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  1. #21
    Saeval's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    West Palm Beach, FL
    Yeah it’s a known problem on Unity. It works on classic though.

  2. #22
    Thanks for response! I just hope that in time this and other rule-sets will be compatible with Unity.

  3. #23
    anyone else having trouble post update? i just updated my fg, and it crashed my access completely to my session. i also updated my morecore and at least recovered my heroes tab but i no longer have images, story, groups etc... anyone else have this issue or any ideas?? i have a session tomorrow and hope i dont have to cancel my game. I have included a ss.snip.jpg

  4. #24

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Ill try and look at this over the weekend but it wont be in time for your game.
    I really appreciate it, I'm going to head with my game tonight I've got to work around where thank goodness I have my library created where I can still access my essentials from that to get by and the character sheets are still accessible so we're going to soldier through tonight and I appreciate anything you find later on and thank you very very much

  6. #26

  7. #27
    Saeval's Avatar
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    West Palm Beach, FL
    Any word on if this will be updated to work on Unity?

  8. #28
    I am having a problem and really need help. Why no matter what extension I am using, the sidebar do not change? I just downloaded the MoreCore ruleset and I was reading the codes, but I couldn`t understand where is the problem. Here goes a image of Legend of the Five Rings 5EUntitled-1.jpg.

  9. #29
    I am having a problem and really need help. Why no matter what extension I am using, the sidebar do not change? I just downloaded the MoreCore ruleset and I was reading the codes, but I couldn`t understand where is the problem. Here goes a image of Legend of the Five Rings 5E Untitled-1.jpg.

  10. #30
    Saeval's Avatar
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    West Palm Beach, FL
    The base code has some updates that the ruleset hasn’t been updated to accommodate. It’s weird on FG Classic and broken on FG Unity.

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