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  1. #21
    Yeah, I know I'm coming across as being very demanding, and that's not my intention. I genuinely just wanted to report stuff to help make this better for everyone. Myself and my players are really keen on running a Symbaroum campaign in FG (and probably live streaming it too), so we want it to be the best it can be.

    I also don't want to come across as ungrateful - Simpe has done a fantastic job on this so far, and I want to thank him for all his hard work. Long may it continue.
    Game Streams -
    Ultimate License
    - All you need to play in my games is Fantasy Grounds Demo

    Favourite Rulesets: Savage Worlds
    Currently Running: Pirates of the Spanish Main, Interface Zero, Primeval Thule
    Time Zone: PST

  2. #22
    Wait, there's an update??? What changed?
    Game Streams -
    Ultimate License
    - All you need to play in my games is Fantasy Grounds Demo

    Favourite Rulesets: Savage Worlds
    Currently Running: Pirates of the Spanish Main, Interface Zero, Primeval Thule
    Time Zone: PST

  3. #23
    Valyar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    There is post in the City Hall that describes what is happening:
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  4. #24
    Hey guys,

    Sorry about missing out on all the posts. It's hard for me to keep up with so many discussions in so many places, and every minute spent here is not spent on trying to improve the ruleset.

    Thanks Valyar and Damned for helping out with answering questions.

    I have a couple of fixes incoming, mainly being able to drag-and-drop actions and their damage (an action is my name for what an ability/mystical power etc actually can do in an automation-supported way). I've also fixed actions not correctly applying their damage ignore.

    Hopefully that should help a bit with the automation process.

    Now for some explanations as to why enemies attacks are not automated.

    I think there's been a fairly good explanation here about the spirit of the game where the GM doesn't roll any die. That's the spirit of the game and that has been attempted to follow here. That means that the players should only roll their defense - OR apply any of the reactions that they may have due to their reactive abilities or spells.

    There is also a reason that there are abilities that allow you to use other people as a shield when you're being attacked, there are riposts, there are abilities that you can activate as a reaction when someone attacks providing extra armor or reflective damage, there are reactions that other players can take in order to make the attack less able to hit or hit someone else... and a lot more. The amount of reactions that can be taken in order to modify an attack are too many to feasibly consider when one would want to implement something like this. It would take a huge amount of time and even if it was in the spirit of the game - it simply would not be feasible to do.

    I'm going to submit these fixes that I've done to hopefully improve some of the behavior that we've seen - and there's more to do. If someone could help me keep track of the bugs and prioritize them for me - that would be greatly appreciated and would probably result in my time spent in the most important areas. I used to have a trello for this but unfortunately it's not very up to date and included work for future modules.


  5. #25
    There is also a reason that there are abilities that allow you to use other people as a shield when you're being attacked, there are riposts, there are abilities that you can activate as a reaction when someone attacks providing extra armor or reflective damage, there are reactions that other players can take in order to make the attack less able to hit or hit someone else... and a lot more. The amount of reactions that can be taken in order to modify an attack are too many to feasibly consider when one would want to implement something like this.

    This simply isn't logical. Your argument seems to be that since there might be exceptions to an automated function, then there shouldn't be an automated function at all.

    Wouldn't a simpler, clearer system be: it is automated unless the GM decides to apply an exception? That's kind of how exceptions are supposed to work: they are exceptional, not standard behaviour.

    All I want is a system where an NPC's Attack modifier is automatically applied to a PC's Defence roll instead of having to be manually typed in every time. Because every time a PC is attacked, that modifier needs to be applied. In the rare cases where there needs to be an additional modifier added manually that can still be done.

    I'm amazed that this conversation is still ongoing. This isn't rocket science. As I said a couple of days ago, if you don't want to add it now, just add it to your Nice to Have list and look at it again some other time down the road.

    Anyhow, that's my last comment on this topic.
    Game Streams -
    Ultimate License
    - All you need to play in my games is Fantasy Grounds Demo

    Favourite Rulesets: Savage Worlds
    Currently Running: Pirates of the Spanish Main, Interface Zero, Primeval Thule
    Time Zone: PST

  6. #26
    I've also fixed actions not correctly applying their damage ignore.

    Thank you for this.
    Game Streams -
    Ultimate License
    - All you need to play in my games is Fantasy Grounds Demo

    Favourite Rulesets: Savage Worlds
    Currently Running: Pirates of the Spanish Main, Interface Zero, Primeval Thule
    Time Zone: PST

  7. #27
    Can we get a title bar or border option on the top of the character sheets? As every other system has one it visually is triggering my OCD
    Last edited by rathen45; July 3rd, 2021 at 01:45.

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