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  1. #41
    I have a slightly different question. I have High Guard in print form and I'm considering getting it for Fantasy Grounds. Are there any advantages to doing this? I'm guessing there isn't much automation due to the inherent complexities of High Guard. If it is to be used solely as a reference, I guess I could get away with just using the physical book in conjunction with Fantasy Grounds?

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by RobP View Post
    I have a slightly different question. I have High Guard in print form and I'm considering getting it for Fantasy Grounds. Are there any advantages to doing this? I'm guessing there isn't much automation due to the inherent complexities of High Guard. If it is to be used solely as a reference, I guess I could get away with just using the physical book in conjunction with Fantasy Grounds?
    Starship systems and combat are part of the High Guard expansion. The work on these systems is ongoing and improving over time but most starship functionality went into High Guard because ship building was part of High Guard so all the systems that would require having a ship ended up there as well.

  3. #43
    I Thought I saw a snippet/teaser on twitch from MBM about further dev work on the SCT and assigning crew roles etc... any word or further teasers? :-) I'm not holding my breath for integrated starship creation automation. that seems like a 3+ year project at best. RPGSuite is/was going to do a kickstarter for their traveller starship creator and it looks awesome. I've been following that for a couple of years.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    Starship systems and combat are part of the High Guard expansion. The work on these systems is ongoing and improving over time but most starship functionality went into High Guard because ship building was part of High Guard so all the systems that would require having a ship ended up there as well.
    What is provided over and above the core rules? On my FG I have a tab for player spacecraft and a spacecraft combat tracker. From playing around I think I can run space combat with what's already there. What does High Guard bring to the table in terms of automation? I wish FG put more effort into describing what you get with a product - would save a lot of time on the forums

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    Starship ... combat are part of the High Guard expansion
    So I've just gone pretty heavily feet first into MgT2E and bought £350 worth of the hardback rulebooks directly from Mongoose over about a three week period. Naturally I start looking at what FG has for it (the reason I chose MgT2E for a Sci-Fi system is because I saw FG had official support), and am impressed.

    I have no issue with the ruleset being bundled with the Core Rulebook - that makes sense, but to have the ship combat system included in a separate book is a very poor move, and to say it is part of the High Guard expansion is disingenuous. The rules are covered in the Core Rulebook. High Guard simply expands some of these options.

    You are going to force everyone who wants to use ship combat to also buy High Guard, despite claiming that the ruleset is included with the Core Rulebook purchase? Even though I will inevitably purchase all of the books if I get around to sorting out an ongoing game with my group, this still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

  6. #46
    It was more because of the way the system was developed that starship combat ended up in high guard.

    Starship combat was initially contracted to a third party developer by SmiteWorks for Starfinder, and Traveller was supposed to use a variant on that. The idea, as I understand it, was that the system would be used across various CoreRPG based rulesets. At the time that was only Starfinder and Traveller 1E. Unfortunately there were problems with the developer, and the one that came after that. SmiteWorks sort of gave up on it for the time being.

    In the meantime MadBeardMan, Traveller's developer had been working on 2E which was formally released and was working to complete Central Supply Catalog (which required a whole lot of minor adjustments and a reworking of ammo and damage systems plus loads of item data entry). A wide range of other requests also took up time. Plus we were sharing MBM with several other game systems so that also takes up a lot of time.

    Around this time SmiteWorks gathered enough capital to hire a couple of full-time developers, one of those was assigned to the long awaited starship system. By then MBM was just in the design phase of High Guard ship systems. Just as a matter of History, prior to this point there were no ships of any kind in FG Traveller, just people using notes for starship data.

    With High Guard the first objective was to make it so ships could be entered into the system in a way that the ruleset would be able to use wit an eye to a future starship construction system (not sure where that is on the schedule but not sure it is currently on it). Once we had useable starship data it became possible for MBM to begin to port the starship combat system to Traveller. Some of those systems are still in development as we type.

    It is possible in the future things will move around to be more in line with the book organization, but that will take a bunch of time.

    We have one shared ruleset developer who is trying hard to catch up with Mongoose, but sadly they are way outpacing him. I think that one or two others are working on non-coding related materials (adventures and such) but they are just getting off the ground. So the general community consensus has been to keep moving forward... though I am sure MBM will read your post and add it to his long list of things to do.

  7. #47
    My point of confusion is that I don't yet have FG High Guard (only the printed book), yet, FG MgeT2 seems to support starship combat? My non-High Guard FG has a PC SCraft tab for PC Spacecraft and it has a working Spacecraft Combat Tracker. There is even a Spacecraft Battles button under the Battles option. My conclusion is that the Core Traveller FG set does support starship combat out of the box and that there is enough there to make it genuinely useful!

    FG High Guard costs a fair bit - as much as my printed book, so in effect I would be buying it twice. I don't mind doing this if the FG High Guard is bringing something new to the table, such as rules automation. Hence my original question. I'm just trying to clarify what buying High Guard adds to the system as it is a substantial investment (the FG website is very unclear on this) . If it's just data, I'd probably just skip it and manually scan the PDF I got with the rules book into FG.

  8. #48

    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Sydney, Australia
    I believe that Madbeardman has just recently made changes to the core Traveller system to facilitate starship combat including the placement of pc’s in starship roles to utilise their skills.

    Mbm, is constantly working to refine the system. I am not sure what High Guard brings in the way of automation, if any, as I am just starting in a campaign next weekend as a player.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by johnecc View Post
    I believe that Madbeardman has just recently made changes to the core Traveller system to facilitate starship combat including the placement of pc’s in starship roles to utilise their skills.

    Mbm, is constantly working to refine the system. I am not sure what High Guard brings in the way of automation, if any, as I am just starting in a campaign next weekend as a player.
    I must have missed the change over, since I always have High Guard loaded I just didn't notice. Sorry for any confusion.

    MBM would have to weigh in on the specifics of what's what in High Guard.

  10. #50
    Morning All,

    To iterate, I'm working on (well have just finished) allowing PC's to use 'Ship Actions'. For the moment those are Weapon Actions.

    I have plans to automate as much as possible, including Critical Hits, Power Management, Cargo Holds, Cargo Lockers, Fuel Management.

    I've completed some huge campaigns recently and back into the coding side of the ruleset. I need to get Cargo working as Trade is an important side of my own game.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

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