1. #1111
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelrugem View Post
    Or did I miss a major update?
    Actually, No... I got the content updates confused with the core release.

    There was a module update released on November 12th. I confused that with the 4.6.0 release that was scheduled for November 5th or 12th. I'm assuming that got pushed back.

    That's what I get for reading stuff late at night after a long work day!

    Thanks for answering, Kel!

  2. #1112
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobboNJ69 View Post
    Actually, No... I got the content updates confused with the core release.

    There was a module update released on November 12th. I confused that with the 4.6.0 release that was scheduled for November 5th or 12th. I'm assuming that got pushed back.

    That's what I get for reading stuff late at night after a long work day!

    Thanks for answering, Kel!
    Hehe, no worries Indeed, the test server stuff is a bit delayed, so right now no worries

  3. #1113
    Hi, is there a way to apply an effect that would make a PC immune to a condition? I see that IMMUNE works for damage types, but it doesn't do anything about conditions.

  4. #1114
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EndingPop View Post
    Hi, is there a way to apply an effect that would make a PC immune to a condition? I see that IMMUNE works for damage types, but it doesn't do anything about conditions.
    Not really, if someone is immune to a condition like paralyzed etc., then you just should not apply the effect

    There is a SIMMUNE effect in my extension which activates a chat message saying that there is immunity. But that requires that the condition is part of a spell effect with a cast button (because the triggering of the cast button will check for SIMMUNE), so probably to cumbersome for your purpose

  5. #1115
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    Curiosity question. My DM likes to randomize certain things and he was disappointed with the following limitation. Is there a reason that some things like ATK: 1d6 (so it can do dice and designates with a (D) ) and some things like AC: 3 (designated with an (N) ) are limited to single numbers? IOW to me its a limit that seems unnecessary and is obviously already coded for some effects. why limit it?

    and I realize Kel, that you are not the cause of this LOL just thought you might know
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  6. #1116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morenu View Post
    Curiosity question. My DM likes to randomize certain things and he was disappointed with the following limitation. Is there a reason that some things like ATK: 1d6 (so it can do dice and designates with a (D) ) and some things like AC: 3 (designated with an (N) ) are limited to single numbers? IOW to me its a limit that seems unnecessary and is obviously already coded for some effects. why limit it?

    and I realize Kel, that you are not the cause of this LOL just thought you might know
    hehe no worries

    I am heading to bed now, I will try to answer that tomorrow if no-one else did (remind me, if I forgot to answer )

  7. #1117
    Using AC as the example; it's because that is a defensive effect against a fixed number; so there is no way to "roll" those dice as part of the standard rolls.

    To implement, you would either need to pick a random number for those (i.e. completely automated/hidden in the effect string); or make some sort of chain rolling logic to break up the attack roll from a possible "AC roll" that would have to be linked to the original data. It creates a lot of complexity for little gain.


  8. #1118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Using AC as the example; it's because that is a defensive effect against a fixed number; so there is no way to "roll" those dice as part of the standard rolls.

    To implement, you would either need to pick a random number for those (i.e. completely automated/hidden in the effect string); or make some sort of chain rolling logic to break up the attack roll from a possible "AC roll" that would have to be linked to the original data. It creates a lot of complexity for little gain.

    Hmm makes sense.

    I believe he was looking for ways to add randomized buffs to NPCs. He is running a campaign and the characters are too powerful for the encounters in the adventure, so he would like to just randomly buff up the underpowered encounter quickly without redoing the whole encounter. so something that added 0-4 points to any applicable thing like SR, DR, RESIST, AC, ATK, INIT, DMG, SDMG, CL, CMD, SKILL, SAVE, ABILITIES... he has a thing about randomizing certain aspects of encounters. So randomize it once and the effect stays on, not randomize each round or attack.

    So I suggested making "spells" at various buff levels and for various of the above stats and then casting them at the NPCs on the CT 1 time. I was wanting to randomize the effect buff as its cast (so say AC: 1d4 -1 would assign a 0,1,2,or 3 buff to each targeted NPC and that the result would be randomized separately for each target). is there a way to do that across the board?

    sort of like a mass random effect that rolls separately for each target. I am guessing if its possible, he would have to singularly target each NPC if he wants the buffs rolled for each NPC. If he targets all NPCs, I would think they would all get the same result from the randomized rolls.
    Last edited by Morenu; January 20th, 2025 at 19:50.
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance Here is the forum Link.

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  9. #1119
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    I think what you're describing Morenu would be a tag that is a die roll. That way when the effect is applied it will roll a die to get a random value. I believe Kel's extension has support for that, but it may only roll once per buff application.

    Check under `(N)PC Specific Note` the `NdM + K` may be what you're looking for?

    Quick example I think works: `AC: [1d4-1]`

  10. #1120
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoxMax View Post
    I think what you're describing Morenu would be a tag that is a die roll. That way when the effect is applied it will roll a die to get a random value. I believe Kel's extension has support for that, but it may only roll once per buff application.

    Check under `(N)PC Specific Note` the `NdM + K` may be what you're looking for?

    Quick example I think works: `AC: [1d4-1]`
    Indeed, the extension provides a "random value on apply" And as Moon Wizard mentioned, it would be difficult to roll a die each time a combat roll happens for stuff like AC which are usually not rolled
    (I mean it is not impossible; FORTIF is an example of an effect which I added to the defence mechanisms which physically rolls a die, but that was a major change of the code. A random table however is easier to implement as Moon Wizard mentioned, but who wants to roll without a physical die! )
    Last edited by Kelrugem; January 25th, 2025 at 15:25.

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