5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #1

    LFP 1-2 players D&D 5e Hoard of the Dragon Queen

    FG License: GM has Ultimate. Anyone can play
    Game System: Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition

    Time Zone: GM is US Eastern
    Day of week and time: Tuesdays 8-11pm
    Next date: 11/26/2019
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Once a week, every Tuesday
    Term: Until module is finished. Possibly going into the sequel

    Text or Voice: Voice
    Voice software used: Discord
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No live streaming or recording

    Roleplay & Combat mix: It is a 50/50 mix
    Number of Players in game & needed: We have 4, and 2 more will really round out the party well
    Character starting level & equipment: New players should start at 1, leveling will come quickly
    Character restrictions: Keep it to WotC published material, please

    Details of your scenario: You have been staying in the town of Greenest when without warning all hell broke loose during the night. A large raiding party ransacked the town while a dragon launched lightning bolts all night long! You heard of or even witnessed a group of brave heroes running through the town saving all they could, even chasing the dragon off at one point. However, one of their members, a half-orc gladiator who had been performing in the town square in recent days, was killed in a one-on-one duel with a half-dragon. While it cost him his life, his noble sacrifice saved a woman and her three children. Now this group of heroes is recruiting a posse to go find out who these honorless raiders are and bring them to justice!

    Link to Gamecalendar page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calen...ex.xcp?id=3657

  2. #2
    I would enjoy joining the group and playing with you all. I also would like to custom make an character to fit the party's needs (cleric, rogue, archer, etc) I have gone thru character creation coarse. Please pm me with any questions.

  3. #3
    I am currently available on Tuesday evenings and would like to join. What is the level disparity currently at? (ie, what lvl is the party at, understanding that I'd be starting at lvl 1). I've only played a few sessions of one of these modules before, several years ago and remember nothing about it except dying and then the party collapsing. So I'm fresh at this adventure. I love to roleplay and am always concerned about party cohesion. I usually dm so I've been looking to be a player again for a while. My favorite classes are warlock and cleric, and I prefer to play casters. However I am also kind of wanting to play a bard. The time works out fine for me, and I do have discord. I'm not a rules lawyer but i typically look at the rules as a way to see the box so i can think outside of the box with what my character might be able to do. I also love to multi class to try and fit the character concept I've thought of. I see that the roleplay to combat ratio is 50/50, and I do not intend to be useless in combat. Do you have any character restrictions other than WoTC content? Do you have any questions for me? I know this module is part of a series, if all goes well, do you plan on continuing with those other modules? Thank you for your time.

  4. #4
    Oh, I'm also very familiar with Fantasy Grounds coding and the general UI. I'd be happy to help other players, or even just be one you don't have to worry about coding abilities and fg mechanics.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Tylindell28 View Post
    I am currently available on Tuesday evenings and would like to join. What is the level disparity currently at? (ie, what lvl is the party at, understanding that I'd be starting at lvl 1). I've only played a few sessions of one of these modules before, several years ago and remember nothing about it except dying and then the party collapsing. So I'm fresh at this adventure. I love to roleplay and am always concerned about party cohesion. I usually dm so I've been looking to be a player again for a while. My favorite classes are warlock and cleric, and I prefer to play casters. However I am also kind of wanting to play a bard. The time works out fine for me, and I do have discord. I'm not a rules lawyer but i typically look at the rules as a way to see the box so i can think outside of the box with what my character might be able to do. I also love to multi class to try and fit the character concept I've thought of. I see that the roleplay to combat ratio is 50/50, and I do not intend to be useless in combat. Do you have any character restrictions other than WoTC content? Do you have any questions for me? I know this module is part of a series, if all goes well, do you plan on continuing with those other modules? Thank you for your time.
    Current party level is 2. You’ll be behind a level in the next two chapters but should be at level with them after that since the xp need for each level covers the spread after 3

  6. #6
    I would love to join the group. The time and day would be absolutely perfect for me, and I have always wanted to try out the Dragon Queen module! I submitted my request through the gamecalendar.

  7. #7

    I've been a DM for a long while and played in several games. I love Hoard of the Dragon Queen and would love to be a player in it. The set time works for me and I like the combat/RP mix. I put in the request to the Gamecalendar page provided and would like to either play a Ranger or Artificer. Thanks.

  8. #8
    Oh that's not bad at all! That was literally the only thing I was worried about, but a 1 level difference is not a big deal to me even at lvl 1, and especially with the gap being bridged eventually. I will follow suit of the others and make a request on your calendar. In apologize, it has been a little while since I've used the fantasy grounds forums. Thanks for your response.

  9. #9
    My friend PhoenixxRegen and I would be really interested in joining the campaign! We've both got a good bit of experience under our belts and this time works for the two of us. I'm planning on a Ranger with maybe in the future a level or three into Rogue for character flavour. I'm generally flexible on interactions with the party, but the character I have in mind will be a little bit eccentric.

  10. #10
    Hey all. Group is closed. I was surprised at the response, but unfortunately we are gonna stick with the original cut of 6. I've sent you all private messages if you have questions. If I had the time I would gladly add another night to host a group, but 2 games a week is my max.

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