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  1. #21
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hardbushido View Post
    Since you're here trenloe, any estimate on that bestiary.
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  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by yarnevk View Post
    Why are you debuffing skills for 2nd/3rd attack - where is that in the rules? Should only apply to strikes unless the skill specifically says uses attack MAP.
    (as others have said) this is for Actions that use SKILL rolls but have the "Attack" Trait (Grapple, Shove, Trip, Disarm...) There a many things that FG does for us that make things easier for us, but you still have to think out when to add or to remove some effects, etc... and there are certainly times where just using the "Modifier" box might be simpler... I just provided a complete (or as complete as possible) list of the conditions/effects that can either be used as is -or- used to help remind how it all works, etc...

  3. #23
    [QUOTE=Trenloe;456103]I don't work on 5E. I don't work full-time for SmiteWorks, I'm contracted on commission only, and I have a "normal" day job.

    I'm sorry to suppose you were working on 5E... just got confused about PAR5E, i guess it's about the Bestiary? The thing is that i'm getting frustrated to see only a few ppl working on this ruleset... of course i understand the huge amount of coding it is... There will be a character's guide for lost omens in a few days with a lot of new stuff, maybe new mechanics... also the advanced class playtest (i guess this month)... how should one or two persons be able to do that part-time?
    Anyway, i mean no offense...

  4. #24
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theMaXX View Post
    I'm sorry to suppose you were working on 5E... just got confused about PAR5E, i guess it's about the Bestiary? The thing is that i'm getting frustrated to see only a few ppl working on this ruleset... of course i understand the huge amount of coding it is... There will be a character's guide for lost omens in a few days with a lot of new stuff, maybe new mechanics... also the advanced class playtest (i guess this month)... how should one or two persons be able to do that part-time?
    Anyway, i mean no offense...
    Like I said. Please bear with me as I work through the work load. There is a huge amount to get through with the first release (ruleset, 640 page core rules, 360 page bestiary plus ongoing settings guides) and I'm playing catch up. It will take me a few months, but I'll get there.

    Even companies with full time employees are struggling to get Pathfinder 2.0 products to market - for example, have you tried HeroLab Online? They're struggling big time...

    SmiteWorks only has a limited number of full time employees. None of these currently work on any of the rulesets full time. The sustainable business model is to employ community developers (commission based) to work on the rulesets - there is not enough revenue to employ anyone full time working on a specific ruleset - as it is, I earn way, way, way below minimum wage for the work I put in, and that's for products that sell relatively well (compared to other non D&D 5E products). SmiteWorks is a very small RPG industry company, not a massive computer gaming company - they can't devote full time employees to projects like these, the company wouldn't survive if they did.

    I get your frustration, but please understand the dynamics going on here. Fantasy Grounds already has much more Pathfinder 2.0 material available than any other VTT on the market - and it'll stay that way. It will just take time for me to catch up and get everything to where I want it to be...
    Last edited by Trenloe; October 10th, 2019 at 17:46.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  5. #25
    So please excuse my Noob-ishness here, but is what xscapebb doing just kind of a stop gap for us until spell conditions and effects are all fully fleshed out in FG? I only got FG about a month ago and have only played the PF2 ruleset, so I'm not sure if something like DND5e already has a lot of these features or not. I know the mod community seems to be pretty strong to help with these fun upgrades, but something so critical to the actual rules and automation of playing I would assume is supposed to be part of the ruleset, right?

    I have read what you, Trenloe, has said and this all makes me feel glad my gaming group decided to go with FG over others. I'm really enjoying it so far. I was just looking for some clarity, specifically with PF2, on if we are supposed to expect all this functionality to be baked in in the future or is this a normal thing for all rulesets to have mods to add modifiers to spells?

    Thanks for all you guys do and I will use the mod to help me in my weekly game. We have struggled a lot lately with looking up modifiers and how to apply them and it has really slowed us down. This should make things much easier. Thanks again.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelagermeister View Post
    So please excuse my Noob-ishness here, but is what xscapebb doing just kind of a stop gap for us until spell conditions and effects are all fully fleshed out in FG? I only got FG about a month ago and have only played the PF2 ruleset, so I'm not sure if something like DND5e already has a lot of these features or not. I know the mod community seems to be pretty strong to help with these fun upgrades, but something so critical to the actual rules and automation of playing I would assume is supposed to be part of the ruleset, right?

    I have read what you, Trenloe, has said and this all makes me feel glad my gaming group decided to go with FG over others. I'm really enjoying it so far. I was just looking for some clarity, specifically with PF2, on if we are supposed to expect all this functionality to be baked in in the future or is this a normal thing for all rulesets to have mods to add modifiers to spells?

    Thanks for all you guys do and I will use the mod to help me in my weekly game. We have struggled a lot lately with looking up modifiers and how to apply them and it has really slowed us down. This should make things much easier. Thanks again.
    Welcome to the FG forums thelagermeister!

    Effects for abilities and spells will never (or very unlikely) be hard coded into the official products. Like 5E, the ruleset will be fine tuned to attempt to parse effects out of the ability/spell description - but this will never be 100% accurate across all spells and abilities, because standard language is not used in descriptions and there are many edge cases. Hopefully the ruleset will over time get better at this (i.e. I fine tune the parsing code). But, there will always be space for community contributions that go beyond what the base ruleset and products provide. Just look at Rob2e's DMs Guild 5E products as an example.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  7. #27
    "Automation" of conditions|spells|effects is not universal in the 5E Ruleset either... it is "better" but not even what I'd call "mostly done"... Writing spell-effects yourself or finding (or purchasing) Mods to add "automation" effects-coding to FG is ALWAYS needed. FG is a "toolset" or a "platform", not a fully functional "video game".

    If you were playing these RPG's with books open on a physical table, you would have to figure out the rules and adjudicate/apply them manually... FG give us many TOOLS (not 100% and "not perfect", but absolutely better than nothing) to help "Automate" some/much of the game play.

    What I've shared here is stuff that (probably?) should be "baked into" the PF2 ruleset, but is not yet (for the most part). It is just the basic CONDITIONS that exist in the PF2 game-rules and how to use existing FG&PF2(ruleset) automation to guide your application of game mechanics... it is no substitute for looking up the full rules and thinking about how it might be applied (or in some cases, become non-applicable) in a given scenario/situation.

  8. #28
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    For all those who have asked and are interested... I'm close to finishing the first release of the full PFRPG2 conditions (i.e. as per the Core Rules). I hope to have this released this next week - ruleset release 7. There is a lot of complex code, and it's pretty hard to test fully, so I hope that there won't be too many issues. If there are any issues, questions, etc. then please raise them in a thread. If it's a definite bug, please report with as much info as possible in the ruleset bug reporting thread here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...ng-development

    I've updated the effects Wiki page to list what's been done - there's a "Ruleset version" column that shows what's there now (release 1-6) and what will be there next release (release 7). There is still some ares that need to be applied manually - some of that will be updated over time, and some will just remain manual as it's not realistic to try to accurately code.

    The chat window after loading a PFRPG2 campaign will tell you which release you have.

    Hopefully release 7 will go out this week - keep an eye on the City Hall announcement forum!
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  9. #29

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    This is really great news, Trenloe. Thanks so much for your hard work here.

  10. #30
    Amazing Trenloe. Thanks!
    Last edited by Pepor; October 14th, 2019 at 10:00.

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