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  1. #1

    Ironsworn Module, Character Sheet and Theme

    Ironsworn is an RPG built for solo, co-op and guided play. Written by Shawn Tomkin and released under creative commons (non-commercial). Well worth checking out at

    I've been using MoreCore to play and as I added things realized others may be interested in seeing what I brought over. It's also been an opportunity for me to learn more about MoreCore. Many thanks to Damned for his pointers with this.

    I've attached a character sheet, a module and a start on a theme.

    The Character sheet includes all the Moves and is quite usable without the module BUT there are a couple of Moves that have tables attached you wont be able to access without the module. Also I use Story Templates in the module to generate trackers for Vows and Bonds. The Vows and Bonds need to be added to individual character sheets after being generated.

    The module includes all the Moves (as rolls), all the Assets (listed under the heading "Abilities") and all the tables/Oracles.

    These are all from the core game, I haven't attacked the Delve expansion yet.

    The Theme is a start for me following along with Damned's videos on how to make a theme. At the moment it replaces the background with something that feels Ironsworny to me. I'll probably add to that as I take breaks from actually playing and watch more of Damned's videos.

    This is my first attempt at anything like this, so I'd love to hear feedback.

    BTW I asked on the Ironsworn discord if it was ok to post this. Shawn was kind enough to say yes and just sent a note to support confirming that. Can't stress enough how great it is that he's so open to having his work spread. Buy stuff from him. https://www.ironswornrpg.com and at https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/...6/Shawn-Tomkin

    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    VenomousFiligree's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Plymouth, UK.
    Great work!

    Previously: MurghBpurn

  3. #3

  4. #4
    That is right. In fact Solo seems to be the main focus though I do see co-op mentioned a lot as well. It runs very well without a DM.

  5. #5
    Yes, Ironsworn is Primarily Solo/cooperative using PBTA style moves and oracles that are themed to the setting and written to provide inspiration, rather than require vague interpretation like mythic for example. Its pretty amazing.

  6. #6
    VenomousFiligree's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Plymouth, UK.
    I've run a few games of Co-op/GMless, works really well.

    Previously: MurghBpurn

  7. #7
    So I'm guessing this doesn't work with Unity? I get several errors every time I make a roll.

  8. #8
    Kevdog45 - you are right I get the same thing. Funny thing I hadn't setup Morecore in Unity until just now. I don't get the same problem with non-ironsworn rolls, but using /iron reliably errors.

    Damned - the error that gets raised seems to be in manager_custom_iron.lua and referenced an attempt to index a field with a nil value. I've copied the error from the log below. Odd thing is I've made sure it's the same Morecore version in classic as in unity, and it works fine in classic. I can't see why unity would act differently with a lua like that.

    I did the same roll in classic and grabbed the console output. Not great with reading these, but it looks like in classic it sees 3 dice being rolled and in unity it sees 4 for some reason. Then since there's not a fourth die it is nil . I think. Both outputs below.

    I'm wondering if this is an issue with Unity reading the lua differently for some reason. But that may be conclusion jumping.

    Any thoughts? Thanks for any insight.

    Error in Unity: rolling /iron 2d10+1d6+2
    [4/25/2020 11:41:27 AM] s'performAction: ' | nil | nil | s'2d10+1d6+2'
    [4/25/2020 11:41:27 AM] s'performAction: ' | nil | nil | { s'sType' = s'iron', s'aDice' = { #1 = s'd10', #2 = s'd10', #3 = s'd6' }, s'nMod' = #2, s'sDesc' = s'2d10+1d6+2' }
    [4/25/2020 11:41:29 AM] s'onLanded: ' | nil | nil | { s'aDice' = { #1 = { s'value' = #4, s'type' = s'd10', s'result' = #4 }, #2 = { s'value' = #2, s'type' = s'd10', s'result' = #2 }, #3 = { s'value' = #4, s'type' = s'd6', s'result' = #4 }, s'expr' = s'2d10+d6' }, s'nMod' = #2, s'sType' = s'iron', s'bSecret' = bFALSE, s'sDesc' = s'2d10+1d6+2' }
    [4/25/2020 11:41:29 AM] { s'aDice' = { #1 = { s'value' = #4, s'type' = s'd10', s'result' = #4 }, #2 = { s'value' = #2, s'type' = s'd10', s'result' = #2 }, #3 = { s'value' = #4, s'type' = s'd6', s'result' = #4 }, s'expr' = s'2d10+d6' }, s'nMod' = #2, s'sType' = s'iron', s'bSecret' = bFALSE, s'sDesc' = s'2d10+1d6+2' }
    [4/25/2020 11:41:29 AM] s'diceRolled: ' | #4
    [4/25/2020 11:41:29 AM] s'nMod: ' | #2
    [4/25/2020 11:41:29 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Script execution error: [string "scripts/manager_custom_iron.lua"]:137: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

    Console output in Classic
    Runtime Notice: s'performAction: ' | nil | nil | s'2d10+1d6+2'
    Runtime Notice: s'performAction: ' | nil | nil | { s'sType' = s'iron', s'aDice' = { #1 = s'd10', #2 = s'd10', #3 = s'd6' }, s'nMod' = #2, s'sDesc' = s'2d10+1d6+2' }
    Runtime Notice: s'onLanded: ' | nil | nil | { s'aDice' = { #1 = { s'result' = #8, s'type' = s'd10' }, #2 = { s'result' = #10, s'type' = s'd10' }, #3 = { s'result' = #6, s'type' = s'd6' } }, s'nMod' = #2, s'sType' = s'iron', s'bSecret' = bFALSE, s'sDesc' = s'2d10+1d6+2' }
    Runtime Notice: { s'aDice' = { #1 = { s'result' = #8, s'type' = s'd10' }, #2 = { s'result' = #10, s'type' = s'd10' }, #3 = { s'result' = #6, s'type' = s'd6' } }, s'nMod' = #2, s'sType' = s'iron', s'bSecret' = bFALSE, s'sDesc' = s'2d10+1d6+2' }
    Runtime Notice: s'diceRolled: ' | #3
    Runtime Notice: s'nTotal1: ' | #2
    Runtime Notice: s'nTotal2: ' | #8
    Runtime Notice: s'x1: ' | #8
    Runtime Notice: s'x2: ' | #10
    Runtime Notice: s'onDiceTotal: ' | { s'type' = s'iron', s'text' = s'
    [Weak Hit] 8', s'secret' = bTRUE, s'dicedisplay' = #1, s'font' = s'systemfont', s'mood' = s'', s'diemodifier' = #2, s'dice' = { #1 = { s'result' = #8, s'type' = s'd10' }, #2 = { s'result' = #10, s'type' = s'd10' }, #3 = { s'result' = #6, s'type' = s'd6' } }, s'mode' = s'', s'icon' = s'portrait_gm_token', s'sender' = s'GM' }

  9. #9
    Nothing on this? Damned?

  10. #10

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