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  1. #11

    3.3.9 and FGU update


    In this post is now the version for 3.3.9 (EDIT: nope, now in main post ). Do not use it until 3.3.9 came out and rather wait for this FG update since I may reupload it, depending on whether there are updates in the 3.3.9 patch itself which also affect this extension The new version will be only in this post here, I will add it in my extension thread and in the main post here after 3.3.9 came out to avoid that people download the new version already while still being in 3.3.8. My combined packages with this extension are not updated yet, too, just the single AoO extension so far. I mainly write this post to save already the description of the following new changes before I forget what I've added New features:

    • Updated for FGU, not only for 3.3.9
    • Compatibility with the mirror image handler of darrenan (you have to load the mirror image handler separately as an extension to use both, the mirror image handler and AoO extension), see https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...dler-extension.
    • Incorporated the keen effect of darrenan such that it is now also compatible with this extension (but do not load the keen extension then, it's incorporated in that extension now; beware the opposite behaviour w.r.t. the previous point (see https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...ical-Extension)

    Have fun
    Last edited by Kelrugem; November 11th, 2019 at 06:41.

  2. #12

    Now the new version is in the main post Updated to 3.3.9 New features:
    • Updated to FGU (hopefully)
    • Compatibility with the mirror image handler of darrenan (you have to load the mirror image handler separately as an extension to use both, the mirror image handler and AoO extension), see https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...dler-extension.
    • Incorporated the keen effect of darrenan such that it is now also compatible with this extension (but do not load the keen extension then, it's incorporated in that extension now; beware the opposite behaviour w.r.t. the previous point (see https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...ical-Extension)
    • Incorporated and updated flat-footed on start extension of mr900rr (thanks! ), see https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post411946. To use this, there is a new option in the options: screenshot0027.png Its standard value will be off as long one does not change this. Turn it on and then every combatant in the CT will get automatically the effect flatfooted after rolling initiative (every option for rolling iniative taken into account) when the round tracker in the CT is at 0; the effect will have suitable durations such that it expires when the actor has its first turn (except maybe the very first one when that actor is the active combatant in the CT, so make sure that there is no active actor before the combat starts (by e.g. clearing the initiative first and so on). Normally noone is active before the first fight, but I do not know how you handle your CT ). Do not load the separate flat-footed on start extension, this extension is already not up-to-date and it might cause incompatibilities. Since it is incorporated there is no need anymore to load it
    • The automatic apply of flat-footed will not be done when either the PC has (improved) uncanny dodge under Class abilities or the NPC has (improved) uncanny dodge in its SQ (special qualities) (no need for having them as effects except when you maybe want to use the new NIFT operators of my save versus tags extension )
    • Beware that there is now a unified version for both, 3.5e and Pathfinder. Do not ignore the very big red text in the main post
    Last edited by Kelrugem; November 11th, 2019 at 07:14.

  3. #13
    By the way: Is it okay that the automated apply of flat-footed happens at round 0 only? I had to restrict that to one specific number due to the possible option of rolling initiative every round and personally I reset the counter of the rounds always by selecting it and pressing return which results into a 0 and not a 1. But it could be that much more users start at round 1? I can change that if you want

    And: The flat-footed effect will always be applied for NPCs added to the CT when you have "Add: Auto NPC initiative" on "on" (or "group", I guess) which I did in that way because then you can add "newcomer" NPCs into the Combat which are then flat-footed if needed.

    Yeah, not so easy to figure out what's the best way to add flat-footed automatically without disturbing too much (therefore also the option to turn it off completely and to restrict it to round 0 only)
    Last edited by Kelrugem; November 16th, 2019 at 20:25.

  4. #14
    Due to some bug fix of darrenan for the mirror image handler (thanks Darrenan See here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post475227 ) I have updated this extension Please download again when you use these extensions together with darrenan's mirror image handler

  5. #15
    The package of AoO with the advanced effects got updated to 3.3.10 Make sure to download it when 3.3.10 is released

  6. #16
    btw - I love the flat footed addition - such a quality of life enhancement.

  7. #17

    The extension with the advanced effects in it got updated to make them compatible with https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...s-(FG-v3-1-3-)

    Please redownload if you also use this extension (you still have to load both separately)

    Oh, and thanks Ckorik for your nice words

  8. #18
    New version for the package with advanced effects due to a new effect: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post490886

  9. #19
    I updated it for 3.3.11 Please update, and both versions are now compatible with rmilmine's and bmos's extension See also https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post528289

  10. #20
    hi, ive installed Attack of Opportunity tracker
    For 3.3.11+. V.

    "By a request I added now some AoO tracker in the CT, see the attached image." ....

    but I cannot find/see an attached image. I've installed and can see nothing changed on the CT....
    I've also installed the combined pathfinder and etc. versions, no change
    I'm lost...

    help please

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