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Thread: Known issue?

  1. #11
    The range modifier isn't automatically calculated at this point. It was originally included to all the GM to quickly enter it when resolving an attack if the PC forgot to include it.

    You can get to the Fall-Crush table by opening the RM Tables, expanding the Claw Law Attack tables. Here is a graphic to help:

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Dakadin View Post
    The range modifier isn't automatically calculated at this point. It was originally included to all the GM to quickly enter it when resolving an attack if the PC forgot to include it.

    You can get to the Fall-Crush table by opening the RM Tables, expanding the Claw Law Attack tables. Here is a graphic to help:

    And yep it would have bit me if it was any closer. Just like the large crit selection. I think it's part my eyes are what they once were and partly just being overly excited. Sorry and thanks again!

  3. #13
    Ardem's Avatar
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    As a Help Dodjer, I always create a character for the GM called "GM tools", this allows me to apply critical, such as fall/crush or elemental critical in a roll just like a NPC would roll. It always sits at the bottom of my combat sheet. The problem with just a roll and looking at the above table you cannot select the damage or wounds and apply to a character easy.

  4. #14
    Yeah, you can do what Ardem says or just drag the table to the Table Resolver where you can drop the rolls and drag the results to the targets.

  5. #15
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dakadin View Post
    Yeah, you can do what Ardem says or just drag the table to the Table Resolver where you can drop the rolls and drag the results to the targets.
    Wow even I did not know this. Wish i knew this one a lot earlier.

  6. #16
    Sorry about that. Unfortunately, there are a lot of little things in the ruleset that are easy to miss once you get comfortable doing things a certain way.

  7. #17
    Yep that did the trick thanks! It's a little confusing with the three places tables are located: fantasy grounds tables, rolemaster tables, and library (rules). Also I've noticed some tables will not stay stuck on they function tabs at the bottom of the screen. Is there a rhyme or reason to which can and which can't?

  8. #18
    The RM Tables can't at this point. They are different from the FG Tables because the RM Tables already existed in the ruleset when FG added their version of tables. They work completely differently as you likely noticed. The RM Tables use the Table Resolver to resolve them while the FG Tables roll directly from themselves and put the results where you specify. The library tables are mainly for reading but some of the old tables need to be formatted better. They are a hold over from when the old version that I still need to clean up. I would eventually like to allow the RM Tables to be able to be added as shortcuts on the hotkey bar at the bottom.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Dakadin View Post
    The RM Tables can't at this point. They are different from the FG Tables because the RM Tables already existed in the ruleset when FG added their version of tables. They work completely differently as you likely noticed. The RM Tables use the Table Resolver to resolve them while the FG Tables roll directly from themselves and put the results where you specify. The library tables are mainly for reading but some of the old tables need to be formatted better. They are a hold over from when the old version that I still need to clean up. I would eventually like to allow the RM Tables to be able to be added as shortcuts on the hotkey bar at the bottom.
    Aha! Makes sense now thanks!

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