Occupation customisation, adjusting Occupation Points (if indicated) and Skills.
    * Switch to the Skills tab and click the Edit icon. All skills with a Red check box are Occupation skills and you can spend Occupation points on these. You can spend Personal points on any Skills including Occupation skills. Pulp Characters gain an additional 100 points. Spend these in the third column. When your Occupation and Personal points have all been spent click the Stop Editing List icon and move on to the next step.
    * You should now complete your Characters Backstory as per the Reference Manual in Chapter 3 and the Equip your Character. Only Weapons have been included as drag and drop items. Other items can be discussed with your Keeper and manually added to Inventory.

    It hasnt been tested in you editing the skills that make up an Occupation after it has been added to a sheet. Its very much an edge case and if that is the only time this issue is occurring it might not get a fix...

  8. #8
    HI i am new to CoC7 & Pulp, i am having a problem with making Pulp character related to Occupation skills and spending points. Some occupation skills will not let me spend points in them.
    I have try this in both Classic and Unity and its the same problem.
    Occupation: Soldier
    Skill Fighting, Firearms & Lang - Other are all Occupation skill but i can not spend any Occupation skill points in these skill. This seams to apply to any skill where you have to edit the list and add the skill.
    Fighting: Brawl starts on my skill but the red Occupation box is not tick and Firearms & Other - Lang need to be added but also have no red tick box, these are all skill listed in the Occupation box

    i have tryed adding these skill to the skill list before and after adding my Occupation,

    This seams like a fairly major bug.
    I don't know if i am just doing something wrong, i have tried following several character creation guides and looking for mention of this problems in the forms, this post seamed to be the closest to my issue.

    please help if you can, with out a fix to this Pulp cthuhlu seams unplayable

  9. #9
    Assuming you drag the occupation to your character sheet it should bring up the skill options to assign. Use the pull down menu that comes up in the newly opened occupation window, if it is a skill that requires a specialization (like fighting, science, etc.) you will need to type the specialization on the line that appears right under each type of skill. Be sure to type it exactly as it is listed in the skill so it correctly pulls the base chance. Once you are done it should now have the correct occupation skills.

    Skills are different from most of the other rulesets and require a bit more to set up.

    Hope this helps.

  10. #10
    So the Soldier occupation skills:
    Fighting Brawl 25(base)
    Firearms Hand gun 20(base)
    Lang - Other Greek 1(base
    They are all showing there correct Base skill.
    However i can not spend any of my 250 occupation skill point in these skill like i am meant to. The boxes you click on and spend these point in are not selectable, these skill also dont have the red check box left of their name like the other occupation skills do.

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