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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by StylinLP38 View Post
    Dang, I hoped that Old-school Essentials would be fully supported by Fantasy Grounds. I know it is in D20 and Foundry VTT. Im about to buy Foundry and give it a try. Its a shame because I put alot of work over the last 3 years learning FG.
    Well, for sure a Dark Dungeon (a rules cyclopedia clone) or OSE would be a fantastic addition to the store. Lots of Awesome modules!
    Ultimate license holder, do not worry about partecipating Italian DM (gmt+1). check here to find your timezone difference https://everytimezone.com/

    - Players live a thousand lives, a DM let live a thousand universes -

  2. #22
    In the character sheet when I press the melee attack it is not modified by anything, is it suppose to be modified by STR mod, if it is, its not working. If its not, what is the purpose of having a dice string called melee attack? maybe someone here can explain to me how to make melee attack with one button push that rolls a d20 and adds STR Mod and +1 from like a magic sword, as like a default attack the character uses 99% of the time. in other words why should we constantly have to click on the Strength modify button then add another 1 (e.g. +1 sword) from modifiers, then press on the the melee attack?
    Last edited by Elihu; April 7th, 2021 at 09:09.

  3. #23
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elihu View Post
    In the character sheet when I press the melee attack it is not modified by anything, is it suppose to be modified by STR mod, if it is, its not working. If its not, what is the purpose of having a dice string called melee attack? maybe someone here can explain to me how to make melee attack with one button push that rolls a d20 and adds STR Mod and +1 from like a magic sword, as like a default attack the character uses 99% of the time. in other words why should we constantly have to click on the Strength modify button then add another 1 (e.g. +1 sword) from modifiers, then press on the the melee attack?
    what is your current melee attack string please?

  4. #24
    /thac0 1d20x19

    Atk string.png
    Last edited by Elihu; April 7th, 2021 at 16:07.

  5. #25
    I'm working on adding most of the content from the OSE SRD into FG. So far I have the complete treasure type tables and magic item tables from the back of the book. I'm currently working on adding all the listed magic items as FG Item objects. The treasure and magic item tables are all rollable, generate FG Parcels to drag onto the party sheet, and once the magic items are added will link directly to those items for drag and drop play.

    I have a tiny bit of coding experience (mainly hacking projects like this or playing with arduinos) but I'm very rusty and even working on a custom FG OSE theme got out of my depths quickly.

    IDK if anyone else is working on similar projects, but maybe we can combine forces somehow.

    Once I have the magic items finished, I should have a nice clean .mod to drop into campaigns.
    I converted a bunch of monsters, but those are in my players campaign and I don't believe they can be cleanly extracted, so they'll have to be redone.

    Screenshot 2021-04-07 030331.png

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by OrionsArmpit View Post
    I'm working on adding most of the content from the OSE SRD into FG.
    Thanks OrionsArmpit, that is a labor of love, normally I would be right along side of you helping out, however, I have been doing this for many different rule systems on FG, Runequest Glorantha, Forbiddden Lands, Low fantasy Gaming, etc. FWIW there are other VTTs that already have complete and robust support of Old-School Essential.

  7. #27

  8. #28

    Orions OSE Treasure Pack alpha

    Bundled it up nice for everyone.

    I included OP's Old_School_Essentials.mod and the ext for my work-in-progress theme for OSE (with a 80's d&d font scheme) in additon to the OSE Treasure & Items alpha 1.mod I put together.

    Just unzip to your /Fantasy Grounds/ folder, open a MoreCore campaign and select the "MoreCore - Damned Basic Dungeon Remix" extension (my edited theme). In your campaign, open the Library -> Modules and load OSE Treasure and Items, as well as Old School Essentials.

    You should be in business. The treasure tables are in the Treasure Types group under Tables, Magic Item tables are under the Magic Items group. Items are categorized by group
    Attached Files Attached Files

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Use this:

    /thac0 1d20x[(p1)-(a)]

    where (a) contains the Modifier value from your Strength
    Did what you said and got a script error. Changed the a to 2.

    Atk string.png
    Last edited by Elihu; April 8th, 2021 at 05:05.

  10. #30
    damned's Avatar
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    From what i can see of your screenshot it does not look like you have used what I posted above.
    Drag your Str (or Dex or whatever) modifier field into Ref Field A.
    Enable Parameters
    Hide P2 and P3
    /thac0 1d20x[(p1)-(a)]
    in Param Formula
    Then add your THAC0 value in p1

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