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  1. #1

    Cyberpunk 2020 (MoreCore Extension)

    6/28/2020 - Version v1.23 Update
    - Fixes
    - Minor errors reported on forums (by Nembrot)
    - Changes
    - Skill List render direction (by Nembrot)

    6/24/2020 - Version v1.22 Update
    Added Features
    - NPC Window
    - Added Wounds to NPC window that integrates with combat tracker (by Nembrot)
    - Save changes based on wounds
    - IMPORTANT: For existing NPCs, you will have retype their BODY stat so it can calculate the save / wound penalties correctly.
    - Fixes
    - Desktop
    - Changed from background to decal so it can be turned on and off
    - Misc FGU compatibility fixes

    Nembrot created new Dark Theme (see below). MCCP2020 has been updated to work in with theme pack.

    6/10/2020 - Version v1.20 Update
    Added Features
    - NPC Window
    - Added INIT roll button (rolls, but doesn't tie to Combat tracker yet...)
    - Added Init Mods field (to track total INIT mods for the NPC)
    - Fixes
    - Updated XML to work with FG Unity (Thanks to Nembrot!)

    6/7/2020 - Version v1.19.1 Update
    Theme Changes
    - Fixed story and notes background color

    6/4/2020 - Version v1.19 Update

    Theme Changes
    - Main Desktop changed
    - Updated utility windows and buttons

    Added Features
    - Display Stat name of related skill used in chat box for reference

    Character Sheet
    - Init button now includes Combat Sense skill when rolling (Thanks Samzagas!)

    NPC Sheet
    - Skills with "&" and "/" characters now register as "clickable"

    -- Original Post --

    After speaking with superteddy57, I am going to take over the MCCP2020 extension. I'm still learning and haven't messed with the scripting much.

    I've made the following minor tweaks to start with:

    Character Sheet:
    - Resize the skills pane when the window resizes
    - Added a "Logs" tab to allow players to store notes
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by jixerprime; June 28th, 2020 at 22:54.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    If I may, there are a couple of details you could change, NPC's don't have an initiative button and the PC's initiative button does not consider the Solo's Combat Sense, which should be included.
    I'm currently running a CP2020 campaign so I can help if you need to field test anything.
    Last edited by Samzagas; May 29th, 2020 at 17:10. Reason: typo

  4. #4

  5. #5
    I'll look at the initiative items brought up. I have been using the combat tracker to roll for everyone at once. I haven't messed around with too much scripting yet though.

    I'm in the process of updating the theme too. I have a few more elements to go before it looks consistent enough to post though.

  6. #6
    Version v1.19 Update (See 1st post in thread for download)

    Theme Changes
    - Main Desktop changed
    - Updated utility windows and buttons

    Added Features
    - Display Stat name of related skill used in chat box for reference

    Character Sheet
    - Init button now includes Combat Sense skill when rolling (Thanks Samzagas!)

    NPC Sheet
    - Skills with "&" and "/" characters now register as "clickable"
    Last edited by jixerprime; June 5th, 2020 at 13:43.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    That makes sense. I'll move it to the top.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Samzagas View Post
    If I may, there are a couple of details you could change, NPC's don't have an initiative button and the PC's initiative button does not consider the Solo's Combat Sense, which should be included.
    I'm currently running a CP2020 campaign so I can help if you need to field test anything.
    Samzagas, the PC initiative button now considers the Combat Sense skill. I'll look into adding the NPC initiative button. Presently, I have been rolling on the combat tracker for all NPCs and I started allowing the PCs to roll initiative with the updated button after I roll for everyone. In our game, we just roll initiative at the beginning of combat, or whenever situation change occurs that warrants everyone to re-roll. I find it keeps the flow going a bit better for us.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by jixerprime View Post
    Samzagas, the PC initiative button now considers the Combat Sense skill. I'll look into adding the NPC initiative button. Presently, I have been rolling on the combat tracker for all NPCs and I started allowing the PCs to roll initiative with the updated button after I roll for everyone. In our game, we just roll initiative at the beginning of combat, or whenever situation change occurs that warrants everyone to re-roll. I find it keeps the flow going a bit better for us.
    I do appreciate the fact that you've taken my observations into consideration, specially since they are more about convenience and not critical errors. BTW, I'm loving the new theme.

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