Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #361
    Quote Originally Posted by Dax Doomslayer View Post
    @Faratto - this looks pretty cool. Stupid question but how do I use this? Do I change the .zip to .mod and activate it?
    You don't activate this mod, just leave it in the folder and GAL will use it if you know how to use GAL.

  2. #362
    FYI - I'm using @Faratto .mod myself now. So recommend if you used mine - to use this one...
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  3. #363
    I wonder if that .mod could be put into the Forge to make updating for you easier? Not sure though due to possible permissions from JB2A's free assets.

  4. #364
    Quote Originally Posted by BaneTBC View Post
    I wonder if that .mod could be put into the Forge to make updating for you easier? Not sure though due to possible permissions from JB2A's free assets.
    0 chance
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  5. #365
    Hi, when we apply the Dodge action to a PC, the state is set to 'None' instead of 'Remove at Start of Turn'."Sans titre.png

    can you confirm?

  6. #366
    Quote Originally Posted by plap3014 View Post
    Hi, when we apply the Dodge action to a PC, the state is set to 'None' instead of 'Remove at Start of Turn'."Sans titre.png

    can you confirm?
    Correct, its been around for years before BCEG RS option existed and is not using any of its specialized extension options. Currently when I use it in my games (init is randomized every turn and I use the EffectiveInitiative extension to keep init in synch) it will be removed when the players turn comes up.

    If you wish to use the BCEG version of Dodge then I suggest making a custom effect and using that instead of the Dodge button in Generic Actions (raw FGU effect).

    As I tell others, I think its crazy to let players have some kind of magical clairvoyance and know the next round's turn order so they can cheat and plan as if they know who/what will go before or after them. I'd never let any of my games do that. Gist is - with the randomized init per round and Effective Initiative extension running I seem to get the dodge to turn off when the PC/NPC enters its turn.

    But no plans to make Generic Actions Dodge use a specialized setting I don't appear to need in my own games.
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  7. #367
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    Correct, its been around for years before BCEG RS option existed and is not using any of its specialized extension options. Currently when I use it in my games (init is randomized every turn and I use the EffectiveInitiative extension to keep init in synch) it will be removed when the players turn comes up.

    If you wish to use the BCEG version of Dodge then I suggest making a custom effect and using that instead of the Dodge button in Generic Actions (raw FGU effect).

    As I tell others, I think its crazy to let players have some kind of magical clairvoyance and know the next round's turn order so they can cheat and plan as if they know who/what will go before or after them. I'd never let any of my games do that. Gist is - with the randomized init per round and Effective Initiative extension running I seem to get the dodge to turn off when the PC/NPC enters its turn.

    But no plans to make Generic Actions Dodge use a specialized setting I don't appear to need in my own games.
    Thanks, will try this with my group.

    For the NPCs, do you keep their initial initiative, or do you roll for them each round?
    Last edited by plap3014; September 1st, 2024 at 11:38.

  8. #368
    Quote Originally Posted by plap3014 View Post
    Thanks, will try this with my group.

    For the NPCs, do you keep their initial initiative, or do you roll for them each round?
    As I said, I consider it crazy to keep them the same - I roll every round and use Effective Initiative extension to keep things like effect timers playing nice.
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  9. #369
    Good morning, I bought this extension on Forge, but I can't see the action buttons on the file, what's wrong?

  10. #370
    Quote Originally Posted by Tatershal View Post
    Good morning, I bought this extension on Forge, but I can't see the action buttons on the file, what's wrong?
    Assuming you read through the txt file version info included on page 1 and skimmed through forums here. [edited out - does not require sheet to be in combat tracker I forgot] Insure its 5E and extension is loaded (there are two in this one so your interested in Generic Actions one in this case (buttons for actions).

    Or having some other extension loaded that conflicts with it.

    If you have not read through version info or this forum thread I strongly recommend it.
    Last edited by SilentRuin; September 30th, 2024 at 18:58.
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