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  1. #11
    For crying out loud! That is what happened?! Been driving me nuts for the past two weeks. However, I plan to solve this problem permanently tonight... getting my own modem and router. Take that Comcast? Lol.

  2. #12
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by googalabosh View Post
    For crying out loud! That is what happened?! Been driving me nuts for the past two weeks. However, I plan to solve this problem permanently tonight... getting my own modem and router. Take that Comcast? Lol.
    Its not being done at the the router level - its happening at the core router - Im not sure changing your router will change anything.
    Whitelist every 30 days is probably the best way to go.

  3. #13
    This is from their site. "Advanced Security is available to Xfinity Internet subscribers who rent a compatible xFi Gateway." I have Xfinity and my own modem and router and I don't have that problem. Plus you're better off with your own equipment in the long run. You will probably need to call them up and register your modem on their network though.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmbrown View Post
    This is from their site. "Advanced Security is available to Xfinity Internet subscribers who rent a compatible xFi Gateway." I have Xfinity and my own modem and router and I don't have that problem. Plus you're better off with your own equipment in the long run. You will probably need to call them up and register your modem on their network though.
    very good - thanks for that extra info dmbrown

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    very good - thanks for that extra info dmbrown
    Yeah. Their Gateways are managed via a cloud based system. This is why.

  6. #16
    So incredibly helpful! Thank you so much!

    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Extra info from Niles

    So log into xfinity.com/myxfi, NOT the admin page where you port forward. This would be where you can pay your monthly bill. Click on Network, then Advanced Security, then you'll see all the devices connected to your wifi. It will probably show that there were "threats" to your devices. Click on your device that runs Fantasy Grounds. The next page will say "Unauthorized Access Attempt and specify the number of threats to your device. Click on that and the next page will say "threat history". Click on that. Now you can click on "allow" to let FG and anyone else trying to access Port 1802 through. But as damned said, it's only for 30 days. At the end of 30 days, you have to allow it all again. I had a Comcast tech out and he said this extra layer of security can't be bypassed and even the newest of modems will have it.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Nylanfs View Post
    It looks like this will disable it permanently (or until they turn it on again).

    Attachment 31342
    This this this! I had tried everything and this is the ticket.

  8. #18
    I tried to set up a FG Classic game today for first time ever. Same problem with Comcast / Xfinity. None of these fixes worked for me. This is what I've done today:

    1) Port forwarding is set up on Comcast / Xfinity
    2) Manually allowed my nephew's attempt to connect. Still didn't work. In fact, it only detected it once.
    3) Put in a rule on my ESET firewall to allow TCP traffic on port 1082. Didn't work.
    4) Disabled ESET. Didn't work.
    5) With ESET disabled, I created a rule to allow TCP on 1082 for Windows Firewall. Didn't work.
    6) Disabled Comcast / Xfinity Advanced Security. Waited 30 minutes. Still didn't work.

    I am at my wits end. Anybody?
    Thanks in advance.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by bking83485 View Post
    I tried to set up a FG Classic game today for first time ever. Same problem with Comcast / Xfinity. None of these fixes worked for me. This is what I've done today:

    1) Port forwarding is set up on Comcast / Xfinity
    2) Manually allowed my nephew's attempt to connect. Still didn't work. In fact, it only detected it once.
    3) Put in a rule on my ESET firewall to allow TCP traffic on port 1082. Didn't work.
    4) Disabled ESET. Didn't work.
    5) With ESET disabled, I created a rule to allow TCP on 1082 for Windows Firewall. Didn't work.
    6) Disabled Comcast / Xfinity Advanced Security. Waited 30 minutes. Still didn't work.

    I am at my wits end. Anybody?
    Thanks in advance.
    Welcome bking83485

    There is athread called Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained.
    If you read the first 2 posts and if you are still having issues post answers to ALL 7 Questions - include screenshots too if possible. The more info you supply the better we can assist.

  10. #20
    Thank you so much! I have been trying to figure this out for hours!

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