Thread: Images

  1. #1


    How can I break up the images option for maps to let me organize my images like tokens do?

    Images - Maps - Mountains - Maps in that folder


  2. #2
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Create modules for each different type of image. FG doesn't recognise subfolders in the campaign/images file so modules is the way to go.
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  3. #3
    I do, however all the cover art and setting books are are added automatically, makes it a pain in the butt to organize my maps and images.

  4. #4
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Don't forget to use the groups, and I personally unload modules when I'm not using them. A few seconds to load/unload is worth the organization.

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  5. #5
    Well in one of my sub folders I have about 600 maps, with no way to organize them it makes it an absolute pain to set up encounters. I don;t know about you but I can't remember the names of 600 maps so even naming them is ineffective. If we can organise mose everything else why not the maps?

  6. #6
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LDedric View Post
    If we can organise mose everything else why not the maps?
    It's slightly different because maps are actual files, not just FG data records. But, as has been mentioned, you can still do the same organising that you can do for most everything else - using the campaign data list "group" function. If you put your images in modules the images will automatically be put in a group with the name of the module. If you require further grouping, you can do this within the campaign you use to create your image module before you export to a module.

    This is exactly the same organisation that is available for other record types (other than tokens, which are treated differently).
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  7. #7
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Note, you really don't need 600 maps loaded in a campaign. What I do with all my maps is I have a directory on my computer called "maps" inside that directory I then have my maps organized by sub-folder and names. Whenever I need a map in FG I simple open up the Images data list, click on folder and then copy/paste the map from my stockpile into the campaign. Other than 'on demand' maps like that (used for random or unplanned encounters) I only load maps into my campaign that I have an encounter or event setup for. i.e. if I'm not going to describe and populate a map, why would I load it into FG?

    Of course, that's just how I do things.

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  8. #8
    My way of doing things has always been to load it all. I have about 30 maps I use for random encounters. However I also write much of my own stuff, when doing any prep I will set up maps, encounters etc in my story section, when doing it I don't know what map I'm going to use till I look it up. If I had space for a dual monitor setup I would likely do it like you do, however I don't and I'd rather not have 2-4 tabs open to navigate and move around maps. With as many maps as I have it would be extremely easy to loose one in a random sub folder someplace, and making copies is out as before long I'll be out of hd space.

    I really don't see why it's such a big deal to resist implementing sub-folders into the images like the tokens are set up. Especially with Unity hopefully not too far away where all of a sudden I can load one of my external hard drives full of map tiles and effects. Being able to organize the game table environment and the resource management which makes for a much easier and less time consuming prep while making the games run much easier to run including running on the fly so that players are not left with the feeling of being railroaded.

  9. #9
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    There is more than one way to do things. I try to find the one that works best for me given the restrictions of the applications I use. My current practices are derived from running FGC on 15" laptop with no second screen. And I have thousands of maps maybe 15k? No way I want to load those all into any application.

    I also have multiple active campaigns running, so if I loaded all my maps into every campaign that would be worse than loading a small subset into each campaign.

    My largest campaign image wise is one of my Undermountain groups where I have about 1200 maps loaded. These are almost all linked to story entries. And the stories are linked off of a master DM map. So once you open the DM map everything is linked in a very consistent manner. Other than grouping by level, (all that is one level) I really just have 2 groups, one for encoumter maps and one for images.

    Image sub folders will probably never happen in FGC. I think it's in discussion for FGU, but I'm not certain i understand the folder discussion and the way image assets work in FGU. But i do believe the architecture is very different.

    Again, I'll emphasize the value in changing how you want to do things to match the capabilities of the tool. Not just for FG, but for any tool, be it software or not.

    In FG, one way of doing that is creating map modules, a second is groups, and the third is organizing them outside of FG.

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  10. #10
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LDedric View Post
    I really don't see why it's such a big deal to resist implementing sub-folders into the images like the tokens are set up.
    Like I mentioned in my post earlier in this thread - in FG Classic, images are unique - in that they have files system presence and FG database presence. Tokens have no information attached to them at all - they're just a filename of a PNG file on the hard drive (be it in a directory or a token module). To change how images are processed now, and allow file system folders, and fix all of the issues that moving files around once a FG campaign is aware of them, and keep backwards compatibility, etc. *is* a big deal.

    A lot of this does change in FGU - look at some of the recent videos uploaded to the Fantasy Grounds YouTube channel to see the asset manager.
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