Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #241

    advanced effects.

    i confirm this has clashed with your latest move of gmonly fields for extented item effects....

    you now cannot add any effects to items if the item is unlocked.
    if locked you can see item effects.


  2. #242
    Hi, unfortunately I haven't had time recently to handle the updates for my extensions and don't foresee having time for this in the near future.

    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    Hey y'all.

    I've been having a hard time finding time to work on these extensions lately, since I haven't personally been using FG in quite a while and I've had a lot of stuff (mostly good) going on in my life.
    A number of my extensions are not working so great with the August ruleset updates (mostly just some UI stuff) and there are another set of breaking changes coming down the pipe later this month also (generally good changes I'm sure).

    I am monitoring all my GitHub repos, so if anyone has the skills and motivation to make pull requests to update them as needed I am here to assist in that.
    I also am open to requests from other devs who want to take over these extensions and if someone does step up for an extension I can eventually transfer repos/forge items to you.
    I hope to keep Aura Effect going until the official AoE/proximity effect features make it into FG, but updates to the rest of this stuff will probably be limited.

    Sorry for the disruption to all who rely on these for their games.
    Thank you all for the support and messages over the years, this has been a great community to be part of and I hope to get back to playing in FG again someday.

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