1. #1

    Gamemastery Guide

    I know it's going to take a while (especially with all the new subsystems), but just wanted to post that I will throw monies at Fantasygrounds when it is ready .

    Also, you devs are doing an awesome job.

  2. #2
    Larsenex's Avatar
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    Agreed. I will be getting this, the Bestiary, Advanced Character guide, Bestiary 2 all when they are ready.....

    I think there is quite a bit of focus on getting Unity ready. The Bestiary alone is a (ton) of work.

  3. #3
    It would seem that way, but then you get a shed load of 1st edition books still being released. 12 since Bestiary was released physically.

    No Bestiary, No Gamemastery Guide, and no AP 152 Legacy of the Lost God. Bestiary 2 is slated for a May release.

    Unity shouldn't get in the way and doesn't appear to affect other rulesets.

  4. #4
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spoonhead View Post
    It would seem that way, but then you get a shed load of 1st edition books still being released. 12 since Bestiary was released physically.
    PF1 uses (mostly) different developers, is a mature ruleset that has been around for years and doesn't get/need many updates, and has a set of back-end development tools in place that have already been created. Developing products for PF2 is not the same as PF1.

    I've said in other threads that real-life, on boarding of another developer, creation of the back end tools, etc. is delaying release of PF2 products. I know you all want to see the PF2 products in FG, but please be patient for a bit longer...
    Last edited by Trenloe; February 27th, 2020 at 09:45.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  5. #5
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    There doesn't seem to be a lot in the PDF that is essential or useful for running a game on FG, the only bit I can see me using as I'm running an AP is some of the NPC stats which i can convert my self as and when I need them.

    Currently there are three community developers working on PF2 being Sciencephile who is doing a pretty good job at keeping up to date with the AP's (I expect AP152 is just waiting for Paizo approval) , Trenloe on the ruleset and the hardback supplements and my self doing the the Pathfinder Society Adventures. None of us are employees of Smiteworks and we all have full time day jobs and/or families. I know Trenloe has put in 1000+ hours into PF2 already for rates of remuneration that would get a Vietnam factory worker complaining.
    Trenloe has indicated that there is going to be another developer working PF2 so hopefully things will improve.

  6. #6
    Honestly I kinda like getting the PDFs and making the .mod best I can. Entering in any new feats, spells, skills and the like. You bet by the end of it I know the book inside and out. It more fun that trying to memorize it cover to cover.
    I even blew off my old coding skills and made a program that puts all the tables together to help make creatures/npcs
    Annotation 2020-02-27 204503.jpg
    Next phase im gonna get it to make the npc sheet. (if I ever get around to it)
    Last edited by Willot; February 27th, 2020 at 09:48.
    "When questing once in noble wood of gray medieval pine, I came upon a tomb, rain-slicked, rubbed cool, ethereal, its inscription long vanished, yet still within its melancholy fissures."

  7. #7
    Also, another thing to keep in mind is that we don't always get the materials as early as we would like from the original publishers.
    Developer for lots of adventures, particularly 5E, Pathfinder, Starfinder, and Pathfinder 2E

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    Ultimate License Holder

  8. #8
    I just made this thread to 1. express interest and 2. drop positive reinforcement.

    I am in no hurry. Heck, my current game is Starfinder and we're only halfway through Dead Suns! Once that is done, I'll take some time off from GMing and maybe look at kludging some code together for a few things on my wish list. If GMG is skipped, no big deal - the sub-systems I want shouldn't be too hard to figure out how to code (point-tracking factions, mainly). The tricky one might be the Kingdom manager once PF2 Kingmaker drops (I backed the Kickstarter). FG Unity will likely be out by then, which I think would make developing new modules easier but not necessarily backwards compatable with original FG.

    But yeah, it's going to be, like, a least a year before I need any of that.

  9. #9
    Looks like the number of stages need to be increased in the Afflictions. Currently at 6 stages, come across couple things now (in gamemastery) that have 7 stages (better make it 10 stages cause you know they are going to release a addon later (if your dont) with more stages!)
    "When questing once in noble wood of gray medieval pine, I came upon a tomb, rain-slicked, rubbed cool, ethereal, its inscription long vanished, yet still within its melancholy fissures."

  10. #10
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Willot View Post
    Looks like the number of stages need to be increased in the Afflictions. Currently at 6 stages, come across couple things now (in gamemastery) that have 7 stages (better make it 10 stages cause you know they are going to release a addon later (if your dont) with more stages!)
    Thanks for the heads up. I'm looking at the implementation of afflictions overall to go with the GMG code in a future release.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

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