1. #1

    Sync between host and player not working, when pasting text.

    Some text gets not updated on change between host and clients, when the text is pasted from an external source.

    - create campaign only using CoreRPG
    - create plain character
    - join with client and claim character
    - client adds items by pasting them from clipboard (ctrl+v)
    -> Host does not get the updated item text on his side but on client side, it appears changed
    -> host and client are now out of sync
    -> if client disconnects all changes that did not sync to the host are lost

    This does not only affect items, but also abilities and probably most text fields.
    The missed sync also occurs when host changes text by pasting, so clients won't get the update.
    If the text gets edited manually later it will trigger the sync and override the other side ofc.
    The sync is probably triggered when text changed by a <key pressed>-Event or similar and apparently ctrl+v does not count as such.

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    May 2015
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    After pasting the text, can the person click outside the window, close it and re-open it? As you noticed, changes aren't saved to the database until their is an even to update the value. I think that is usually when you click out of the field to another one. Not sure though.

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    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    Yes, usually as soon as you click out, it will trigger the sync, but only if the text was changed. Pasting text does not count as a valid change, so sync will not trigger.
    If you reopen your character sheet it will not be synced in any way, instead it will use the cached version, which at this point is already out of sync.

  4. #4
    Can you provide the exact field you were using in the scenario above, so I can recreate, fix and verify?


  5. #5
    Those are the ones I found so far: language names, item names (both), attribute list items, ability names (both).
    Not sure if they share the same class or need to be fixed individually. And I only tested for the CoreRPG ruleset (if that matters).
    bugged fields 1.PNG
    bugged fields 2.PNG
    bugged fields 3.PNG
    bugged fields 4.PNG

  6. #6
    Any update on this? My group just moved from roll20 to FG, and after multiple hours spent moving things over it's REALLY demoralizing that I'm gonna have to go through my inventory and such again and look for everything that was lost because of what seems to be this bug.

  7. #7
    Bump/second request for status update - shouldn't a data loss bug be pretty high priority? >>

  8. #8

    The original poster's issue was resolved in a previous build; and I was unable to recreate the situation using the same steps on the most recent build.

    Can you provide me steps to see the issue you are having?


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