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  1. #51
    I'll have to let all that sink in.

    You are right there was much time spent absorbing the chaos. GURPS just has so many variables it may not be possible to account for every edge case. I have done my best for a first shot endeavor.

    At the moment I'm trying to nail down the last of things needed to populate everything like Advantages, Skills and so forth but I'm anxious to get back to working on my game world. I'm sure my players are wondering if I ever will.

    After that, if I regenerate some energy for it I'd like to redo this as a more web based cross platform application but that is going to depend on interest and mostly my own time.

    What began as a passion project to remedy the envy towards what other rulesets had at their fingertips has evolved into much more than I expected. BUT, I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    There are some things I'd like to add and some refinements that are needed but once I get this last push wrapped up I plan to rest for a bit and do some world building.

    I should have an update for everyone Wednesday, I just want to test as much as i can before releasing into the yonder.

  2. #52
    Updated version now allows you to handle Abilities & Traits in addition to Items.

    There are a few refinements I think would be helpful when manually entering things. Like changing some of the cells into drop down lists and so forth but I said I would put out an update today and I have about 35 minutes before that deadline hits in my part of the world.

    I enabled Localization but have no idea if that is sufficient to allow for the Cyrillic alphabets. I'll need someone to test that for me since I'm leery of changing my entire system to Russian.

    You can import from GCS and most of the things I've tested work. There are a few that do not, like some of the tactical data. I never did get around to digging at that but if it becomes important to someone drop a mention so I know it's worth my time.

    I don't really use magic in my games but I tried exporting a bunch of spells from GCA and some of them have many, many subtypes. That proves to be messy when you click on "Spells" as it tends to break everything up too much. I did find however if you export by selecting the drop down menu in GCA to choose a specific area say, "Fire" it looks like it works much better.

    I know there are a variety of ways to use GURPS and I don't use them all so if there is an area you need that is woefully lacking let me know and I'll do what I can to get it sorted.

    In the days to come I'll be checking for feedback to see if anything needs attention.

    In the meantime I'll be using it myself and making notes.

    I probably should do some tutorials on how to do Traits (Advantages, Disadvantages, Perks, Quirks) and Abilities (Skills, Spells, Powers, Others) since none of that existed when I made the ones for Items.

    Happy playing!
    Last edited by Jaxilon; April 16th, 2020 at 05:45.

  3. #53

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Western New York
    Thank you Jaxilon.

  4. #54

    Join Date
    May 2013
    East Coast USA.
    Thank you for all your work!

    A new tutorial would be very helpful.

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by seycyrus View Post
    Thank you for all your work!

    A new tutorial would be very helpful.
    It's essentially the same program with added functions to import traits and skills so you can follow his original video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dZc5PdJJHU&t=305s

    Something to keep in mind is it will send traits and skill into the "rejected" category unless you have at least 1 piece of equipment. So I'm currently using to program by creating and naming characters in GCA with the categories I intend to use to make sorting in game easier. E.g. "Advantages" then I give that character all the advantages I want available in my campaign, export as xml, import into FG GURPS Mod Maker, set my name and image, export module, move said module into Fantasy Grounds, and then I have all the advantages I want in game available for drag and drop by myself and my players. Just remember to have at least on piece of equipment on your character in GCA for the import to work properly.

  6. #56
    I made some files in the GCA with the varied items and for tests I made the skills, I am separating by type and added the vehicles type, exported as XML, I import normally in the program, but when I try to export the message Generic Error GDI + appears
    I am using Windows 10 Pro fully updated.

  7. #57
    I haven't seen either of those issues. I'll see if I can recreate them when I have time later tonight. I'm also on Windows 10 pro and updated.

    @Tagger_Fox Can you send me a file that causes this issue?
    @yakko: Can you share your .xml file from GCA?

  8. #58
    Here is the file GCA4 e XML
    Last edited by YAKO SOMEDAKY; April 17th, 2020 at 00:51.

  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by yako2020 View Post
    Here is the file GCA4 e XML
    Is it me or are we missing a file?

  10. #60
    It was my fault when attaching the file, I hope it will now.

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