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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by RobboNJ69 View Post
    Hello Kelrugem! Thank you for the update. I'm loading it up now and will be playing tonight. I appreciate your time on this. Those changes sound perfect. Can I buy you a beer (or two)? Message me.
    You're welcome and thanks And have fun today

    Just a warning: I found a little bug in all the packages where save versus tags was involved, I have reuploaded them Please download again when you use one of them
    Last edited by Kelrugem; November 14th, 2019 at 21:40.

  2. #22
    I was just going to mention the broken link for the full Overlay - but you got it first! Thanks!

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by RobboNJ69 View Post
    I was just going to mention the broken link for the full Overlay - but you got it first! Thanks!
    Cool, hopefully now everything works

  4. #24
    New versions for all packages (with save versus tags incorporated) available due to new little features in Save versus tags, see here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post463256

  5. #25

    I am sorry to bother you again. I have reuploaded save versus tags and its packages because there was a very minor issue: The DC for saves did not immediately account the modifier coming from the ability when adding a new spell until you clicked on the magnifying glass next to the save, then it was correctly updated. (therefore rather minor issue, but still something needed to be fixed) This should now be fixed, so the DC is now correctly updated when added to the spell list and not after the magnifying glass

    Sorry for the reupload again, as usual for very recent releases, now everything should work again Thanks for your patience

    (Ah, some extension updater would be useful for such things then I would not need to spam my extension threads )

    Have fun
    Last edited by Kelrugem; November 17th, 2019 at 08:04.

  6. #26
    I am finally taking the leap to using Save vs. Tags, and I immediately ran into an issue. Whenever possible, I use Farnaby's spell library module when doing my GM prep because it has a lot of spell actions already set up. However, when I drag a spell from this module onto a PC or NPC, the school and other tags don't get auto-populated. Auto-pop works fine when I drag from a different module. The difference seems to be the Farnaby's spells have an <Action> element in them, are you checking for this explicitly and skipping spells that have it already? Currently this means I need to choose between spells with actions already set up, and spells getting schools and tags autopopulated, which means either way there's some extra manual work to do. All things being equal I would probably take the Farnaby's spells over the auto-pop.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by darrenan View Post
    I am finally taking the leap to using Save vs. Tags, and I immediately ran into an issue. Whenever possible, I use Farnaby's spell library module when doing my GM prep because it has a lot of spell actions already set up. However, when I drag a spell from this module onto a PC or NPC, the school and other tags don't get auto-populated. Auto-pop works fine when I drag from a different module. The difference seems to be the Farnaby's spells have an <Action> element in them, are you checking for this explicitly and skipping spells that have it already? Currently this means I need to choose between spells with actions already set up, and spells getting schools and tags autopopulated, which means either way there's some extra manual work to do. All things being equal I would probably take the Farnaby's spells over the auto-pop.
    Yes, this is intended for the automatic parser of the tags etc. The tags are only automatically added for spells onto which the FG parser looks at. The reason for this was simply that one can add also one's own-made tags (because it is too difficult to automatically parse any possible needed tag which may be hidden in the spell description; the sleep or fear tag are such examples. But I also use a tag like magicmissile to code the AC effect against magic missiles in the shield spell). In that way you can add your own tags and when you then drag&drop this spell from the actions tab into the spell library then the own-made tags are saved, too, and will not be overwritten by the parser when you later add this spell entry from the library into another actions tab (this is how FG generally works, too, as you know. Basically the module you mention uses this behaviour to make the configuration of the spells better when drag&dropping them into an actions tab because the FG parser ignores such created spells Thence, the spells from the module of Farnaby are ignored by the parser to keep the better defined actions; but the tags are sadly not automatically added then because for the automatic parsing of tags one needs the FG parser)

    I can try to look at the module of Farnaby but I am not so experienced into how FG distinguishes the modules in "FG parser looks at this" and "FG parser ignores this". Is this just this <Action> element? Hmmm, I can try to see whether one can tell the code that tags should always be automatically added (but then own-made tags can not be saved in the library anymore, only in the actions themselves; so everything depends a bit on whether how many own-made tags are used)

    Or, I can try to add a separate "Reparse spell" button in the actions tab which only parses the tags. What do you think? But I am not sure when I will be able to add this, so, I hope manually adding tags is at the moment not so cumbersome when using Farnaby's spells
    Last edited by Kelrugem; November 25th, 2019 at 00:03.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by darrenan View Post
    I am finally taking the leap to using Save vs. Tags, and I immediately ran into an issue. Whenever possible, I use Farnaby's spell library module when doing my GM prep because it has a lot of spell actions already set up. However, when I drag a spell from this module onto a PC or NPC, the school and other tags don't get auto-populated. Auto-pop works fine when I drag from a different module. The difference seems to be the Farnaby's spells have an <Action> element in them, are you checking for this explicitly and skipping spells that have it already? Currently this means I need to choose between spells with actions already set up, and spells getting schools and tags autopopulated, which means either way there's some extra manual work to do. All things being equal I would probably take the Farnaby's spells over the auto-pop.
    As a follow-up: What certainly is possible that I save the source of the tags (especially the spell school entry) also in the roll for saves etc. The automatic parser just looks at the spell entries to find tags, this "finding of tags" can also be done when it is about making saves, CLC and so on Then it would also work for your module because the tags in the school entry will be used regardless of whether they are written in the tags line. The only problem is then the definition about whether it is a spell or spelllike (or none of both like supernatural). But maybe I can tell the code somehow to always assume spells except otherwise noted.

    Maybe this would suit you better?

  9. #29
    New update for the corresponding packages due to a small bug fix in save versus tags (about the new option to let the DC of an individual spell be calculated by another ability than the base ability of the spell class) See the save versus tags thread for more information

  10. #30
    Due to some bug fix of darrenan for the mirror image handler (thanks Darrenan See here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post475227 ) Please update your extension when you use the following extensions together with the mirror image handler of Darrenan

    StrainInjury with advanced 3.5e and Pathfinder
    StrainInjury with Full Package
    StrainInjury with Full OverlayPackage

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