Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #21
    Good call esmdev, but yes it is fundamental to the ruleset and not related to any extensions. I have already covered those bases.

    Screen Cap.jpg

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by garrion_sw View Post
    Sorry MBM, one more bug. This one may be tricky. When popping an image out to full screen mode it falls behind several screen components that it should not, most troubling is that one of these is the top border which then makes it inaccessible to reduce or increase into full screen. The other components that should be behind it in the middle docked mode are the Traveller logo in the bottom right and the decals. Screen cap attached.

    Attachment 29318


    PS. I tested this with several other rulesets to see if it was a v3.3.9 issue vs ruleset issue and everything was fine in the other rulesets.
    Hi Chap,

    I noticed this last week, but didn't think much of it as was working on something else. There's nothing special in the ruleset for that, what I'll do is turn off the theme and see if that is the reason (and then see how to address it).

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
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  3. #23

    It was a Theme issue, been fixed, will get it up to Smiteworks over the weekend.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: to see what I'm up to!

  4. #24
    We made some characters this evening and were goofing around with the system, seems to be functioning really well.

    One thing we noted is that the languages do not seem to be working quite right. The Ref entered a bunch of languages and we took one Language (Aslan) for instance. The Ref can talk in any of the languages, but the language does not show as available to the player, even if we use the exact same case as the Ref did.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    We made some characters this evening and were goofing around with the system, seems to be functioning really well.

    One thing we noted is that the languages do not seem to be working quite right. The Ref entered a bunch of languages and we took one Language (Aslan) for instance. The Ref can talk in any of the languages, but the language does not show as available to the player, even if we use the exact same case as the Ref did.
    Ok I'll check it out, I think Languages only take effect from the start of a campaign, can't remember, let me look into it.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
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  6. #26

    So we did an MGT2 session with the Ref using the Marooned on Marduk. No extensions or themes, just MGT2 and the module.

    The first thing we noticed is when a PC is added to the combat tracker the default STR, DEX and END scores are 0. The same characters added to the party sheet show the correct values. Also NPCs added from the module also show the correct values in the combat tracker. Also the Ref was unable to change the numbers manually so everything started 0 and combat wasn't really resolvable as PCs were insta-killed on any hit.

    I also think that it should be possible for Refs to alter scores in the event of an accidental unintended or extra click on the damage rolls so as to be able to remove erroneous damage.

    The second thing is the Ref reported an error while moving the initial items (personal survival kit) to the party sheet.


    Everything seemed to work despite the error, maybe some item didn't get transferred over, not really sure.

    I'm not sure but is the presence of Jack of all Trades supposed to automatically reduce the Untrained Skill roll? We're just clicking the appropriate DM modifier button at the moment but wasn't sure if that's the intended method.

    Also, the core psionic talents are not all in the list of psionic talents. The powers which are auto-attached to the psionic talents are listed but I think shouldn't be listed and simply added to the action tab when the associated talent is selected. So based on my read of the manual the only selectable talents should be Awareness, Clairvoyance, Telekinesis, Telepathy and Teleportation. The powers which are associated should be added to the action tab when one of these is selected, but those are the only abilities that should be selected. I might have mis-read but that seems to be the intent.

    Finally, we were thinking that since the Personal Survival Kits were like a pack sort of situation that it might be useful for you to consider adding that functionality to the ruleset like in 5E. Not sure how easy/hard that would be but would be useful for that sort of situation.

    Due to the combat situation we spent most of the session roleplaying but that's fine. Hopefully that can be addressed or you can give us some solution we didn't notice.


  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post

    So we did an MGT2 session with the Ref using the Marooned on Marduk. No extensions or themes, just MGT2 and the module.

    The first thing we noticed is when a PC is added to the combat tracker the default STR, DEX and END scores are 0. The same characters added to the party sheet show the correct values. Also NPCs added from the module also show the correct values in the combat tracker. Also the Ref was unable to change the numbers manually so everything started 0 and combat wasn't really resolvable as PCs were insta-killed on any hit.

    I also think that it should be possible for Refs to alter scores in the event of an accidental unintended or extra click on the damage rolls so as to be able to remove erroneous damage.

    The second thing is the Ref reported an error while moving the initial items (personal survival kit) to the party sheet.


    Everything seemed to work despite the error, maybe some item didn't get transferred over, not really sure.

