1. #1161
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarkonian View Post
    Okay, here's what I did.
    There's a new button on the SKILLS section of the Skills Tab that -only- appears when PSI Characteristics Option is enabled.
    Once this button is there, you can toggle if you want to see the PSI TALENTS section. So those of you who aren't using it don't have to see it.
    This was a quick addition and it has very little testing. So if there's any issues with it, let me know here and I'll look at it even over my xmas vacation.

    Attachment 63022
    The compromise works great and the scrolling now functions just fine.

    Sorry it took so long before getting back to you on this.

    Thanks for all your work.
    FGU Ultimate License
    FG Discord: GravityBlade
    Time Zone: US Central (GMT -6)
    Running: Traveller (MgT2)

  2. #1162
    Quote Originally Posted by GravityBlade View Post
    The compromise works great and the scrolling now functions just fine.

    Sorry it took so long before getting back to you on this.

    Thanks for all your work.
    Works great!

  3. #1163
    Stun weapons are not doing the proper damage. For reference from the Weapon Traits section in the CRB:

    Stun: These weapons are designed to deal non-lethal damage, incapacitating a living target rather than killing it. Damage is only deducted from END, taking into account any Protection. If the target’s END is reduced to 0, the target will be incapacitated and unable to perform any actions for a number of rounds by which the damage exceeded their END. Damage received from Stun weapons is completely healed by one hour of rest.

    When running a few test battles I noticed that the weapons with the Stun trait (which also had "stun" noted after the damage) were reducing all stats as if the weapon was doing full damage instead of stun damage. They also are not applying any kind of "incapacitated" or "stunned" condition on the target once their END is exceeded.

    FGU Ultimate License
    FG Discord: GravityBlade
    Time Zone: US Central (GMT -6)
    Running: Traveller (MgT2)

  4. #1164
    Hi all, I may have found an issue with this ruleset. Namely, in the mongoose traveller 2e ruleset, attempting to open the notes tab on a pc ship throws an error. error message and blank sheet.png
    Additionally, the "notes" tab appear blank (there are no lines to write on). I was using the data records provided in the official core rules and high guard modules. Further testing has revealed that creating a new item using the "add item" button at the bottom of the pc spacecraft window is fine. everything is blank waiting to be filled in and the notes lines appear as they should fresh pc spacecraft record.png. Dragging the relevant data record into the now empty area fills in all the relevant data as expected. However, when dragged and dropped, certain items (i tested the ships boat, free trader, and light fighter from the core rules) cause the aforementioned errors to occur. The error does not take place with all data records, only some of them. Strangely enough, if I am looking at the notes tab of the newly created, blank pc spacecraft entry before dragging and dropping (as opposed to the main tab, weapons tab or others) the error does not occur. I can drag the data record, have the data be filled out, leave the notes tab and come back with no issues.
    At first, I thought this might be an extension conflict (UWP import tool) so I disabled the extension but still got this error. I have also tested in a fresh campaign with no extensions and still got the error.

  5. #1165
    Quote Originally Posted by Navigat0r View Post
    Hi all, I may have found an issue with this ruleset. Namely, in the mongoose traveller 2e ruleset, attempting to open the notes tab on a pc ship throws an error. error message and blank sheet.png
    Additionally, the "notes" tab appear blank (there are no lines to write on). I was using the data records provided in the official core rules and high guard modules. Further testing has revealed that creating a new item using the "add item" button at the bottom of the pc spacecraft window is fine. everything is blank waiting to be filled in and the notes lines appear as they should fresh pc spacecraft record.png. Dragging the relevant data record into the now empty area fills in all the relevant data as expected. However, when dragged and dropped, certain items (i tested the ships boat, free trader, and light fighter from the core rules) cause the aforementioned errors to occur. The error does not take place with all data records, only some of them. Strangely enough, if I am looking at the notes tab of the newly created, blank pc spacecraft entry before dragging and dropping (as opposed to the main tab, weapons tab or others) the error does not occur. I can drag the data record, have the data be filled out, leave the notes tab and come back with no issues.
    At first, I thought this might be an extension conflict (UWP import tool) so I disabled the extension but still got this error. I have also tested in a fresh campaign with no extensions and still got the error.
    The error indicates the anchoring isn't the part of the window it needs to properly anchor so it looks blank for you. Do you have any extensions installed? If so, I would try to look at the page again without the extensions and see if the notes tab appears properly then. I will look at this tonight after I'm back and check the ruleset itself just to make sure though.
    "If you love it, mod it."
    Ruleset Developer

  6. #1166

    Can you please post the whole logs?
    (Ie press the Compile Logs button when the error pops up, and post the zip file.)


  7. #1167

    As I mentioned in my original post, this error comes up even in a fresh campaign with no extensions.

    @Moon Wizard,

    I have attached the logs from a new, no extension campaign. The error was produced using the ships boat data record from the core rulebook.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  8. #1168
    The issue appears to be a data issue:
    [1/27/2025 8:34:44 PM] [ERROR] windowcontrol: Database type mismatch on path (notes) in control (notes) in class (charspacecraft_notes)


  9. #1169
    Quote Originally Posted by Navigat0r View Post

    As I mentioned in my original post, this error comes up even in a fresh campaign with no extensions.

    @Moon Wizard,

    I have attached the logs from a new, no extension campaign. The error was produced using the ships boat data record from the core rulebook.
    Here is a shot of a fresh campaign on Test:

    And here is a shot of a fresh campaign on Live:

    And here's the Ship's Boat data loaded from the Live Module:

    I'm not seeing the issue with anchoring on any of the notes sections for any of the records.
    I also looked through the XML for MGT2E this weekend and it looks fine.

    If others are seeing this issue with the notes anchoring, please share.
    I would make sure you're updated to the newest version since there have been quite a few updates to the ruleset over the last month and a half.
    "If you love it, mod it."
    Ruleset Developer

  10. #1170
    Quote Originally Posted by Navigat0r View Post

    As I mentioned in my original post, this error comes up even in a fresh campaign with no extensions.

    @Moon Wizard,

    I have attached the logs from a new, no extension campaign. The error was produced using the ships boat data record from the core rulebook.
    Can you give me a step-by-step breakdown of what you do when creating a new campaign up to the point you get this error? I want to try and recreate it to see if there's something I can add to stop it, or if the record is being created incorrectly.
    "If you love it, mod it."
    Ruleset Developer

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