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  1. #21
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J03 View Post
    Big Fonts is a lifesaver, thank you. I'm almost as old as Old Man Dice and the tiny text was going to be a dealbreaker for me.
    You might have more success with the chat command: /scaleui 125 or /scaleui 150 if everything is too small.

  2. #22
    Did something happen with fonts in FG Unity recently? I last ran it about three or four months ago, and it was fine. I launched it for the first time today since then, and from the campaign create / load window onward it was microscopic. I could barely manage to see the text box to type "/scaleui 200" and even after doing that, I would consider it barely acceptable in terms of font size. What happened ;-)? Whey can we not just manage this with Fantasy Grounds -> Preferences pull down menu item like every other application in the world? OK that last question was rhetorical. My real question is just - did anyone else have a sudden change recently with fonts going sized for thumb-sized people?

  3. #23
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimweaver View Post
    Did something happen with fonts in FG Unity recently? I last ran it about three or four months ago, and it was fine. I launched it for the first time today since then, and from the campaign create / load window onward it was microscopic. I could barely manage to see the text box to type "/scaleui 200" and even after doing that, I would consider it barely acceptable in terms of font size. What happened ;-)? Whey can we not just manage this with Fantasy Grounds -> Preferences pull down menu item like every other application in the world? OK that last question was rhetorical. My real question is just - did anyone else have a sudden change recently with fonts going sized for thumb-sized people?
    Months ago their was a change in the Mac client for support of Retina displays. Is that recent? You can up the scaleui to I think 400 now on Macs. There are also application scaling that you can do, but the commands depend upon your o/s, and I'm not Mac proficient.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  4. #24
    Ha - yes, thanks! I found the appropriate forum to post. And yep it had been several months since I last launched. I was like, WTH happened? Did they make a change or am I suddenly going blind?? ;-)

  5. #25
    We enabled Retina support within the Unity build. When first launching, it will attempt to determine a good size on a new install; but existing installations will have already been "fixed" at the original size (which could have been before the Retina support update).


  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    We enabled Retina support within the Unity build. When first launching, it will attempt to determine a good size on a new install; but existing installations will have already been "fixed" at the original size (which could have been before the Retina support update).

    Got it - so really what I experienced was just a timing issue. if I do a fresh install on my Powerbook and see anything weird, I'll yell back.

  7. #27
    Note: That doesn't mean your NOT going blind...

  8. #28

    FGU Big Font Update?

    Hi There!

    It's been over 6 months since FGU was released as a replacement for FGC. Are there any updated extensions to increase font size for FGU? Note, I play on a Microsoft Surface Tablet so increasing the scale is not helpful as the chat & story notes boxes would take up 2/3 of the screen space. I greatly appreciate anyone's help who responds!

    Lady Archer

  9. #29
    This thread is in the FG Classic support channel. Also, the ruleset windows are designed for a specific font size as part of their design; so increasing the UI scale allows the windows and fields to be scaled to match the fonts so they still look right.

    If you use an extension which only increases font size, then the fonts will begin overrunning field boundaries and/or clipping. There are a few extensions on the forums that have done that, with the expected issues.

    You might try smaller UI scale options. The scale ranges from 50% to 200%.


  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    This thread is in the FG Classic support channel. Also, the ruleset windows are designed for a specific font size as part of their design; so increasing the UI scale allows the windows and fields to be scaled to match the fonts so they still look right.

    If you use an extension which only increases font size, then the fonts will begin overrunning field boundaries and/or clipping. There are a few extensions on the forums that have done that, with the expected issues.

    You might try smaller UI scale options. The scale ranges from 50% to 200%.

    Would it be possible to implement this as a feature with the warning that there may be overlap? Trying to find the right extension etc that works with the program without errors is frankly exhausting and tedious. The big fonts used to work and now creates errors. It doesn't SEEM to actually affect anything, but as a DM I don't want to have an issue that I'm unaware of and errors are always "scary".

    No other application I've ever used has been unreadable or had font issues except this one. I know you say that it's impossible except other programs the boxes simply scale (usually vertically) with the text. There's enough users complaining about this and trying to find a solution that I hope you're actually working on a fix/solution. As more and more screens are made similar to "retina", this will become an issue for more and more people. I can hardly even roll for example sleight of hand, because I can't click the right box because it's all packed together, yet if I scale the UI up any more I have no real-estate to do anything.

    Obviously part of this is just how involved D&D is, we are GRATEFUL this program exists especially the last year in isolation, but it would be nice if everything fit and were also readable.

    PS can you make the player tabs move-able? Would love to move the 'Actions' tab closer to the top near 'skills' since those are used more than 'log' or 'notes'. This is all about customizable preferences for usability. It would also help if like in photoshop you could link boxes together so they would attach and detach from each other and expand and collapse, maps should also be able to be collapsed to just the heading etc. not sure if that made sense. Ok now I'm on a tangent, thanks for listening.

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