    I'm not sure but is the presence of Jack of all Trades supposed to automatically reduce the Untrained Skill roll? We're just clicking the appropriate DM modifier button at the moment but wasn't sure if that's the intended method.

    Also, the core psionic talents are not all in the list of psionic talents. The powers which are auto-attached to the psionic talents are listed but I think shouldn't be listed and simply added to the action tab when the associated talent is selected. So based on my read of the manual the only selectable talents should be Awareness, Clairvoyance, Telekinesis, Telepathy and Teleportation. The powers which are associated should be added to the action tab when one of these is selected, but those are the only abilities that should be selected. I might have mis-read but that seems to be the intent.

    Finally, we were thinking that since the Personal Survival Kits were like a pack sort of situation that it might be useful for you to consider adding that functionality to the ruleset like in 5E. Not sure how easy/hard that would be but would be useful for that sort of situation.

    Due to the combat situation we spent most of the session roleplaying but that's fine. Hopefully that can be addressed or you can give us some solution we didn't notice.

    Hi Esmdev,

    Thanks for letting me know about these things chap.

    Each PC needs to check their 'Current Values' are correct after the character has been built, this is because it doesn't update them unless you click the 'reset to max', because if the End (or other attributes are 0) that could have been done due to some damage, and if you changed your End to (say) 7 from 6, you wouldn't want the End to change from 0 to 7 if it was down to 0. I hope you understand.

    So about the 'error' - I found it, it's because in the CashOnHand has 'Cr'? ie Cr2500, if you remove the Cr is will not error, though I found another error if PC's didn't have any money on hand (I don't use the PS sheet, so probably didn't test it - sorry!)

    The Jack of Trades should reduce the Untrained Skill Roll for PC's, I've never looked at it for NPC's. *** I just tested it, it's not working for some reason, I'll fix it *** >--- FIXED, will be on the next update

    Next thing, 'The Core Psionics Talents are not all in the list of psionic talent' - what do you mean? All the psionics abilities should be there, which ones are missing?

    Last thing about the pack thing, I play DnD but don't run it, so tell me how it should work and I could probably make it the same. I personally don't use the PS sheet, so if I can make it better then do let me know. When I ran this adventure when each Player got the Survival Kits, I dragged each one onto each PC's inventory sheet and it split it all up nicely.

    Anyway, I'll fix the error this week.

    Last edited by MadBeardMan; October 21st, 2019 at 09:30.
    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
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  8. #28
    Hi. Great news on the Current values! You saved our next session.

    On the core psionic talents, they should only be Awareness, Clairvoyance, Telekinesis, Telepathy and Teleportation. These are the only things that a player can select and the only part of the psionic system that has skill ranks that can be rolled.

    Once a character has a talent there are a number of connected powers that all become available. As it stands, half of the talents do not seem to be available but many of the powers which cannot be taken individually are listed.

    Hope this clears it up, the psionic system is kind of odd the way it works.

    On the packs system we'll try your way and see before we get too crazy into this because it might work better your way anyways.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    Hi. Great news on the Current values! You saved our next session.

    On the core psionic talents, they should only be Awareness, Clairvoyance, Telekinesis, Telepathy and Teleportation. These are the only things that a player can select and the only part of the psionic system that has skill ranks that can be rolled.

    Once a character has a talent there are a number of connected powers that all become available. As it stands, half of the talents do not seem to be available but many of the powers which cannot be taken individually are listed.

    Hope this clears it up, the psionic system is kind of odd the way it works.

    On the packs system we'll try your way and see before we get too crazy into this because it might work better your way anyways.
    Hey Esmdev and thanks again for the super quick response. Looking at you're from California I would think you're probably in bed, but I'll answer anyway so this can be here upon your return.

    Here's a screen-shot of the available Talents, you can see all of them are there, along with all the abilities associated with a talent.

    MGT2 - Psionic Talents list.jpg

    So I'm pretty confused as to why your Ref has half of them missing.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: to see what I'm up to!

  10. #30
    Ok. I figured it out. I guess we were using the library psi-abilities list from the top section of the library, not realizing that there was a psionic talents are access through the core rules module directly. Took me a bit to find it, but I'll pass it on so and there will be much rejoicing. So another problem is not really a problem, which is a great thing.

    You'd be surprised how happy the group was to learn that the combat tracker issue was something we were doing (or not doing) and it wasn't a bug that would need to be fixed.

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