1. #1101
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asgurgolas View Post
    it's fine (it's just, one of my character is playing a warblade and he's soo to level up and get "Finishing Move" XD Sure I can do it manually but IFT: "healthy" "wounded" and "bloodied" are exactly what's needed for automating that one maneuver :P)
    I think I found the issue! I am fixing it right now

    The problem (if you are interested): The overlay code checks whether certain effects are on the CT entry. For example "stable" applies a certain overlay However, the code for the overlays also checks for the wound percentage (for obvious reasons), and effects like "bloodied" also check the wound percentage. Thus, what can happen: Overlays check the wound percentage, in that process the code checks for effects like "stable", this on the other hand triggers the effect code which checks for the wound percentage to determine whether someone is healthy etc... Then we're back at the wound percentage stuff and a loop got created!

    I had this problem once with "stable" and I resolved that. But some time ago I added blood trails and after a request I added "noblood" as effect to turn off blood trails and overlays for specific CT entries. And now the same problem happens with "noblood" as effect

    (for these loops it is not important whether or not a CT entry has the effect stable or noblood, the loop already starts simply due to the fact that the code has to check for these effects)

    Thus, I am reinventing that code now to avoid that kind of loop I think I have a solution which helps resolving with the performance overall. When the code checks for effects like stable and noblood for applying overlays, then it will now ignore stuff like bloodied and IF(T) and stuff like that. Maybe I should also apply that to other kind of effects to improve the performance in FG effect stuff in general(?)
    Last edited by Kelrugem; October 13th, 2024 at 17:23.

  2. #1102
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    I just reuploaded a new version This should now resolve the stack overflow issue Thanks for the report, Asgurgolas

  3. #1103

  4. #1104
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    I just updated the strainInjury extensions to fix an issue on the client ct Furthermore github (secretly? ) deleted the old wish list and I created a new one a while ago: https://github.com/users/Kelrugem/projects/3 (I try to skim through the threads here at some point to recollect what got lost)

    Furthermore: Both overlay versions of the extended automation extensions are now merged on the same forge page: One for StrainInjury and one for the standard rules I announced many months ago that I will merge the forge pages, but in case you still mainly use the alternative icon forge page to download your version you now must subscribe to the other forge entry! (so you now download both versions)

  5. #1105
    Welcome back to the game. Thought I'd at least remind you of my feature request some months ago but I wondered then if it would be possible to do IFT: this; DC: + as its currently possible to do most other modifiers I think but not spell/ability save DC. Thanks again for making the great game on a great platform even better.

  6. #1106
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    Quote Originally Posted by FGMax View Post
    Welcome back to the game. Thought I'd at least remind you of my feature request some months ago but I wondered then if it would be possible to do IFT: this; DC: + as its currently possible to do most other modifiers I think but not spell/ability save DC. Thanks again for making the great game on a great platform even better.
    Hehe, thanks! And also thanks for reminding me; that wish is back in the list

  7. #1107
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    Hey Kelrugem, looking to help someone with an answer. I am assuming either your ext or the BCE ext would cover this if its not in Vanilla 3.5

    the question:
    "Engulf; IFT: CUSTOM(Drenched); DMGO: [CL] [INT] water"

    This alone works but as stated by the spell, the CL needs to cap at +5. Is there a way to add this conditional in this line?
    essentially they need to cap the CL bonus at a max of 5, now they could apply it from a spell class that is set to CL 5 but that means this effect would be all alone in its own spell class.
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance** accidentally deleted, If anyone grabbed a copy, PLEASE let me know**. Here is the forum Link.

    40+ PF1e Extensions & Modules I use, with links.

    PF1E Coding Effects - Spreadsheet

    Discord: Morenu

  8. #1108
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morenu View Post
    Hey Kelrugem, looking to help someone with an answer. I am assuming either your ext or the BCE ext would cover this if its not in Vanilla 3.5

    the question:

    essentially they need to cap the CL bonus at a max of 5, now they could apply it from a spell class that is set to CL 5 but that means this effect would be all alone in its own spell class.
    With my extension there is way, see the Forge page under (N)PC Specific Note I think [CL5] should do it

  9. #1109
    Hello Everyone, After a short pause in gaming, We'll probably be starting up again next week. How are things looking with Kel's extenstions and the lastest 4.6 update from Nov 12th?

    If I get a moment, I'll fire up a test campaign to test but I figured I'll see if anyone already tested it. Thanks! Rob

  10. #1110
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobboNJ69 View Post
    Hello Everyone, After a short pause in gaming, We'll probably be starting up again next week. How are things looking with Kel's extenstions and the lastest 4.6 update from Nov 12th?

    If I get a moment, I'll fire up a test campaign to test but I figured I'll see if anyone already tested it. Thanks! Rob
    Right now, it should work, I think the updates on the test server are not yet on the live servers, right? Or did I miss a major update?

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