Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11
    As I said in the email response I sent. I wasn't trying to offend. With the Unity version at least I would think the error would have something to do with the code in line 137. Maybe if I look at the xml I will be able to see it. Even with no coding skills whatsoever I believe I can decipher what I am seeing in the error.

    So GeorgeOrr, I looked at your character sheet (I don't know if that is where the problem is but I'm pretty sure its not in the extension). Line 137 is....

    <p3 type="number">0</p3>

    The id that line of code is in is below....

    <clichatcommand type="string">/iron 2d10+1d6+0</clichatcommand>
    <description type="formattedtext">
    <p>Iron: Physical strength, endurance, aggressiveness, and prowess in close combat.</p>
    <locked type="number">1</locked>
    <name type="string">Iron</name>
    <number_trackers type="number">0</number_trackers>
    <number_trackers_hidden type="number">0</number_trackers_hidden>
    <number_trackers_tooltip type="string">Tracker</number_trackers_tooltip>
    <p1 type="number">0</p1>
    <p1_hidden type="number">0</p1_hidden>
    <p1_tooltip type="string">Iron</p1_tooltip>
    <p2 type="number">0</p2>
    <p2_hidden type="number">1</p2_hidden>
    <p2_tooltip type="string">Challenge</p2_tooltip>
    <p3 type="number">0</p3>
    <p3_hidden type="number">1</p3_hidden>
    <p3_tooltip type="string">Parameter</p3_tooltip>
    <parameter_formula type="string">/iron 2d10+1d6+(a)</parameter_formula>
    <parameter_formula_enabled type="number">1</parameter_formula_enabled>
    <refa type="string">.p1 : (a) available</refa>
    <refa_path type="string">.p1</refa_path>
    <refb type="string">Drag Field or Roll Here</refb>
    <refc type="string">Drag Field or Roll Here</refc>
    <rollstype type="string">iron</rollstype>
    <shortcut type="windowreference">
    <tracker_enabled type="number">0</tracker_enabled>
    <trackersname type="number">0</trackersname>
    <trackersname_hidden type="number">0</trackersname_hidden>
    <trackersname_tooltip type="string">Tracker</trackersname_tooltip>

    I don't know XML but its the only thing I found that had more than 137 lines if that is even what the error is referring too. It looks like "number" is defined as 0 or 0 is defined as number or whatever. Since this seems to be the issue the roll is crashing on and the error references nil could it mean that this needs to be defined as something other than 0?
    Last edited by kevdog45; April 29th, 2020 at 17:24.

  2. #12
    I used the roll in a different Morecore campaign and it didn't work there either. So I guess it isn't in the character sheet. Its in the code used to create the roll or something in that code is interfering with something in Morecore. I don't know. I am totally guessing.

  3. #13
    Bumping this up. I can't figure out why this won't work. It looks like it should but I am no lua expert.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by kevdog45 View Post
    Bumping this up. I can't figure out why this won't work. It looks like it should but I am no lua expert.
    I have added the code. I won't bump this again. The error seems to be on line 137.
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    Last edited by kevdog45; May 10th, 2020 at 23:11. Reason: adding file

  5. #15

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Im really sorry kevdog45 I have so many things in the air right now and I havent gotten to this one yet.
    Its ok, I understand. Thanks for getting back.

  7. #17
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    If you edit that file and replace teh two instances of pairs with ipairs it should work.
    At least it does for me but I dont know the system so I could be doing something wrong...
    If it checks out Ill add this to the next build.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevdog45 View Post
    As I said in the email response I sent. I wasn't trying to offend. With the Unity version at least I would think the error would have something to do with the code in line 137. Maybe if I look at the xml I will be able to see it. Even with no coding skills whatsoever I believe I can decipher what I am seeing in the error.

    So GeorgeOrr, I looked at your character sheet (I don't know if that is where the problem is but I'm pretty sure its not in the extension). Line 137 is....
    Line 137 was referring to Ln 137 in \scripts\manager_custom_ironsworn.lua
    The error is happening because it is incorrectly counting how many dice are being throw and then tries to retrieve the value of a dice that hasnt been thrown.

    So the file you need to edit is this one.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Line 137 was referring to Ln 137 in \scripts\manager_custom_ironsworn.lua
    The error is happening because it is incorrectly counting how many dice are being throw and then tries to retrieve the value of a dice that hasnt been thrown.

    So the file you need to edit is this one.
    Here is the edited text file. I don't have access to my computer here so adding it back into the .pak file will have to wait until later. I changed the pairs to ipairs but that is all I did. If more needs to be done it is beyond me. I did see in the file where it seems to indicate a fourth die but I don't know how I would fix that other than to remove the code.

    So I took the below file renamed it manager_custom_iron.lua and placed it into the scripts section of the Morecore folder I unzipped from the pak file. Then I zipped up the folder and renamed the zip file MoreCore.pak and put it back into the ruleset folder in Fantasy Grounds. When I load Fantasy Grounds it comes back with an error saying it does not recognize the MoreCore ruleset. What did I do wrong? Do I have to compile the .txt file into a lua file before placing it back into MoreCore? That is my only guess.

    I will say this the .txt file below has the ipairs issues Damned mentioned fixed so if someone wants to play this ruleset and set it up go for it. Thank you damned for your help. I know you are busy with other rulesets that have more users.
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    Last edited by kevdog45; May 12th, 2020 at 23:04.

  10. #20
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    MoreCore is the 7th most used ruleset - so know its not other rulesets that have more users taking me away its just everything taking me away.

    The issue is you zipped up the whole MoreCore folder including the folder. You just zip up the contents.

    The only changes required to that file was the insertion of two "i"s eg renaming the 2 pairs as ipairs.

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