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Thread: Frustrated

  1. #1


    I feel like I bought half a product.

    Why am I restricted to producing PCs from the party screen?

    How do you record attacks for NPCs?

    Is there any automation for combat?

    Extras in at least 1 power are missing from the "Extras drag and drop" screenn.

    Everything seems to be the start of a good idea until (whoever) burned out.

  2. #2
    What ruleset are you using as that will steer the direction first.
    "Time is an illusion...lunch time doubly so."

  3. #3
    Mutants and Masterminds....

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by graz View Post
    Mutants and Masterminds....
    Ah, I don't know that ruleset unfortunately, but be patient as someone more knowledgeable than I should be able to help.

    By the by...welcome to the forums��
    "Time is an illusion...lunch time doubly so."

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by graz View Post
    I feel like I bought half a product.

    How do you record attacks for NPCs?

    Is there any automation for combat?

    Everything seems to be the start of a good idea until (whoever) burned out.
    I can understand your frustration. I can at least help with one of your questions about entering NPC powers. This thread here give a decent amount of information on how to structure NPC powers.

    The linked thread is quite old but the ruleset hasn't been changed since that time so it should still be relevant. The thread also has discussions about the ruleset you might find helpful.

    There are some automated features for combat, for example it does roll attacks and the appropriate saves for them but only for normal attacks. It doesn't inherently handle area effect attacks where there is no attack roll but two saves are needed (one to half the DC of the second save). It also applies damage effects, based on the degree of failure but not things like affliction. It doesn't support a wide array of condition formatting, for example it is missing the ability to have an effect persist until a save is made.

    All-in-all this was a decent first wack at supporting M&M 3E, but the developer didn't support it past the initial development and release.
    Last edited by DrakosDJ; April 27th, 2019 at 06:38.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Vendsyssel (Denmark)
    There is nothing wrong with the ruleset, which works fine. Smiteworks has been very supportive for keeping it working in spite of the author's lack of support. I wish they would put text formatting into the power category on npc's so you could link things, but otherwise it quite ok.

    As for NPC attacks, I got you covered:

    Attack +0 (+15/20-20);
    Attack +0 Ranged (+15/20-20);
    Attack +0 (+15/20-20 vs fortitude);
    Attack +0 (+15/20-20 vs will);
    Attack +0 Ranged (+15/20-20 vs fortitude);
    Attack +0 Ranged (+15/20-20 vs will);

    This should cover all possible NPC attacks. Let me break the code down, but pardon me, if I get something wrong. It's been a while! (Remember to end all sentences in the "offence category" with an ; to make a solid break from the next item on the list).

    Attack +x. X is the "to hit" number.
    The effect number is the +15. Add the effect number to 15. This must balance out the to hit number.
    20-20 is the crit range. If you have a crit range lower than 20, change the first number in the syntax (ie. 18-20 etc).
    Attacks normally compare to Parry, but the "ranged" suffix will make the attack hit Dodge instead.
    "vs fortitude" / vs will" obviously targets Fortitude / Will instead of Parry / Dodge.

    And just to make it easy for you, here's the entire list of skills you can put into NPC sheets:

    Acrobatics (Agi) +0,
    Athletics (Str) +0,
    Close Combat (Fgt) +0,
    Deception (Pre) +0,
    Expertise (Int) +0,
    Insight (Awe) +0,
    Intimidation (Pre) +0,
    Investigation (Int) +0,
    Perception (Awe) +0,
    Persuasion (Pre) +0,
    Ranged Combat (Dex) +0,
    Sleight of Hand (Dex) +0,
    Stealth (Agi) +0,
    Technology (Int) +0,
    Treatment (Int) +0,
    Vehicles (Dex) +0,

    Remember that you can create an npc template with all those attacks and skill pasted into it. Then drag / drop that template npc within the npc list to make a copy, saving you a lot of time creating npc's.

    Attacks can be drag / dropped on combat tracker or on tokens on a battlemap, just like any other FG ruleset. This is true for both characters and npc's. Is that the automation you're looking for?

    If you have problems with any of the above, feel free to drop me a line on Discord. I am viresanimi there too.

    I hope this helps you. I really like how this system lets you create just the superhero you want and balance it nicely. Don't be discouraged just because it is an old ruleset. I've had a ton of fun with M&M and I am sure you can too.

    Vires Animi

  7. #7
    (exhale) - Thank you both for the crucial information.

    The ruleset may "work" but if no one knows how to use it (dot dot dot).

    At the LEAST they should email out your message(s) if they are charging money for it, right?

    Something other than "thanks for the 20 bucks....good luck figuring it out."

  8. #8

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    Also keep in mind there's a 30 day money back guarantee, no questions asked (if you have not exceeded that already) if you email support. People use M&M just fine, but if your first impression was 5E, Savage Worlds, etc. that are newer and have lots of fancy features, these older rulesets are a lot more "back to basics" feature-wise.

    M&M (and all the other retail rulesets in the store) are not SmiteWorks products (the ones they built, you get for free) so they're dependent on community developers to create and maintain DLC. Sometimes people move on, then eventually someone else takes their place.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Vendsyssel (Denmark)
    Something other than "thanks for the 20 bucks....good luck figuring it out."
    That's how every single ruleset works here. You need to put some time into learning the programme. But its very doable and before you get stressed, just know that this is the friendliest corner of the internet. People here are always helpful with questions.

    Happy gaming

    Vires Animi

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by graz View Post
    At the LEAST they should email out your message(s) if they are charging money for it, right?

    Something other than "thanks for the 20 bucks....good luck figuring it out."
    Yeah, that was one of my critiques in the thread I linked to. However once you get the hang of it it is quite handy for running an M&M 3E game.

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