Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #11
    If any folks are interested in testing out, let me know... I am running 4 campaigns a week of this now in FG hahaha LOVE THIS SYSTEM! Next FG Con, I plan to sign up to run it as well. I am not promising a lengthy campaign, but I would be happy to run character creation and an intro game if there is interest. Anyway, I LOVE how functional this is, the only issue my players have run into, when we are rolling dice from within the character sheet, sometimes there is always 1 player that accidentally clicked the +/- next to a skill and causes their dice roll to error due to the added modifier. They swear there is nothing in the modifier box and I am unsure how to educate them to clear this out when it happens. I literally have closed the session and had everyone rejoin to hard fix the issue, but I am sure there is an easier way.

  2. #12
    Is this group still looking for players? I've recently come across this system and am very excited to try it out!

  3. #13
    I'll shoot you a private message later and we can discuss

  4. #14
    Saeval's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    West Palm Beach, FL
    So I've been looking for a good replacement game since I can't find Qin anywhere to play and I came across this, I downloaded the extension and everything looks great but when I try it in Unity all the symbols are giving me errors. Is there an easy way to make it compatible with unity since that is more stable for our group or do we have to bite the bullet and go back to classic?

  5. #15

  6. #16
    Saeval's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    West Palm Beach, FL
    I'm super interested in trying this game so I decided to try creating a game on FG Classic but when I open a character sheet I get this error as well as anytime I try to type in a name or anything.

    Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_rings.lua"]:20: attempt to index a nil value
    Runtime Notice: s'nVigilance: ' | #4
    Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_rings.lua"]:20: attempt to index a nil value
    Runtime Notice: s'nVigilance: ' | #4
    Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_rings.lua"]:20: attempt to index a nil value
    Runtime Notice: s'nVigilance: ' | #4
    Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_rings.lua"]:20: attempt to index a nil value
    Runtime Notice: s'nVigilance: ' | #4
    Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_rings.lua"]:20: attempt to index a nil value
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (basicnumberred) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (number_statbox) in windowclass (cli_rolls)
    Ruleset Error: window: Control(button_void) anchoring to an undefined control (void) in windowclass (charsheet_more)
    Ruleset Error: window: Control(button_void) anchoring to an undefined control (void) in windowclass (charsheet_more)
    Ruleset Error: window: Control(button_void) anchoring to an undefined control (void) in windowclass (charsheet_more)
    So which person do I have to bribe to get this to work for me (preferably on Unity but I'll take what I can get lol)
    It seems the Unity error message is just about the dice faces not being numbers or something but on Classic it's even worse. But at least the dice still work on Classic just nothing with the character sheet for me. This is with a fresh campaign of MoreCore and no other extensions except this one and no modules downloaded.

  7. #17

  8. #18
    Saeval's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    West Palm Beach, FL
    I realized it as soon as you said something, I haven't updated MoreCore for Classic in a while since my group moved on to Unity. Once I updated that it works fine on Classic now. I'm going to start formatting my layout and do some data entry to add the clans, schools, abilities, spells, and Items. Hopefully someone figures out how to fix the dice function for Unity eventually because that is way more stable for two of my players.

  9. #19
    Saeval's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    West Palm Beach, FL
    I spent a lot of time reading through the Genesys forum last night and I was wondering if this extension would be better suited working off that Ruleset since it is so similar? It might be easier to get the dice faces to work in Unity and the way it builds the dice pool for skills & attributes seems more idiot proof for the players who might accidently hit the +/- button more than once before rolling their elemental ring. The more I read of Genesys I am thinking it might become a group standard for my group over Savage Worlds for a generic rpg that can be easily reskinned for different settings and L5R is amazing and we all love it so much. I'm going to try and tweak it a bit to run a slightly more mature Avatar the Last Airbender game.

  10. #20
    Thanks for the ruleset its awesome!
    FYI, I just loaded the Morecore and MCL5R extension in Unity and from the get go problems with the dice.

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