FG License: Had a FG2 full license but that was a laptop and 6-7 years ago, lol. Thinking about investing in Ultimate but want to try hand as a player first and get a feel for it again.
Time Zone: EST
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Can make anything after 9:30 PM EST work (2 kids, one 3 and one 2 so need to put them to bed first) so 8:30+ CST, 7:30+MST, 6:30+PST.
Term: Anything at this point - prefer long term but will take what's out there (one shot, short term)
Voice: Yes, can voice chat and will download what is needed

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E, could do others (see below) but don't have the books for them so would require some reminders/hand holding
Game System Experience: D&D 5E, D&D 4E, D&D 3.5, Pathfinder
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Had FG2 Full License a lifetime ago and was pretty familiar with it (ran games as DMs and made maps and imported them) but not recent

Character Type Preferred: Flexible, have a Bard and Hexblade Warlock concepts I would like to try but will fill a role to complement the party as necessary
About me: Casual with a mix of RP and combat. I'm not an actor or singer but will try - feel like there needs to be some RP and exploration in there otherwise combat gets a little tedious just on its own. Stopped playing for awhile (2 kids and all lol) and just got back into it. Like the streamlining of 5E so made it pretty easy to jump back in. I'm in my mid-40s and laid back, easy going, and tolerant; just looking to get more D&D in my life! Have started with a regular face to face game that meets once a week and I just DM'd a one shot that went pretty well all things considered and I crave MOAR lol.