November 24th, 2024, 18:11 #2891
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Is there an easy way to incorporate boosts or other dice in a weapon statblock? Other than adding them before the roll or making a specific macro in the bottom row?
My players are new to the system, and rather than constantly having to remember to tell them they need to add boosts because of the accurate weapon trait, I hoped to bake it into the weapon block in their character sheet's action tab. But that only allows for straight combat skill checks rather than specific dice rolls, so it's made it impossible, as far as I can tell.
December 12th, 2024, 14:47 #2892
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Using the Star Wars Theme in 4.6.1 (no other extensions active), while using the Star Wars Rulesets generates this error:
[12/12/2024 8:44:17 AM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "Theme_StarWars:scripts/gmw-toolkit.lua"]:13: attempt to call field 'setSidebarDockCategoryIconColor' (a nil value)
December 13th, 2024, 02:34 #2893
Supreme Deity
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For whomever is managing/updating this theme; the call should be changed to "ColorManager.setSidebarCategoryIconColor".
December 22nd, 2024, 08:47 #2894
How do you go about exporting a ruleset so that it includes EVERYTHING you've tweaked (such as including descriptions you wrote or copied in). I was able to export my ruleset, but it doesn't seem like everything comes across. Like I spent so much time adding descriptions for the skills... but none of them come across on my player's end, even though they're loading the same rulesets on their end.
December 29th, 2024, 19:57 #2895
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My players keep getting this error (see attached):
January 5th, 2025, 12:17 #2896
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got the same message. in the combat tracker for the player.
January 9th, 2025, 11:39 #2897
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In the combat tracker there are to 2 fields for "name". if you change the name of a pc or you adjust the size of the window from the combat tracker, the error occurs each time
Yesterday, 20:14 #2898
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