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  1. #51

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    This extension will do it. It's one of the reasons I use it.

    And good luck with being a GM! There aren't enough GMs, and they're appreciated.

  2. #52
    Reg's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2019
    Sydney Australia UTC+10
    Thanks for the encouragement.

    Myself and my group are having fun with this system.... Its keeping me on my toes as GM, that's for sure!

    Lots of me thinking "'there's no way that they'll pull this off...." and an exploding wild die makes for all sorts of shenanigans!

    So, back to the point - I've created a test case and just wanted to confirm:-
    1.) Drag and dropping the "weird Science skill is NOT implemented - we select a die that matches and then as the character progress adjust it manually. Is this correct?

    2.) The arithmetic on power points allocated, power points used and power points recharged are all manual processes, is this correct?

  3. #53

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    One of the things I like about Savage Worlds is how it keeps me on my toes. So many unexpected events and outcomes! And no matter what happens, you can roll with it and make it a good story.

    Arcane items don't have arcane skills in the same way as characters. The arcane skill ("activation") is based on what type of item it is. It follows the weird science rules in the core rule book, if that helps.

    For example, your weird scientist makes a freeze ray gun (bolt power) and gives it to a party member. Being a gun means the character uses Shooting rather than the creator's arcane skill. On the item you create, select Ranged for Activation. Don't bother setting the activation roll because it will use the character's Shooting skill die.

    The artificer makes a goo bomb (entangle power) that a character throws. The Activation would be Thrown. Again, don't bother setting the activation roll. When it's equipped, it will use the character's Athletics, as per the rules.

    If the caster creates a force field belt (protection), then you want to set the activation die to the creator's weird science die, and you want to set the activation to Device Internal. Then it will use the set die and not the equipping character's skills.

    The Skill option of Activation lets you type in whatever Skill you want it linked to on the quipping character. For those odd cases where it uses some other Skill.

    The advantage to setting the activation die separate from the creator's is that you can apply Limitations. For example, the artificer wants to cut the power point cost of creating an item, so sets the activation die to d8, even though his arcane skill die is d10. Or, he's forced to create a freeze ray for an enemy, so he sets the activation to a d4. The enemy will be very surprised later, in the midst of combat...

    Power points are a manual process everywhere. It gets very tricky to calculate power point costs with so many modifiers, limitations, etc that come from various settings, circumstances, hindrances, edges... And you can apply modifiers to arcane devices, so it's just as difficult to calculate that programmatically. Ikael would have that in place already if it weren't so tricky.

    I hope that helps.

  4. #54
    This doesn't seem to be working for me at all. I created an Arcane device on a character, set everything per the instructions, then dragged it to another character and equipped it. No powers show up. I added an Arcane Background and still nothing. I created an Arcane Device in the "items" directory and dragged that to the same character with an arcane background and equipped it and nothing.

    Am I missing something? The instructions make it sound so easy, but I just can't get it to work for me.

  5. #55
    You are right, wframe. Some update in the inventory management system borked this extension (specifically a change to how equipping items is handled).
    It's fixed now. New (working) version is in the top post and will roll out through the Forge as soon as the changes are approved.

    Thanks for your report.
    Check out my Extensions for Savage Worlds:
    Arcane Devices:Forge and github
    Mass Battles: Forge and github
    Fast Tests: Forge and github
    Reload Consumption: Forge
    Chase&Combat Compilation: Forge

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by chillhelm View Post
    You are right, wframe. Some update in the inventory management system borked this extension (specifically a change to how equipping items is handled).
    It's fixed now. New (working) version is in the top post and will roll out through the Forge as soon as the changes are approved.

    Thanks for your report.
    What a relief. Thanks. It was the first time I tried to use it and I thought I was crazy (or inept).

  7. #57
    This extension doesn't work yet.
    When equip an arcane device, the power doesn't appear in the power tab

  8. #58
    Shoras, have you updated?

    I just tried it again (created a new character, new arcane device, put a power on it and equipped it). Worked fine for me.

    If it still doesn't work after an update, can you give me more details (ruleset, version, FGUnity or Classic)? Ideally even a campaign file where it doesn't work.
    Check out my Extensions for Savage Worlds:
    Arcane Devices:Forge and github
    Mass Battles: Forge and github
    Fast Tests: Forge and github
    Reload Consumption: Forge
    Chase&Combat Compilation: Forge

  9. #59
    Yes I've updated.
    I use FGUnity with SWADE ruleset

  10. #60
    Beerbelly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Central Time Zone, GMT -6
    Great add on. I'm loving it. It seems to be working, but whenever I'm using it to create, update, change, etc. I'm getting this error:


    Not a biggie, but if it's happening to me, it's probably happening to others.

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