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  1. #1

    Adding Tags to Items Call of Cthulu 7E

    Heyo, I'm trying to make an ammo tracker extension for Call of Cthulu 7E for Unity, and think I have the basics (It's going to check if a weapon is ranged and what ammo type it uses and take from that ammo in inventory when reloading or just roll an attack and subtract one from shots, such as is done in the Cyberpunk Red ruleset). In order to achieve this however I need to be able to tag ranged weapon's ammo types (And the ammo types of ammo), is there a way to create a new field for ammo type or an existing section I can add it to?
    Also if you have any tips and suggestions for the extension lease do let me know!

  2. #2
    Just to explain a bit better: I'm asking if there is a way to add an editable section that will solely be for ammo type or if I should just add it to a pre-existing field of a weapon such as the notes field

  3. #3
    damned's Avatar
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    The first challenge that you have is the ruleset is locked so you cannot access the source code.
    You can however get a fair idea of the XML at least.

    type /debug on in chat and hover over various windows/elements

    Ranged weapons that use ammo typically have the following fields/values

    weapontypecombo: Ranged
    capacity: <some number>

    so you dont need to add any new fields to the Items

    Just check for those values.
    The ruleset is already checking for Ranged as it puts those weapons/attacks in a different windowlist
    Capacity (Shots) already shows on the Character sheet and it would be fairly easy to have a manually editable/maintained field to show shots left.

    The Combat tracker is a whole different story with NPC attacks being simple strings.

    In terms of automating things I dont think its possible without access to the source code.

  4. #4
    Thank you for the tips and advice! That definitely helps

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