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Thread: Carbon 2185 5e

  1. #11
    I am a little over 100 pages in on the book and I have all of the items mechanics and descriptions in, and I have even made a character sheet under CoreRPG its a functional one but I really want to make a closer to the original one but I have learn how to do it so it may take me a bit

  2. #12
    Blahness98's Avatar
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    Here. I built this rough extension to the 5e rule set a little while after Carbon came out. It is basically just a hack job that gets the basics of things done. Had my group of 5 play a few sessions with it and adjusted items between sessions. Carbon is built using the 5e, so why reinvent the horse when you can just modify a few things and go from there.
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    Last edited by Blahness98; February 9th, 2022 at 18:27.
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  3. #13
    Thank you I will look at it when I get home from work. Im actually almost done putting it into CoreRPG if you want I will post that when I'm done

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Blahness98 View Post
    Here. I built this rough extension to the 5e rule set a little while after Carbon came out. It is basically just a hack job that gets the basics of things done. Had my group of 5 play a few sessions with it and adjusted items between sessions. Carbon is built using the 5e, so why reinvent the horse when you can just modify a few things and go from there.
    I put it in my extension folder and checked for updates and restarted and checked again but its not showing up and an option to enable the extension. what am I forgetting?

  5. #15
    Blahness98's Avatar
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    What rule set are you using? Shows up fine in when 5e is selected.
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  6. #16
    I was loading in 5e but it was not showing as listed so I tried other rulesets and it came up under CoreRPG and loaded but everything is blank and the character sheet does not come up properly. I have no other extensions or mods loaded

  7. #17
    this is what it comes up with the rest of the sheet is fine but basic core RPG charsheet.png

  8. #18
    Blahness98's Avatar
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    Welp. That's on me. I apparently has a working folder in the extensions folder FGU was pulling from. I re-uploaded the extension to the post above. I apologize for the error.
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    Hell's Rebels
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  9. #19
    thank you so much this is a huge help now I can have some automation. would you be interested in the whole rulebook when I'm done?

    I am trying to get it to recognize the saving throws putting in the classes but it doesn't seem to automate that. I have tried Fort, Fortitude, Constitution, as well as Dexterity and Reflex

  10. #20
    Blahness98's Avatar
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    Like I said, this was a hack job to get it entered and semi-automated. I did not go too deep into the code to change things aside from skills and ability names. So, hopefully you have more luck.
    Ultimate License Holder

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